Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Crazy Town Singer Dead Synced To My Dream Theme Blog Post From November/December

I messaged Sturgill earlier, because someone asked me to DJ on the 4th of July. They said they were Geselle and they were Cheese's girlfriend. I had no idea who Cheese was, so I asked Sturgill if he knew. We figured it out, and joked about Giselle Bundchen trying to get ahold of me...I'm only mentioning this as it may be important to what I'm gonna talk about at a later date.
Anyway, he went on to tell me that the singer from Crazy Town died.

I have a few blog posts about Synchronicity with Crazy Town that involves Sturgill, so I searched "Crazy Town" on my blog. I only have a few posts, and this one sticks out, because it's about the Tua jersey that Sturgill bought me in December 2023. 
Oddly enough, I am wearing that Jersey today..I haven't wore this jersey in a while either, it was just the first clean shirt I found this morning, so I put it on.
In this blog post, I, was talking about a dream that Maci had where I died, and how it was synced to the number 228. 
I just posted an Unpublished Blog Post about it a second ago. I didn't realize I hadn't published it yet. 
In that post, I mentioned how her dream was 2 months 28 days before the psychic ladies bday...and also 228 days before her husband's death anniversary. He's the guy I dreamt would die in high school and then died the next day....that post also involved Sturgill..

Chris Sturgill=228(FB)

When I went to ask Maci he I died in her dream, I noticed that she had a Butterfly by her Snapchat name...and I was having Butterfly syncs around that time, which I thought were connected to the band Crazy Town.

Jason Aldean was synced to this with his song, "Crazytown," and his bday is 2/28.

Hope that makes sense..

But now that I find out the Crazy Town singer dies 228 days after my bday.

He actually died on 6/24, a span of 228 days after my bday.
Notice that I also talked about how that dream about me was 198 days after Sturgill's brother Kirk's death anniversary..I also had a dream with Kirk just after he died. 

The wedding that DJ'ed for the day of Maci's dream was in Charter Oak.

Charter Oak=198(FB)
In my post with the Tua jersey, I mentioned a bunch of 198...
It was connected to my Uncle Barney giving me the Dan Marino jersey years before. I pointed how how Barney died 228 days before Sturgill's bday...but I also thought it was interesting that I had blogged about Barney's brother Ed(My Uncle) and the number 198.

Also, Tua and Dan Marino's are separated by 198 days.
I found out theCrazy Town singer just died 198 days after that Tua jersey blog post.

Or he died a span of 198 days after that post.

I also had that Stroke synchronicity with Ace Ventura and Dan Marino at the bar in Charter Oak in 2022. Maci used to bartend at that bar...it is now closed though. Can't remember if she was working that night either. In that post I mentioned how I was watching the Brooklynn Nets too...
New Jersey..
Getting a New Jersey...

That Stroke stuff was synced to Zach's Sweet Lady..and oddly enough, today is her bday.

Maci Segebart=221 and 49
Shifty died age 49.
221 a big Volcano number.
Notice that Shifty was born on Vulcanalia(Volcano God).

Been showing the connectio.s to the Dream theme with Volcanoes.

Today is 1 month 29 days before  Vulcanalia.

129 the other big Volcano number.

Makes me think of the shiw Manifest with the death date and Volcano.
Today is also 213 days, days after Maci's dream. Or Shifty died a span of 213 days later too.

Think of all the 213  I just mentioned with Volcanoes and my dad.
I originally had a synchronicity with Crazy Town on 3/17/2023...

That was 1 year 3 months 8 days before today.

Today is also 138 days before my bday.

Donald Trump=138?

Not sure what that means, but the date 3/17 is St. Patrick's Day...and recall how I fell down the stairs at Sturgills after DJing St. Patty's day at the bar...then Joe Biden fell up the stairs a few days later on 3/19/2021, which was when the big Volcano narrative started.....Sturgill shares a bday with Biden.

Epic Mazur, the other singer in Crazy Town was born on 8/31...which was big with how the Volcano Theme came along and my son, Alistair, being born on 8/31.

A few last thoughts..
I imagine Tua Tagovailoa is synced to the Hawk Tuah girl that has been memed around.

Plus, Tua and Hawaii...Volcano

Today is also 2 months 21 days, or 82 days before Dan Marino's bday.




  1. Lol!! I always thought Butterfly was a Limp Bizkit song and apparently the Internet agrees


    Fred Durst turned exactly 666 lunar months old the day Shifty died

  2. Check this out https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.billboard.com/music/rock/corey-feldman-the-goonies-michael-jackson-fred-durst-the-joke-video-1235715584/amp/

  3. Bro... Tua.... Hock Tua!! Have you seen the hock Tua clip? Lol
