Sunday, July 28, 2024

Zach's Blog Posts About Prince After My Post on 7/22/24-Purple Rain Released 316 Days Before Prince's Bday-Ukraine's President born 316 days before Pearl Harbor


On 7/22/24, I blogged that Biden dropped out of the race on Zach Hubbard's bday. CNN also gave us a story of Lisa Simpson and Kamala Harris, but in their story, they made it seem as if Lisa wasn't wearing a Purple outfit. This made me think of the PRINCE connection with 319...418/Aleister Crowley that was important to Zach. 
Aleister Crowley=316(Composite)

Anyway, I just went to Zach's blog and I see that he has 2 posts from yesterday about Prince lol. They are in relation to the 7/27/24, being the 40th anniversary of the film "Purple Rain" releasing. 

Go figure, the film "Purple Rain" released a span of 316 days before Prince's bday. 

This really makes me think I am on something big with these 316 connections to MONEY/Stock Market. 

Prince died Queen Elizabeth II's bday. 
Elizabeth II died 456 days before Pearl Harbor Day, which is interesting with Lisa's Pearl Necklace. 

Notice that President Zelenskyy of Ukraine has a bday that is 316 days before Pearl Harbor day too. 
Biden met with Putin on Pearl Harbor day, just before Russia invaded Ukraine. 
Zelenskyy compared the Russian invasion to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 on 3/16. 
Recall that 9/11 is 2 months 26 days before Pearl Harbor Day. 

Think about the 1993 World Trade Center Attack on 2/26. 

Pearl Harbor=226(FB)
World War=226(FB)
Russia invaded Ukraine 226 days before Putin's bday. 
Kim Jong-un=226(FB)

Prince Rogers Nelson=226

Biden dropped out of the race on Zach's bday, which is typically 226 days after Pearl Harbor day. 

Donald J. Trump=226(FB)
The Turkey president born on 2/26. 
The number 226 was big with a Boxing narrative that involves Ukraine/Russia...
I haven't blogged about it, but think about Trump's EAR in relation to Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield. That fight happened on the anniversary of Ukraine's current constitution. 

Trump's assassnation attempt was also 4 months 24 days before Pearl Harbor Day. 
Think about Trump and 424 with Ukraine. 

Random 316 here too...but earlier today I found Marilyn Manson's real name to have the 316 connection. 

Brian Hugh Warner=316(FB)

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