Monday, July 29, 2024

Synchronicity with Stevie Wonder and 312 After My Last Post-Aleister Crowley/Hell Theme


I just posted about Amish Paradise coming out on 3/12 and whatnot, and then I went to Facebook. I was watching some video about the DREAM Team sucking, and at the end, they make fun of David Robinson saying he had hair like Stevie Wonder. 

 Amish Paradise is synced to Stevie Wonder, so I thought this was interesting. 

I then went to my email and saw that someone commented on that Zoloft Commercial video again. Years ago I left a comment about the rock not being depressed, because he's always stoned....every now and again, someone still comments on it. 

But notice, how that Zoloft video was put on YouTube on the date 3/12. 


Original Zoloft Commercial=1111(Satanic)


David Robinson=198(FB)

Recall how back in November I was blogging about a HELL Theme that was important to 198 and 1111, or 11:11. And notice this post involved my son Alistair, and the connection to Aleister Crowley, which is what I blogged about in my previous post tonight. 

I never realized it until now...
But in a non leap year, my son's bday(8/31) is 316 days before 7/13, which is the day of the Trump assassination attempt. 

8/31 is also 316 days after Kamala Harris' bday. 

So once again, the date 8/31 seems significant...

David Robinson does have the 8/6 bday too. This was another important date that I'm following in relation to my book and Aleister Crowley. 

Ha, even the comment is synced to my previous post. 

Lol He discovered Rock & Roll=516(FB)

8/31 is also 81 days before Biden's bday. 
81 a big number with Biden/Trump
It's also a span of 2 months 21 days, or 82 days. 
Both numbers important to Volcano symbolism, that is related to my son. 

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