Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump Shot in the Ear Same Day Shannen Doherty Dies-The Buffy the Vampire Slayer/JFK Narrative-Dream Theme


Just the other day I was thinking about Shannen Doherty in relation to Donald Sutherland dying. I didn't blog about it, as I haven't had much time to blog stuff lately lol...She was connected due to the death of Luke Perry and 90210...I didn't know how she was connected, but I was thinking how there may be something to do with her, and now she dies. 

Recall that Luke Perry died 3 months 10 days after I noticed a pattern in the news with Buffy the Vampire Slayer on 11/22/2018. This was all connected to JFK...See my previous posts about the death of Donald Sutherland and the connection to 310. 

What are the odds that someone connected to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer theme dies on the same day Donald Trump gets shot in the ear? Reminding us of presidential assassinations and JFK. 
Considering that Donald Trump was shot in the EAR, I thought maybe the band "Earshot" may be important. I remember them from the "Queen of the Damned" Soundtrack. 

So I look up the band "Earshot" on Wikipedia and notice the "See Also" section talks about an episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" called "Earshot." 
This is how I know I'm on the correct train of thought with this lol. 
Even funnier is that this episode was delayed due to the Columbine Shooting. If you go back to 2017 when I was talking about the narrative with Donald Sutherland and the Sutherland Springs Church shooting, it also involved Columbine. This was due to Marilyn Manson's "Coma White" music video that recreated the JFK assassination. The video was delayed because of Columbine, and then again later that year after JFK Jr. died in a plane crash. 

Marilyn Manson also had the "Say10" video with Donald Trump being assassinated around this time. 

Think how we have Robert Kennedy Jr. who is running for president too. 

Another crazy thing is that I found out Trump was shot on a car ride to my brothers house yesterday. My kid was playing on my phone, but my mom randomly showed a post on Facebook that Trump was shot. The reason it's so important though, is that it happened at the exact spot where the guy from my DREAM theme died in a car crash. Right next to the train tracks with the NIN fence posts. Maybe it was because of this, but last night I had a dream that my dad died again. In the dream I was crying on the couch and I was trying to unravel a phone cord...then a bit later, my mom and dad both came in the living room to see what was wrong. I was confused as I thought my dad died, but there he was standing there with my mom. I then asked them, if this was a dream, and then I woke up. 

Recall that in 2018, when I had the dream of my dad dying, I connected it to my Dad's Father(My Grandpa). I thought he would died when my dad was 63 years old, and he ended up dying a month shy of my dad's 63rd bday on 3/10/2020. So it's connected to the number 310 as well. The dream theme in 2022 was also connected to the date 3/10.

The reason I thought it was 63, was due to a bunch of FATHER/Priest synchronicities that I had in 2017. 
For example, all of the priests in my town were connected to 63.
Father Fred died on the 63rd day. 
Father Jim's name summed to 63. 
Father Howard kicked out of church age 63 for Sexual assault.
Father Paul, the Jesuit, died age 63 in a bathtub on the Jesuit residence at Creighton. He died 6 months 3 days after the Jesuit anniversary. 
I only noticed these due to the synchronicity I had with the film "Spotlight"....
But I also pointed out how JFK died in 63' after meeting the Pope. 

And recall the assassinated president theme goes back to Abe Lincoln having a DREAM 10 days before he was shot, that he would be assassinated. 

Kristy Swanson(Buffy) is also a big Donald Trump fan. 

I also switched my car insurance to State Farm on Friday. They somehow had my bday as 11/10/1992 and not 1982...I thought this was odd, because the last 3 times I've DJ'ed, people asked me how old I was, and they all I thought I was in my late 20's or early 30's....but I'm 41. So then I get to State Farm and they have me as age 31, and after I corrected her, she couldn't believe that I was 41. 

The reason I am mentioning this though, is that Buffy the Vampire Slayer came out in 1992...It came out 3 months 10 days before my 10th bday.....this means that I was 9 years old when the film came out....
Recall the number "9" is huge with the DREAM theme. 

So possibly the anniversary of Buffy coming out will be important this year...7/31/2024? 

State Farm=418(Satanic)
Just find that interesting with the Aleister Crowley stuff. It's a long story with why I switched too...but it's like half the price I was paying at Farm Bureau. Basically, I had State Farm for years, and then my cousin got a job at Farm Bureau and I switched...then he quit like a month out of nowhere my bill went up over a $100, so I switched back to State Farm. Funny too, as I'm typing this, I just remembered that I DJ'ed a wedding on 5/4/2024 for a guy we call "Jake From State Farm." 

So many things going on with these stories...

Beverly Hills 90210

This just after the new "Beverly Hills Cop" is released. 

Queen of the Damned

Shannen Doherty also connected to Paris with Paris Hilton's sex tapes...The news is announced on Bastille Day, just before the Olympics begin in France. 
Luke Perry's last film was "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" that involved Charles Manson....Charles Manson died just after the Sutherland Springs Church shooting that is connected to this narrative with Buffy/JFK/Marilyn Manson.

Roman Polanski fled to France...Manson Family killed his wife..
Rape was at Jack Nicholson's house....Shelley Duvall from "The Shining" just died...

The Manson Family murder house was owned by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails(Dream). 

France and Charles Manson were linked to Tisha B'Av in 2019 that seems to be important again this year. 

It's like about 10 of my old Themes are all coming together right now. 

The Dream theme also has to do with Mushrooms, and recall Luke Perry was buried in a Mushroom suit.....I might write more in a differet blog post, but on July 3rd, I ate 7 Mushroom gummies. It's a long story, but I didn't realize how much I had ate at the time....Definitely went to the spirit world lol. 


  1. July 25th will be 88888 days after the discovery of Uranus

  2. Zenith mentioned you in a community post. Something I always forget to do on YouTube is to check the mentions under notifications.
