Monday, July 1, 2024

Michael J. Fox Performs With Coldplay at Glastonbury and the DREAM/Father Theme-Jack Black-Bill Cobbs-Jared Leto-Airborne-Air Bud


Michael J Fox is in the news today for playing a the song "Fix You" with Coldplay last night. 

Michael J Fox=184(FB)
Today leaves 184 days in the year. 

I blogged about Michael J Fox on 4/28/24, in relation to the Minnesota Timberwolves having a good season, and possibly them playing the Celtics in the NBA Finals. 

Notice how I talked about the DREAM Theme in that post too. The number 184 is synced to my Dream Theme. 
Today is even 63 days after my blog post. 
Notice that I blogged about the number 63 in that post in relation to Muhammad Ali, and Michael J Fox turning 63 years old. 

I also blogged about the number 198 in that post. 
Parkinson's Disease=198
Teen Wolf=198(FB)
Kevin Garnett=198(FB)

Notice the song "Fix You." 

Fix You=198(FB)

I've also been blogging about the Dream theme being related to Volcano's...and recall that the film Teen Wolf came out on Vulcanalia. 

Even more interesting is that this concert was at Glastonbury. Recall in 2015 I was following a big theme with Kanye West singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" at Glastonbury...that theme was related to Freddy Krueger and a DREAM Theme. 

Coldplay is also perfect as I have multiple posts about them in relation to the DREAM theme and their album "A Head Full of Dreams." It was in relation to Obama and the number 9...and the next president to die in office will be the 9th....and recall the Dream theme is all about the number 9. 
Today is even 9 days before my Psychic Dream in High School. 

I even mentioned Volcano in one of my old posts, and Mount St. Helens. 
Of course, the song was written to comfort Gwyneth Paltrow after her Father Died. 
You just can't make this up. 

Chris Martin=184(FB)
I think there may be something with Jack Black. At work today, Karl was talking about Jared Leto, who I always thought was in this movie called "Airborne." I looked it up and found he was not in the film, but Jack Black was. I remember watching this as a kid, but it was so long ago, that I wouldn't have recognized Jack Black. So I thought it was funny he was in the film. 

The point is that whenever I think of Gwyneth Paltrow, my first thought is the film "Shallow Hal" with Jack Black. In the film Jack is hypnotized by Tony Robbins...if you go back to 2022, I had synchronicity with Tony Robbins that was linked to this Dream Theme. So I think there must be something synced to him or Jack Black. 

Maybe I need to go back and look at Zenith's 30 Seconds to Mars videos too. I can't remember all of the info. 
I just searched my blog to see if I talked about Zenith and 30 Seconds to Mars. Of course, in the blog post where I mentioned it, I also had synchronicity with the word "JACK." 

I was talking about Jack Nicholson in that post, but interesting it's now connected to JACK Black. 

Black Jack....Gambling/Dream...
Looking at Jack Black, another film I had no idea he was in is "Demolition Man." This only stands out, because we just had the death of Bill Cobbs who was in "Demolition Man." The News stories also told us that he was in the film "Air Bud." Just thinking "Airborne"..."Air Bud" 

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