Monday, September 25, 2023

My Salsa Synchronicity was the same day The Umbrella Man Made the 166 Video Linking to PET PIG/Mary Tofflemire

 My old co-worker named Paula is who gave me the Cliffy's Salsa when I had the synchronicity Zach was making fun of. She retired in January, and I've maybe seen her once since she retired. Her husband comes in once and a while to give us stuff from his garden, but Paula never comes....we even talk about her at work sometimes, because we figured she would come visit a lot after she retired, but she never does.... 

What are the odds that she would show up today and hang out for like a half hour though?...Right after Zach makes the video about that salsa lol...

Yesterday was also a span of 9 months 4 days before Paula's bday.
Think about 94 in relation to my video about Zach, Rambo Ides of March.
My synchronicity with that Salsa was also 9 months 4 days after Zach's bday....yet again, it lines up perfectly lol. 
Montagraphs latest Video 166 Post-PIG Mary Tofflemire
Having that synchronicity with Cliffy's Salsa on the date 4/25 also stands out a ton in relation to the Umbrella Theme and the Pet Pig. 

Notice that Montagraph/The Umbrella Man made the 166 video on 4/25/2017...the video that was connected to me. You can read the post above from the link...but this is also where I blogged about the PET PIG Synchronicity with Mary Tofflemire. 

So what are the odds that Zach decides to make fun of my Salsa Synchronicity...and then also talks about his neighbors PET PIG in the same video? 
I'm telling you, it all links back to the Umbrella/Mind Control Symbolism. 

Paula's bday was 261 days before Zach kicked Rambo off the Ides of March Gematria Effect episode. I just talked about 261 last night in relation to the Salsa and the CLIFF Theme. 

Further, what are the odds that there is a headline story on CNN today about a lady who fell off a CLIFF? Give me a break. 

Most people would decode it this way. 

She fell 150 feet because...
Nancy Sampson=46
Glassmine Falls Overlook=91
The Society of Jesus=91
Blue Ridge Parkway=79
Society of Jesus=79

This type of decode happens all of the time....and this is what I am talking about. How did a CLIFF story come into the news after I'm telling about the syncs to the CLIFF Theme with Zach's video. Is it connected to my synchronicity? Or is it just the Jesuits, because my programmed belief in these numbers showed up?

If this is her real birthday, notice how she died a span of 99 days after it. 
99 a Big number with the Cliff Theme/Austin Bomber stuff. 



  1. The receptionist at my kids' dentist gave me a couple jars of her homemade salsa this past Wednesday the 20th. 263 days before my bday. Would be Jesuits right? 56th prime. 103 days after my birthday. Mercury there but also "Jesuits" = 103. They're after me!!
