Monday, September 18, 2023

Synchronicity with RADIO Last Night-SEAL Theme-Train Theme


I had to DJ a wedding in Woodbine last night, but it only went from 4pm to 8pm. I then went to a different wedding in town for a bit, but had to leave to give Jasmine a ride. She had my van and the headlights went out...a lot more to the story that I may talk about later, as it might be important at a later date in relation to the synchronicity I am going to explain. 

Anyway, as I was leaving the wedding, I figured I would turn the radio station to 96.3. My friend Sam recently made his own radio broadcast on this channel, and has been playing talk radio shows such as Bill Cooper on it. Depending on which direction, the signal reaches a least few miles out of town, but it works well in Woodbine. I haven't been to Woodbine for a while, so I figured I would try and see how far it reaches again. I turned it on while I was waiting for a train, and then I got a notification on my phone from Sam. The notification was a Facebook post of his radio schedule on Facebook. He tagged me, because he is playing some of my YouTube videos on it as well. 

I messaged Sam about the synchronicity on my way home. I then got on my computer and went to my email to see I had a comment on a one of my TRAIN videos. Notice this person is also telling me I will get my Seal from RADIO Nauru. 
I then messaged Sam about this email, and he said that he has been seeing a SEAL theme lately. He was adding music to his laptop and was thinking about playing a couple SEAL songs, but didn't have and CD's. His cousin also found a weird place on a bike ride with a bunch of stones in a circle...and another stone with a Seal on it. 

So maybe there is something with SEAL the singer...or in relation to RADIO, it makes me think of Cuba Gooding Jr. 
Ed Harris is also in RADIO..and he's also in one of the National Treasure films..something that was synced not too long ago..

I also think there is something to do with TRAIN again...possibly I will have a revealing dream....but I turned the radio station on while waiting for a train. Then when I got back to Dunlap, I had to drive to the country to pick up Jasmine, and I had to wait for a train again. Also, just before I got to the train in Dunlap, I noticed that the street light it went out and then came back on....I only found this strange, because I had to pick Jasmine up due to both headlights on my van going out. The guy who normally takes care of my friend Phil at night was at his daughter's wedding, so Jasmine went out there last night for him. Oddly enough, after the wedding that I DJ'ed was over, I went out to his daughters wedding, which was also in Woodbine. I was there for like 10 minutes and Jasmine called me and said the headlights were out. 

I'm so tired, that I'm not gonna look into some of my thoughts tonight. One other thing I want to mention before I forget though...
My sister sold me a Blazer from her house today...Well, she is letting me make payments and such, but she gave me a good deal....but moral of the story is that it has a sticker on the back window that says, "Maui." With the luck I've had this year, the car will probably start on fire lol. 

Also, we just had the Morocco Earthquake....the Morocco Flag's Pentagram is meant to represent the Seal of Solomon...
Nauru is near the Solomon Islands. 
Sam tried to find the Seal on the stone in the Lesser Key of Solomon. 

Solomon Islands..Earthquake Hotspot. 
Christchurch New Zealand...Ides of March stuff..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was actually looking at the sigils for the 72 demons yesterday to see which one stood out. Sigils like seals I guess. There was one that stood out to me that looks like a bow and arrow. Funny enough the demon is called "Aim". I mentioned a ton of 795s with the Jets and Aaron Rodgers. 795 in strongs Greek/Hebrew concordance gives the word stoichos which means to miss the mark. I've also heard a similar definition for "sin". The demon "Aim" is said to set things on fire. Also read somewhere that the month of August is when demons are most active. I left a comment saying how the UAW president's name "Shawn Fain" is a perfect match to Pentagram. Rambo says Pentagram is a Sirius symbol but I always thought Venus made more sense since it forms a Pentagram in the sky. As above so below. Revelation 22:16 the 399th verse. "The Idea of March" = 399 Latin/Agrippa. Agrippa important to the lesser key

  3. Lol you know what's wild man? So we put on Seinfeld at night to help us fall asleep. Last night we happened to land on the episode called "The Secret Code". Just funny in lite of Gematria. Premieres on November 9th too. Chris Jericho. Walls of Jericho. Elaine has a bit where she goes on and on about her uncle working at the book depository in Dallas. The restaurant they meet at has a 323 on the outside. Kramer ends up at a firehouse and on engine 48. Makes me think of Iowa. The Secret Code is "Bosco" which is a perfect match to "Venus"

  4. Check out this post I made about Venus and Jerry Seinfeld and 77. I also mention 993. The mirror is 399. Revelation 22:16. "The Secret Code" is the 7th episode of season 7 and 117th episode overall. Bridge theme there I reckon.

  5. But yeah Joe Namath was 993 lunar months old this year on 9/11. Shanksville = 993 and the kicker is he was born relatively close to Shanksville (Southwest Pennsylvania). Maybe his number is coming up.

  6. So Joe Namath, who is Gemini which is under Mercury's rulership, turns 334 Mercury years old on 11/9 this year. I didn't realize how much work you'd done on 334.

  7. Blazer. Sirius is the blazing star.

  8. Bro!
    Blazing Saddles = 135, 54, 243, 81
    Kobe Bean Bryant = 135, 54, 243, 81

  9. Seven7One1 got the same comment about receiving his Seal. He drives trains for a living. A go by Casey Jones after the train engineer.

  10. Please read my blog post exposing Obama as the Antichrist:

  11. My Comments are deleted on your YouTube video. So here it is: "Great info, Love how you’ve documented everything over the years. My 2 cents: America= 277. Plutonium is the 94th Element. Plutonium (a poison) named for Pluto. The symbol for Skull & Bones is the same as the symbol for poison. As you said 7/4/1776 is the 186th Day. USA is currently going through its Pluto Return. Pluto is birth, death, rebirth, transformation. Pluto Return reveals deep secrets. The Truth Community is intentionally in place to (among other things) reveal the USA’s hidden truths(The 9/11 Truth) America is named for the feathered serpent “Amaru”. There’s a new show on Fox debuting 9/27 called “Snake Oil”on Fox(666)- # of the Beast is also trending. Roman God Apollo = 201. He was the God of Truth. The Jesuits,Church, Freemasons are False Flags. Like you said it's much much bigger.
