Tuesday, May 30, 2023

YouTube Removes 2nd Kevin Spacey Video 209 days after I put It on YouTube-Building Collapse in Davenport, Iowa

I just got home and went to my email to see that YouTube removed one of my Kevin Spacey videos again. Recall that they removed my Kevin Spacey video on my birthday(11/10/22)....Apparently I made 2 videos on 11/3/2017, but I left one "Unlisted"....I probably edited out something as it's the same video, but only a few seconds longer....
So basically, they removed the "Unlisted" video today....

Today is 201 days after my bday...

What are the odds that from 11/3 to today is a span of 209 days though? 
Kevin Spacey Fowler=209
Kevin Fowler=209(FB)
I've been blogging about 209 like crazy in the past week. 
It sure seems these things are happening on purpose and not just a synchronicity, but who knows. 

The Kevin Spacey stuff I was talking about was important to Stand By Me and also Charles Manson....
Charles Manson=209

Another big thing I talked about in that old video was the Family Guy episode called "Don't Make Me Over." I even pointed out how it came out on 6/5, which is the day leaving 209 days in the year. 

Kevin Spacey's bday falls on the first day of Tisha B'Av this year...

In my post in November I mentioned how I had Heartburn and I noticed Kevin Spacey's first film was called "Heartburn." I just looked up the film...Go figure it stars Jack Nicholson..

Today is 57 days before Kevin Spacey's bday and 51 days before the Moon landing anniversary...
Moon=57 and 51
Kevin SPACEy
They removed my first video on this 5 years 7 days after I put it out. 

Batman/Joker.....Aurora Shooting on Moon Landing anniversary. 
Think about the Bat Light and the Moon. 

The film "Heartburn" came out in 86'. 
Stand by Me came out in 86'. 
8/6/22...Tisha B'Av

You could also say today is a span of 58 days before Kevin Spacey's bday. 
Kevin Spacey=58
Dan Behrendt=58
Anthony Rapp=58
I'm just gonna add another 209 in this post that isn't necessarily related that I know of yet....
But the other day we had a story about a building collapse in Davenport, Iowa. I've talked the Surfside building collapse and FIU Bridge collapse in relation to my father/Drowning theme....
The strangest thing though, is that I just went to Bettendorf, Iowa for the first time in my life a.month ago. I didn't want to blog about this, but I'm just gonna keep it simple....Jasmine took a whole bottle of pills back in April and she had to stay at a mental hospital for a week. For some reason the only place they could send her was clear on the other side of Iowa in Bettendorf...When they let her out, I had to drive there to get her, which is about 4 1/2 hours from here...
Moral of the story is that I find it odd there would be a mainstream media story about a building collapse in Davenport, and it was only 6 miles away from where she was...

Bettendorf, Iowa=209(FB)
Can't be a coincidence..

Jasmine was linked to the Money Theme
Money/Water/Drowning all related. 
Iowa...Herbert Hoover..Stock Market..
Notice I even talked about the Stock Market in that Kevin Spacey video. 
FIU Bridge Collapse was after the 2018 Super Bowl all about the Stock Market Crash..
I also noticed there is an area near Davenport called "Black Hawk." 
I've recently blogged about synchronicity with the band Blackhawk....

I'll have to read up on the Black Hawk War, which is where this area got it's name. 

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