Thursday, June 8, 2023

Hawaii Volcano Eruption 209 Days After My Birthday and My Casino Synchronicity Last Week-Synchronicity With Gematria Effect and 209

The Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii erupted today.
Today is 209 Days after my bday. 
How funny that a week ago I had synchronicity with the Casino and thought there was something important to Hawaii and Volcanos, and also the number 209....
Now we get a Hawaii Volcano eruption 209 days after my bday? 
The last time this volcano erupted was 20 months 9 days ago too. 
The 616 stands out to me as well, because I have recently been seeing 616....
I went to the Casino yesterday, because Jasmine had the night off and it was a span of 209 days after my bday....but I noticed it was 6:16 at the bank when we left town...I also drove by that same clock the day before and noticed it was 6:16, so I thought it was funny...

616...some believe is the number of the Beast..

I should point out that I lost pretty bad last night too. I wanted to play a "Lightning" machine considering my recent blog posts...and the one I played took $300 about instantly, so we moved on and kept losing on other machines...The reason I stayed on it though, was because I saw 209. I finally told Jasmine that we were going back to play the "Lightning" machine after midnight(209 days after my bday) and it started hitting like crazy. I ended up winning around 950, but I was a thousand dollars in(which was dumb on my part)...and instead of just leaving down 50, I went and played a different Buffalo Lightning one that we lost a bunch on before winning...I had to test the luck...but ended up leaving down 400 and then came home and lost another 100 on Chumba...It's alright because I've been up so much, but now it's time to retire for a while...Just really trying to figure out and test the pattern. I've noticed the number 210 started being "bad" while gambling too, which up until a week ago, it was always the "good" number. 

Anyway, I've also been watching the new episodes of "Manifest" and it has a lot to do with a Volcano too. 

Yesterday (D-Day), a co-worker was telling me about how Heather put a bowl of frosting in the microwave and it had a metal spoon buried in it. Nothing happened though, even though you aren't supposed to put metal in the microwave....but my co-worker went on to tell me how putting metal in the microwave is a Mandela Effect..apparently some people remember being able to put Metal in the microwave? I've never heard of this Mandela Effect lol...but for her to bring up the Mandela Effect on D-Day has to be important.....recall how the Mandela Effect is connected to Horse Racing and D-Day and also Volcanos. 

I started this blog post earlier and then decided to take a bath. I went to YouTube and saw the Gematria Effect was on, so I figured I would listen to it while in the bath. I didn't take the screenshot until afterwards, but right as I turned it on and got in the tub, Zach took a call from a "209" number lol..
The caller brings up the death of John Beasley, whose grandson, Malik Beasley, plays for the Los Angeles Lakers. 
Malik Beasley=209
Instantly makes me think of Kobe Bryant and how he was born on Vulcanalia(Volcano God). 
Kobe Bryant=209(FB)

After the call is over, Zach tries to take another call and says "209", but he accidentally called the same number back too...

John Beasley was also from Omaha, which is my metro area....
He is also the father of Jussie Smollett in "The Mighty Ducks" there has to be something more important to this guy, that I don't see yet. The Mighty Ducks were synced to the Mandela Effect Theme though...


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