Friday, May 24, 2024

Super Size Me Death News on the Same Day South Park Releases a Special About Obesity-Slipknot/Volcano/China/Dream-516-515


I wake up this morning and go to Facebook to see a post about Burger King and the Freemasons....For sure, it's Zach Hubbard established decoding, but this is what I mean...people are hooked on blaming everything on the Freemasons/Jesuits, that they can't see this isn't how decoding works...Anyway, as I was thinking about this post, I was also thinking about McDonalds....
I then go to CNN and they have a headline story about the "Super Size Me" guy, Morgan Spurlock, dying of cancer. 

I've also been waiting to watch the new South Park that comes out today...."The End of Obesity." So the news story about the death of a guy who makes a documentary on obesity dies the same day that South Park releases a special about Obesity? Like when South Park got banned in China and the next episode was about Vaccines...then we got coronavirus that was said to come from China....Or when the South Park epsisode had the kids dressed like Isis, and then a few days later we had the 2015 Paris Attack. 

One thing that sticks out to me right away is that it's the 328th episode of South Park...and today is the anniversary of Paul Gray(Slipknot) dying. 

Paul Dedrick Gray=328(FB)
Joey Jordison=328(FB)
2019 Tisha B'Av was connected to Slipknot and fell 3 months 28 days before Corey Taylor's bday. 

Recall that Paul Gray died 5 months 16 days after Corey Taylor's bday. 
Dougie Howser/Harold Kumar were linked to Slipknot and the date 5/16 in 2019....this is when I first found the importance of the Francis Bacon/Capital Ciphers....all because of the number 328....

516 important to the Volcano Symbolism. 

Freddie Mercury died on the 328th day...

Recall that he DREAM Theme stems back to 2015 with Corey Taylor/Slipknot and Kanye Singing the Freddie Mercury song, "Bohemian Rhapsody." This is why Slipknot releasing tickets to their first ever Iowa State Fair on the same day the film "Bohemian Rhapsody" was so important. Then Slipknot played at the Iowa State Fair on 8/10/2019, when Tisha B'Av began. It was all about CHINA....and think about South Park in 2019 being banned in CHINA. 

Bohemian Rhapsody=516(FB)

Freddie Mercury/Queen all goes back to the Mandela Effect/Horse Theme....that is linked to Volcanos....
Nelson Mandela/South Africa important to 516. 

Slipknot's first album begins with the song with a quote about Charles Manson..."The whole thing, I think it's sick." Paul Gray died 194 days after 11/12(Charles Manson's bday)

Charles Manson=194(FB)
Gemaria The Killing Name=194(FB)(Misspelling on Video)

Slipknot released their album on 8/9/2019, just before playing Tisha B'Av...8/9 the Charles Manson murders...

It says the new Slipknot parodies "Ozempic." Think how Sharon Osbourne warned about the Ozempic last year....and how Sid from Slipknot is dating Kelly Osbourne. 
Further, Morgan Spurlock actually died yesterday, which was a span of 5 months 16 days before his bday. 

You could also say it was just 5 months 15 days...

515 is the Des Moines Area Code..

Recall I had the DREAM about 5 and 15...
McDonald's was founded on 5/15. 
The track "515" by Slipknot also has Sid Wilson on the vocals instead of Corey Taylor. Apparently, his grandpa died and he went into the studio and they recorded his breakdown about his loss. 
Funny that one of the things I randomly clicked on brought up the fact that 515 is the sum of 9 consecutive Prime numbers too....

9 is Big with the DREAM Theme. 

Plus, Iowa, where I live...and all of the recent storms...Hell, my power went out last night and we had yet another tornado warning at like 3 AM. The siren has went off more times this year than I can ever remember, and as I've previously said, I'm used to it...but this year has been over the top...and we just had the tornado hit Greenfield, Iowa, which is about an hour from Des Moines. 

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds also became governor on 5/24, when Terry Branstad became the ambassador to China. 

I swear that I used to have a recurring Dream when I was younger about a tornado. In the dream, I am on my parents front porch late at night. I then see a tornado that comes down main street, and somehow I wake up the whole town and save them. I used to have this Dream a lot, but it's probably been 15 years or so since I've had was the same every time, and I can still picture the details of the dream. The tornado always would hit just as I started down the basement stairs. 

Well, I'm gonna try and watch the new South Park, maybe something will spark my brain more in relation to this post. I'm gonna keep my eye on China though....recall that the weather website always takes my map to China when I look at the radar it seems a lot of these things point to China. 


South Park: The End of Obesity=431(FB)

Paul Gray died in Room 431. 

1 comment:

  1. I told the guy that posted that Burger King/Freemasonry thing that Zach does it wrong. Then he just went off exactly like Zach does lol. I was expecting that though, so I thought it was hilarious. Entire troves of people who have never had an original thought in their lives flock to Zach so he can tell them what to think and say. It's the Jesuits fault though...
