Monday, May 6, 2024

Death of Bernard Hill and My Co-Worker Karl Synchronicity-Gran Torino and the Grande Torino Plane Crash

I just made the blog post in connection to my co-worker Karl and Ricky Williams....but above that story was the death of Bernard Hill. While looking up Bernard Hill, I see it talks about him being in the Clint Eastwood film, "True Crime." This is funny to me, because Karl also talked about the show "True Detective" with Woody Harrelson today. Except that I'm pretty sure he called it "True Crime," or at least that's what I was thinking in my head about it. 

Now I see the film "True Crime," so it seems important. I was also thinking about Clint Eastwood yesterday, because they had a story about the Italian Soccer team that died in a plane crash known as the Grande Torino. Which made me think of the Eastwood film, "Gran Torino." 

Gran Torino=131

True Crime=131

Karl born on 1/31. 

Bernard Hill died 140 days or 4 months 18 days(418) after his bday. 
Grande Torino=140

It's also interesting that he shares a bday with Pope Francis, due to the Grande Torino being from Turin, Italy. 

Gran Torino=191(FB)
Clint Eastwood=191
Society of Jesus=191

Gran Torino=58
Bernard Hill=58
Pope Francis=58

My friend/Singer of my band, Pat, is originally from Turin, Iowa which I find interesting too. Maybe something synced to him with it. 

The Shroud of Turin is possibly important? 

There may be something important to the Hmong People as well. I remember having to watch "Gran Torino" and read "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down" in a college class called "Stereotypes and Prejudice". This was because they are both about the Hmong Culture. 

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