When I got to work today, I randomly looked up, and I noticed this box says PL200N on it.
I thought it was funny as it somewhat resembles the word, "Platoon."
I then started thinking that something with the film, "Platoon" will probably happen now.
Mostly because it has Charlie Sheen, and before I came to work, and video of Charlie being interviewed came up in my phone..and on Sunday I brought him up, cause my daughters song reminded me of the song, Charlie Sheen has got a weenie that he loves to show.
Plus, I just blogged about my old post about Hot Shots in relation to Rambo...and recall that Charlie Sheen is the parody of Rambo in Hot Shots the film.
I looked it up and today is 183 days after and a span of 183 days before his bday. This made me think of the Father symbolism, and maybe I'm supposed to see something with Martin Sheen because of this.
Anyway, my day went on and I figured I'd look at this more tonight.
A bit later, I got a notification that I had a comment on one of my old videos about the Exorcism in Earling, Iowa. This is funny as I was just thinking about this exorcism as it was important to the number 310 after Luke Perry/Nipsey Hussle died. I remember even thinking that something with this would come up, and now I get a comment on this old video.
Earling, Iowa=183
It was important because I was following 3/10/2019 after Perry died, due to the Buffy narrative. Then we had the Ethiopian Airline Crash on 3/10...Nipsey Hussle then died and he had ties to Ethiopia and albums associated with Marathons...Earling used to be called Marathon, and the girl who was exercised came from Marathon, Wisconsin...
Emma Schmidt=310
The next year after I wrote about 310 in my book, the gas station in Earling blew up, and it's name summed to 310.
This is also funny as Ethiopia is important to Nipsey Hussle, and it's also believed that they have the ark of the covenant, which holds the 10 Commandments.
Notice the comment comes from Shadow MOSES.
So no doubt I'm supposed to see that connection.
Today is also 166 days before the date I put the video on YouTube.
Earling, Iowa=166(FB)
I also can't help but think of the film, Lucas, that came out the same year as Platoon...starring Sheen and Corey Haim who died on 3/10.
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