Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Synchronicity with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Rambo-Volcano Symbolism-9 Days-Pi-Bridge-Train


I'm sitting here trying to get a clip of the part in Buffy the Vampire Slayer where the coach draws a play with the All Seeing Eye, Male and Female Symbols and Infinity. 

Everytime I try and get a clip, the movie skips at this part. If anything, I guess you can still see the part I'm talking about, but I can't get a full video clip of it. 

Anyway, I recorded it a few times and it kept skipping...and then I randomly decided to check my email. I saw I had a notification about Rambo and clicked on it. Apparently, he is going to be a guest on a show with a lady named BUFFY lol. 

I've been thinking about Buffy and the number 310 all day today. My aunt Rosa ordered a pizza, which is very rare, and I think that is why.
Recall in 2022, she was telling me about Bon Jovi after I had a bunch of Bon Jovi syncs earlier in the day. This was just after the news that the Philadelphia train operator Brandon Bostian was found not guilty. My aunt Rosa's husband, my uncle Mike, died the same day as the Philadelphia Train Wreck and his name summed to 310. I also had a bunch of syncs with the band "Nine Days" in relation to Bridge collapse...I really put the sync together on 3/1, which was 9 days before 3/10, so I thought something may be important that day. We then had a train wreck just 20 minutes away from where I live in Denison, Iowa on 3/10/2022. It was super synced to my book release. The song "Absolutely" by Nine Days was also playing that morning when I got to work.  

The first person to tell me about the train wreck that day had a name that summed to 310 as well. 

The reason I put it together on 3/1/22 was due to Sean Penn being in the news about Ukraine, and I had an old video about him with the Drowning Symbolism that went back to my FATHER, and Bridges. In that old video I mentioned the 9 days before stuff.

The 9 days stuff also had a lot to do with the FATHER symbolism in relation to a dream I had about my Father dying 9 days before the FIU Bridge Collapse. 

I've been working on a post today about the Father symbolism that all relates back to this as well. 

So it's funny that today is the anniversary of Brandon Bostian being found not guilty...and the anniversary of Luke Perry dying...and then my Aunt Rosa orders a pizza....It really makes me think that 3/10/25 will be significant too. It would be a perfect day for Pope Francis to die as well, considering it's 201 days before the Jesuit anniversary, but we will see. 3/10 and 6/24 seem to be important with him though. Plus, the train symbolism and the Philadelphia Train Wreck synced to Pope Francis. 

Hopefully, I'll finish that other post tonight, but it seems the more I look into the number 624, it points to the dates 8/10 or 8/6. Part of the reason why 8/6/22 was so significant to my book had to do with Slipknot playing at the Iowa State Fair on 8/10/2019 as well...and I discovered they were playing just after realizing a bunch of stuff with the number 86 too. Recall that Buffy the Vampire Slayer was also related to Slipknot and the 2019 Tisha B'Av too. It had to do with her being on the Big Bang Theory Finale and such...also the plane from Guantanamo Bay that went into the 310 mile river...and the Slipknot mask being in the Harold and Kumar film...so much to re-explain. 

Another funny thing that happened today in relation to Buffy was when the new girl, Lily, got to work, she asked me about my Chad Henne jersey. She thought all my jerseys had the number 7 on them, but I explained I have a ton of other jerseys, but I just don't wear them that often. I was explaining how I used to be a big Michigan fan and then Chad Henne became a Miami Dolphin, so I had his jersey. I then went on to tell her how I don't really watch football much anymore. She then told me that she loves skating and Hockey is her favorite sport lol....So the girl who looks like the Ice Princess(Michelle Trachtenberg) loves skating and Hockey? 
If you read some of these blog posts, I think this post will make more sense too. 
I even mention Rambo being on the Gematria Effect in the John Goodman post. This was because the Ukraine stuff with Russia was linked to Boxing/Rocky/Sylvester Stallone. 

The Sean Penn Family Guy episode I was referring too was "Hot Shots", which reminded me of the Rambo parody film "Hot Shots." I even pointed out the president in that film was Lloyd BRIDGES and he died on 3/10. 
Funnier yet, think how today is 9 days before Rambo will be on this show lol. This is how I know for sure I am supposed to see this, and it's connected to the narrative I am following. 

It's also on Pi day, and I've recently mentioned Pi in relation to the Gambling/Volcano Theme. Buffy was also important to PI with the Big Bang Theory. The BBTheory also has the joke about 73 being the Chuck Norris of Numbers...Norris born on 3/10. 

Recall that Rambo was also important to the Volcano Symbolism in 2021. I had the Will Ferrell/Volcano syncs with Iceland, and the next day we got the Iceland Volcano(3/19/2021).  Then later that day I listened to the Gematria effect from a few days before and Rambo was talking about Vulcan and Volcano symbolism. 

For sure watching 3/14 now too. 

I did just win money on the Pompeii slot machine....but as always, 1 good thing always turns into a bunch of bad luck...My van broke down for good yesterday, so now I have to get a new vehicle. The frame rusted out so bad that my back tire is barely connected anymore. I guess I got about 5 years out of it, and only paid like $950 for it, but still lol. Definitely flipped off the sky multiple times yesterday.  

Also, notice how the channel Rambo will be on began in March 2022. The same time frame that I was talking about with 9 Days/Train stuff in relation to 3/10. 


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