On October 14th, 2024, I made a blog post talking about the Cleveland Guardians. I noticed Larry Dolan would be turning 94 years old, so I figured if the Guardians made the World Series, he would probably die after turning 94. Well, the Guardians didn't make the World Series, but oddly enough, Larry Dolan died on 2/23/25 at the age of 94.
Cleveland Indians=94
They won 94 regular season games the last time they made the World Series in 2016.
Recall this was the same year Trump became president, and Trump just became the 2nd Split term president just like Grover CLEVELAND.
Trump and Grover Cleveland's bdays are 9 months 4 days apart.
They then changed their name to Guardians after playing 94 games.
If you've followed my recent videos, I've talked about how there seems to be a theme with FATHER symbolism, and this symbolism links to the number 624, which is also a number I've noticed in relation to the Cleveland Indians over the years.
Grover Cleveland was also important to the 2016 World Series, because he died on 6/24/1908. This was 108 days before the 1908 World Series, which was the last time the Cubs won before beating the Indians in the 2016 World Series, which was 108 years later.
Everything about the Cubs winning was 108.
Willis Tower 108 Stories Tall.
Great Chicago Fire on 10/8.
Cubs hadn't won a World Series game since 10/8/1945.
Major League=108
108 Double Stitches on a Baseball..
So on..
If you go back to 2016, I started following the Cubs and the Indians to possibly be in the World Series after the Aroldis Chapman trade. I'll explain more as we go, but my thoughts mostly started just after the death of PRINCE. We had a story of a boy being killed by an alligator at Disney World, and the story reported his death out of Lake Buena Vista, Florida. I thought this was interesting, because the boy lived in the Omaha area, which is near me, and I also went to Buena Vista University. I also saw that Zachary Taylor was the president during the Battle of Buena Vista, and the last person to die from an alligator attack in Florida was on 6/5/2016, and his name was Richard Zachary Taylor.
Zachary Taylor=65
He died age 65.
I also read that Zachary Taylor fought in the Black Hawk War, and gained famed after the Second Seminole War. The Wikipedia also mentioned how he claimed his classmates as as child would be abducted by Indians and scalped.
I then saw that the boy who was killed had a name that summed to 68.
Lane Graves=68
I thought this was interesting, because my town, "Dunlap"=68, and the only thing it's famous for is the death of Chief Yellow Smoke of the Omaha Tribe. He died in 1868.
A few weeks after this, we got the story that the Indianapolis Colts owner, Jim Irsay, had bought Prince's Yellow Cloud Guitar. Think how Indiana is the land of the Indian, and the Yellow Cloud Guitar in relation to Chief Yellow Smoke.
We then got a story about Steve King not wanting Harriett Tubman to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 Bill. Andrew Jackson was a president involved in Wars with Native Americans and known for being a racist towards Native Americans. Another thing about Steve King is that he is from Denison, Iowa. This is also where Washington Redskins player, Brandon Scherff, went to High School. This town also has a park called "Yellow Smoke" in honor of Chief Yellow Smoke.
We then got a story about the death of former Iowa Hawkeye Football player, Kyle Calloway. It said he died in Vail, Arizona. This stood out to me, because Brandon Scherff also played at Iowa, and Yellow Smoke Park is located between Denison, and Vail, Iowa.
We also had the Cleveland Cavaliers win the NBA Finals and Trump's national convention in Cleveland that year, which made me think how the Indians were also from Cleveland. Trump also announced Mike Pence as Vice President candidate, and he was from Indiana, the land of the Indian, and born on 6/7, the same day as Prince.
We then had the death of Chief David Bald Eagle from the film "Dances with Wolves" starring Kevin Costner. This stood out to me, because while reading about Denison in the weeks before, I noticed that the character Kevin Costner portrays in JFK was from Denison, Iowa. (Jim Garrison). Plus, when I think of Kevin Costner, I think of "Field of Dreams" that is a baseball movie set in Iowa, so once again a connection to the area I live. And in relation to baseball, the Indians made sense.
We also had the Cubs get Aroldis Chapman at the end of July, and I noticed the trade came 148 days after his bday.
Cleveland Indians=148
Considering I was thinking about the Indians, and I knew the Cubs were trying to break the Curse of the Billy Goat, I noticed that the Cleveland Indians were also cursed. It was the Curse of Rocky Colavito. It was due to the player Rocky Colavito being traded for Harvey Kuenn in 1960. When I looked up Harvey Kuenn, I saw that he died on 2/28/1988. This was the exact day that Aroldis Chapman was born, which once again made me think the Cleveland Indians were the team. The Curse of Rocky Colavito also happened on the 108th day of the year. Rocky Colavito's bday was also August 10th, or 10/8.
A whole bunch of other things that led me to believe I was on the right track with this too. Such as the death of WP Kinsella, the inspiration for "Field of Dreams." Keep in mind that James Earl Jones wife also died during the World Series that year.
We also had the Dakota Access Pipeline stories in the news just before the World Series began. We had Shailene Woodley arrested at the Dakota Access Pipeline in the news too. This was funny as the only two movies that I watched in theaters that year were her film "Allegiant" about Chicago, and the film "The Darkness" about stealing the Native American Rocks.
There was also a guy talking crap to Zach in his comments that I had never seen before named Donald Phelps. This was funny as I had re-watched the film "Major League" about the Cleveland Indians the night before, and the the owner of the Indians in the film that died was Donald Phelps.
The point is that it seemed that many of the stories and my life events were pointing me to the Indians Vs Cubs in the 2016 World Series.
Then the day of Game 7, the big news was a shooting that killed cops in Des Moines, Iowa. I had lived in Des Moines for a short time years before this, and the shooting was very close to where I used to live. When I lived there, I was working at Burger King, and right across the street was a bar called "The 1908 Draught House." Think about that in relation to the Cubs who had a World Series drought since 1908.
It was the 112th World Series.
This was on 11/2.
Burger King=112
One of the 2 cops killed was born on 14/7, which was 112 days before 11/2.
The other cops name summed to 57.
World Series=57 and 147
A lot more to this as well, such as how 11/2/2016 was 1 year 12 days after Back to the Future Day, which predicted the Cubs to win the World Series.
So no doubt I was being guided to see the connection to that World Series.
There's a lot more to this as well, as my Uncle Barney would then die a few months later on 1/14/2017, and he was a big Cubs fan. My neighbor would also die in the next year, and he had a big Cubs flag outside for as long as I can remember. I'm not going to go super in depth again with this, but I'm mentioning it due to the Father Symbolism and the number 624, which is one of the main topics of this post.
The Cubs were in their 114th season being called the Cubs.
They won the World Series getting their 114th win of the season.
They tied Pittsburgh at the end of the season, and it was the first tie since 2005.
This was around the time of the Hoboken train crash that injured 114 people. The first ever baseball game was in Hoboken.
Barney then died on 1/14, and his obituary talked about how he went to the Cubs game on 8/8/2005, the same year Pope Benedict became pope..and he later went and saw Pope Benedict.
Curse of the Billy Goat=88
Chicago White Sox won for the first time in 88 years in 2005.
The Goat was named Murphy.
Barney Murphy..
My neighbor, who was also my grandmas neighbor then died...and my classmate born on 11/4 then moved into his house. My grandma also died shortly after my neighbor.
Anyway, the whole reason I re-blogged about this is I wanted to show my history with the Cleveland Indians, and how I learned about the Curse of Rocky Colavito leading up to that World Series.
The point that I'm trying to get to is that I started seeing the importance of the number 624 to the Cleveland Indians after the Eagles won Super Bowl 52.
My Uncle Clancy had died on 4/17/2018, and I noticed he died 6 months 24 days after my grandma died. They were both connected to the Eagles symbolism with SB 52. I also noticed that Clancy died 6 months 24 days before my bday.
Clancy=624(Rev Sumerian)
A big number with Super Bowl 52 was 81, as it was connected to Francis Scott Key/Bridge and Pope Francis.
Pontiff means Bridge Builder.
It was linked to the Minnesota Bridge Collapse on 8/1/2007.
The bridge fell 81 feet.
Main Trusses 81 Meters long.
81 minutes to transport everyone to hospital.
Francis Scott Key born on 8/1.
Pope Francis turned 81 years old before SB 52.
He is the first Jesuit Pope, and his bday is 81 days after the Jesuit anniversary.
The Golden Gate Bridge also turned 81 years old after SB 52.
Golden Gate Bridge=81
It was also related to my uncle Clancy whose bday was on the 81st day of the year, and his son, the only Eagles fan I knew, was born in 81'. Clancy also died 81 days before his sons bday.
I also pointed out how Pope Benedict became the Pope in 2005, after the Eagles were in the Super Bowl. He became Pope on 4/19, and 419 is the 81st prime number.
Anyway, I noticed that "Eighty One"=624(Jewish)
I saw that 6/24 was the 175th day..
Pope Francis=175
I then noticed that 6/24/2018 was the 1929th day of Pope Francis as Pope, which brought me back to the Stock Market narrative that was related to Stoneman Douglas and Vatican City being established in relation to Super Bowl 52. The Pope in 1929 also died age 81.
A bit after my Uncle Clancy died, we had the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. They played the song "Stand by Me" at the wedding, which was interesting considering how I was following the Stand by Me theme before Super Bowl 52. Recall it was also important to Stoneman Douglas due to the band A Newfound Glory. But I noticed that Prince Charles had the 624 connection at this time.
Prince Charles=624(Satanic)
He was born 6 months 24 days after Queen Elizabeth II's bday.
Think about the connection to Cleveland and the Cavaliers with Prince Charles.
A bit later I had blogged about the Chicago Cubs in relation to Stoneman Douglas, such as how Anthony Rizzo attended the school, and Marjory Stoneman Douglas died age 108. Anyway, the next day I went to work and we had water bottles with the Chicago Cubs logo on them. I started looking at the Cubs stuff again, and I realized the Cubs beat the Detroit Tigers in 1908, and lost to the Curse of the Billy Goat to the Detroit Tigers in 1945. This stood out to me, because the Curse of Rocky Colavito had to do with him being traded to Detroit. So I looked up Rocky Colavito again.
Rocky Colavito=624(Satanic)
Detroit Tigers=624(Satanic)
Aroldis Chapman=624(Satanic)
In relation to 108, I also noticed how Rocky Colavito was born on August 10th, which can be written 10/8...This was also the day Lou Boudreau died, and he was the best player and coach of the Indians the last time they won the World Series(1948). Think how Trump became president in 2016 and it was linked to Cleveland and the number 48.
Lou Boudreau was also the coach of the Chicago Cubs in 1960, the year of the Curse of Rocky Colavito.
Think about Trump's connection to Herbert Hoover as well, and how Herbert Hoover was born on August 10th. Think how I was noticing all of this with Super Bowl 52 that was synced to Herbert Hoover and the Stock Market.
In relation to the date August 10th,
My uncle Barney died 8 months 10 days before my Grandma in 2017.
Then my grandma died 1 month 17 days before my bday.
Then my first son, Zamien, was born on 1/17/2018, just before SB 52.
I noticed that my son was born 6 months 24 days before 8/10..and 6 months 24 days after 6/24.
My Uncle Clancy died 6 months 24 days after my Grandma, and 6 months 24 days before my bday.
Clancy's son Ryan(Eagles Fan) also had a daughter on 8/10 that they named "Ellie" after our Grandma who died.
On 7/18/2018, I saw Chigozie Truth had uploaded a video about the band Drowning Pool. His video stood out because I had recently had a synchronicity with the band Drowning Pool, and we had a story of XXXTentacion's cousin drowning in a pool, and another story of Hockey player Ray Emery drowning.
I then noticed...
Chigozie Truth=624(Satanic)
A few days later, Regan Bowen, left a comment on one of my old videos about Steelo Brim's nephew Drowning in a Pool. In the message he said he was looking at the Gematrinator database and the name "Dennis Michael Behrendt" came up. He wondered if I was related, and I told him that he was my FATHER. This stood out to me in relation to Drowning, because my Father cannot Swim. My mom was also the manager of the Swimming Pool.
Father=624(Rev Sumerian)
Regan Bowen=624(Sumerian)
I also pointed how how I had a Dream about my Father dying just after the Eagles won SB 52, and 9 days later we got the FIU Bridge Collapse. That Dream was in relation to a Dream Enterthe5t4rz had about a building collapse that related to another dream about his father dying.
I was also following a big Bridge Theme with Super Bowl 52, considering the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse and the Francis Scott Key connection. Further, I had been following a theme with Earthquakes, Bridges and Philadelphia since the 2015 Bridgewater shooting. The shooting showed Franklin Bridge on the Bottom of the screen, making me think of the Franklin Bridge. Considering, we had the Earthquake felt in Philadelphia just before SB 52, I knew this Bridge narrative was linked too. That's why getting the FIU bridge Collapse made so much sense to this connection.
Also, think about: Father...Pope...Pontiff..Bridge
A few days after the Chigozie and Regan Bowen syncs with Drowning, I was at the bar called "The Buffalo Club"=624(Satanic), and a girl I was talking to brought up how I saved her brother from Drowning. It was years before this when I was a lifeguard, but I did indeed save her brother from Drowning. Even more interesting was that this girls Father had just died earlier in the year. Also, the owner of the bar would go on to die later that year on 12/9/2018.
I also noticed that my dads license plate had the number 624 on it around this same time. I had a flat tire and took it to my dads garage, and I saw his truck had 624 on it.
In the mix of this, we had the Duck Boat Drowning that I mentioned was synced to Goldberg of the Mighty Ducks....Then he was synced to a big Pink/FINGER symbolism Theme with 8/6/2018 that I'm not going to re-explain, but you will see why I am mentioning it in a second.
We then had the Italian Bridge Collapse on 8/14/2018.
Bridge was 148 Feet Tall
Cleveland Indians=148
Cleveland won 8 to 1 on that day.
A few days later we had a story about Catholic Priests and Sex Abuse in Pennsylvania. This made me think about the Father symbolism and Father Howard who was my childhood priest that got kicked out of the church for sex abuse. As I was thinking about this, I remembered that during the 2016 World Series, I made a video about Trevor Bauer injuring his FINGER. I uploaded this video with a thumbnail and then YouTube changed the thumbnail to a picture of Father Howard. The picture of Father Howard came from an old music video that I had posted called "Fathers Like Sons." I noticed that YouTube changed my thumbnail on the Trevor Bauer video 624 days after I put that music video up.
Trevor Bauer's bday is 6 months 24 days before Rocky Colavito's on 8/10. Further, my uncle Fred has the nickname Fingers, and his bday is 8/10.
So once again, it seemed that the number 624 was being shown to me in relation to Father Symbolism that also connects to the Catholic Church/Priests/Pope.
I should also point out that Trump met Pope Francis a span of 6 months 24 days before Francis' bday in 2017.
In 2021 we had a Pedestrian Bridge Collapse in Washington on 6/23, and then the next day a the Surfside Building Collapse on 6/24. This stood out to me in relation to the FIU Pedestrian Bridge Collapse in 2018, and the Dream I had about my Father 9 days before. The Dream was important to Enterthe5t4rz dreaming about his father and a building collapse 9 days before the FIU Bridge Collapse.
So when we had a Pedestrian Bridge Collapse, and then a Building Collapse on 6/24, I knew that this number was somehow related to my Father.
Denny Behrendt=213
His bday is 2 months 13 days before 6/24.
His bday is 213 days before mine.
My mom's bday is 2 months 13 days before his.
Golden Gate Bridge=213(FB) and 810(Sumerian)
Plus the FIU Bridge Collapse was in the Miami area, along with the Surfside Building.
A few days after the Surfside Building Collapse, the major sports news was that Trevor Bauer was facing sexual assault allegations. Then a month after this is when Indians changed their name to the Guardians.
Then in November 2021 I made a video about Buffy the Vampire Slayer getting Coronavirus, and I talked about the Father symbolism, and the Surfside Building Collapse. Then later that day we got a building collapse in Nigeria.
The Buffy stuff was linked to 310, which is important because my Father's Dad, my Grandpa, died on 3/10/2020.
A week or so after this story, I got a notification of Chigozie Truth doing a video about a Drowning that happened in the English Channel, which was the big News Story of the Day.
Fast forward a few months to January 2022, I had a synchronicity with the band "Nine Days" and the song "Absolutely." I was paying attention to 9 days later, which was 1/28, and we got the Pittsburgh Bridge Collapse. The synchronicity involved me texting my sister that I was canceling our Ski Trip, because it was too expensive. We ended up going to Sioux Falls to a Dinosaur Exhibit instead of a Colorado Ski Trip. While we were leaving the exhibit, I realized we drove past where a girl from my sisters town had Drowned just after SB 52 and a few days after the FIU Bridge Collapse.
Plus, the lyrics in the song "Absolutely" say Drowned the whole World.
Then on 3/1/22, I re-looked up my video about Sean Penn, because he was in the news in relation to Ukraine. That video was from 2018 when I was talking about the Drowning Symbolism, and in the video I mentioned the dream I had about my dad 9 Days before the FIU Bridge Collapse. Then I started thinking about the "Absolutely" sync that I had in relation to 9 Days, and how 3/1 was 9 days before 3/10, which was the day my Dads Father had died.
And remember last year how I won a bunch of money all synced to this same theme with 9 Days and the number 9...The band "Nine Days" was even in a South Dakota Super Bowl Commercial. Then we got the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse, which links back to all of the stuff I am blogging about in this post.
The number 9 stuff all linked back to the Angel Gabriel, and recall that Gabriel only goes to Daniel, Zechariah and Mary...He tells Zachariah that he will be the Father of John the Baptist, whose Feast Day is 6/24. Then Zach Hubbard became a Father this year..and think how I had my first biological child in 2018, just before the Eagles won the Super Bowl...and Zach also become a father just before the Eagles win the Super Bowl. The Francis Scott Key Bridge also happened on 3/26, which is the Synaxis of Gabriel.
And Zach recently did that Livestream with American FATHERS and his bday was 6/24...and then I had synchronicity with the Illusion and his Father in relation to 6/24.
We also had the Bridge Collapse in Sioux City last year on 6/24.
I'm tired of looking back at this theme lol. But it seems that Drowning and Bridge Collapses are the main theme in relation to the Father Symbolism. I even had the synchronicity with LOST and my friend Pat's Father who recently died...and the character on LOST that was connected ends up Drowning on the show.
Drowning/Collapse....MONEY...Stock Market/Eagles Super Bowls
The dates 8/10 and 8/6 also seem very important to almost all of my old posts involving 624.
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