Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Number 152 Today-Joker Loses at Wimbledon-Tour de France-Dolly Parton Sync-Alaka Earthquake and my Batman Post


Carlos Alcaraz beats the Joker(Novak Djokovic) in the Wimbledon Final today. 

Carlos Alcaraz=86 and 221

86 and 221 the Batman Numbers. 

I think I'm supposed to see the number 152 today too...
Novak Djokovic=152
Dolly Parton=152
"like skittles"=152

Carlos Alcaraz born on 5/5...
The French Revolution began on 5/5...Napoleon died on 5/5...
Think how Trump said he was Batman on Napoleon's bday, which is also Ben Affleck's bday...and Henry Cavill(Superman) was born on 5/5. 
Carlos also won 55 days after Novak Djokovic's bday. 

Moral of the story, it's interesting there is a story about the Tour de France just below the Carlos Alcaraz story. 

I wrote Dolly Parton above too, because earlier I went to Denison to get Pizza Hut. I was looking at my phone and saw the Dolly Parton story right as I was driving by the "Dolly Parton Boob" that I've talked about before. It's a building that as a kid we always called the Dolly Parton boob. 

Every story that I have clicked on today has had a 152...

I just went to Yahoo and saw a headline about Harper Grace singing a bad National Anthem. I clicked on the story for no apparent reason and while reading it, the light in my bedroom turned on. The bulb went out a while ago, but somehow it randomly started working again as I was reading that story....I said to myself, I bet her name equals 152...and of course it does.
 Harper Grace=152(FB)

Another story I clicked on today...
Alaska Earthquake=152
The post where I got strange comment in relation to my Kevin Spacey videos also involved an Alaskan Earthquake. See how I talked about the Batman symbolism too lol. 

George HW Bush also died the same day as that Alaskan Earthquake I am talking about in the post. I'm mentioning this because Kamala Harris and Joe Biden both have big connections to the number 152. Sarah Palin..Alaska...Kamala Harris(Women)

Think about the wreck at the Tour de France in relation to Joe Biden wrecking his Bike too. That wreck was synced to the Stock Market and Biden falling down the stairs on the anniversary of the Simpsons woman president episode. 

Today is a span of 152 days before the Sandy Hook anniversary. 

Thinking about it...
Jack Nicholson shares a bday with Adam Lanza on 4/22. 

Sandy Hook happened 236 days after 4/22. 

1 comment:

  1. Sandy Hook is on a Ley Line that runs through Quetzalcoatl's Temple Address: 55825 San Juan Teotihuacán, Mexico. Interesting that # is Alcaraz's bday & the # of the Beast. Quetzalcoatl-the Plumed Serpent. 7/16 is Snake Day.
