Friday, July 14, 2023

Disney Stories in the Media Next To Story of Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn Not Being Married

CNN had a few headline stories about Disney today. I thought it was hilarious how they also had a story of Goldie Hawn saying she's not married to Kurt Russell just above one of the stories. 

It stands out, because the last words that Walt Disney wrote was the name "Kurt Russell." 

Kurt Russell=76
Russell born on 76th day of the year. 

I'll have to look more into this when I'm more motivated. I just saw these stories next to each other, so it has to be related. 

Russell's first movie was "It Happened At the World's Fair", which is interesting considering the Tisha B'Av narrative I've talked about. 

Big Trouble in Little CHINA(China big with Tisha B'Av narrative). 

He's in a ton of interesting films though lol, that is just the first one that comes to mind for some reason. 

I bet there is a Tyler Skaggs connection too now that I think about it. Today was his bday..7/13..and he was synced to Disney along with the Angels. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. News7/15:CarleeRUSSELLkidnapped.Found out 7/17, she wasn't. It was a "Jussie Smollet" Kurt Russell played Elvis.News abt Lisa Marie Presley's Cause of Death on 7/13. Kurt Russell b. 3/17. Are they saying Elvis faked his death? Jussie Smollet b.6/21/1982 (666). He played "Jamal Lyon" on Empire.

  3. Smollet Also in 1992's "The Mighty Ducks". Duck is a Mallard(Jane Birkin).

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