I went to the freezer today and I saw Family Tradition on the side of this box. It made me start singing the Hank Williams Jr. Song, "Family Tradition." Another reason I think this song came to my head was that a girl I know named Leah ordered a pizza, and she loves that song. Her dad's band used to play it all the time.
Anyway, I didnt think that much of it until about 10 minutes later when I noticed the Hotpad I used to get something out of the oven also said, "Family Traditions."
I've used that thing a million times, but never realized it said that until today.
Of course, today is a span of 238 days after Hank Williams Jr.'s bday.
Hank Williams Jr.=238(FB)
Today is also a span of 9 months 2 days after the album and song "Family Tradition" released.
Hank Williams Jr.=92
Ha, I started this blog post about bit ago, and I had to go up front for a bit. When I got back on my phone, I opened it at 2:38.
Not really anything to do with Family Tradition, but we are going to Pizza Ranch for Zamien's bday when I get off work.
Pizza Ranch=238(Rev Comp)
The 186th Composite is 238.
I only find this interesting as my kids changed my Screensaver to look like broken glass, or a cracked screen.
186 a big Umbrella number and broke glass and Umbrella linked to Mind Control.
Why do you think Composite numbers are all of a sudden 'a thing', and people in the truth community are using them now?
ReplyDeletehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDhxCyAHBjQ I explain it a bit in this video. I know it's long, but it makes more sense if you listen to the whole video for context. Basically some guy called in to Zach's livestream on 2/25/24 and asked why he doesn't use Composite Numbers. This is because he used Prime numbers and Composite numbers were the opposite. After this Livestream, a bunch of people started looking at Composite numbers and realized recent news stories were connected to them. I later noticed how the guy calling in was synced to 418 and the narrative with Aleister Crowley in relation to the Trump assassination attempt and Composite numbers. Just another thing we've been lead to see whether it was intentional by that guy calling in or not. Just like learning the Reverse Ciphers when someone started mocking my blog referring to me as NAD, my name in reverse. Hope that makes sense. I guess I didn't realize that many people were even using them, but I also haven't really been in the loop for a while now either.