Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Lost Yorkie(Dog) At Work Today


You Can't even make this up lol.
I was up front at work and a girl came back in asking if we knew whose dog this was. She said it was out by the highway and didn't want it to get runover. 

Notice it's the exact type of dog that I've been blogging about lol.

I told her that it might be the bar owners dog, so she took it up there...and then a few minutes later a guy came in and asked if we've seen his dog. It jumped out while he was I called the girl cause I found the owner. 

Today is 3 months 14 days before the owner of the dogs bday.
I blogged in my recent posts that Pi may be important, as the lady who owns the bar has a 3/14 bday.

It was probably just the Jesuits though, cause his bday is 5/6 and he's 71 years old lol.

The girl who brought the dog is was Chelsea. Today is 332 days before her bday 

This stands out, because today is Fanny's bday and 332 was a big number with him.

It's also a span of 333 days and her name sums to 333(FB).

I've also blogged about the synchronicity with Family Tradition and the number 238 recently. Yesterday, Facebook gave me a video about Hank Williams Jr. and when I went to the video it had 238 comments.

I'm mentioning this, because I DJed Duane's sons wedding years back, and they wanted old country all night. So it might be tied in for whatever the reason.

Considering this dog had a pink shirt on too, It makes me think of Paris Hilton.
Everytime I think of my dog it reminds me of the little dog that Paris Hilton used to carry in her purse.

Recall that she made the sex tape with Rick Salomon, who was once married to Shannen Doherty. Doherty died the same day as the Trump Assassination attempt and they announced it on Bastille Day.

Paris Hilton also reminds me of the commercial with the Eiffel Tower and Blackouts.

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