Sturgill messaged me a few days ago asking what I thought about all the drones in New Jersey. He pointed out how the footage looked very similar to when we saw a UFO in Beebeetown, Iowa on 9/10/2001.
It's funny as I blogged about this experience again back in August in relation to Aleister Crowley and Choronzon/Abyss.
Also, think how Sturgill is the person who got me the NEW Miami Dolphins Jersey....New Jersey...
I don't know the full connection to this yet, but this picture looks very similar to what I was talking about when I said there were lights all over the sky. This was after the floating metal H looking thing followed us for miles and then disappeared in a flash.
Recall that my experience was the night before 9/11/2001, and then George Bush came to Offutt Air Force Base on 9/11. I lived very close to Offutt Air Force Base, and ever since Drones started becoming a Public thing, we have wondered if it was actually military drones that we saw.
The article above says the first sighting was on 11/18, which was 68 days after 9/11.
The number 68 is important to 9/11.
11/18 is also interesting as it's typically the 322nd day of the year.
The number 322 is important to George Bush and Skull and Bones.
I don't really know what else to say about these sightings. I do find it interesting that we are coming up on a Chinese Snake Year, and recall that 9/11, Pearl Harbor, and the Stock Market Crash all happened during Snake Years.
It reminds me of the black helicopters that use to fly really low over towns at night. I remember our house would shake when they flew over, and then the talking heads on TV said they aren't real, and that Mark from Michigan made them up and anyone who listens to him is a conspiracy nut. It's interesting that this time around nobody is denying it.