Saturday, December 7, 2024

Chaotic Truth Live and Why They Don't Understand Gematria-Mysticism-The Same Ol' Explanation I've Said 1000 Times


A big thing in the Gematria Community in the last few weeks is debating people on Chaotic Truth Live's YouTube streams. 

Chaotic Truth Live=316(FB)

Anyway, the point a lot of these people are making in relation to Gematria is that it isn't consistent. 
For example, using 4 ciphers with no explantion as to why the cabal chose to use "Reverse" with one word, and "Reduction" with another to find the same value. 

Another example is how there is no explanation on the selection of the words. Why did they use "Catholic" in this connection, and "Catholic Church" in a different connection? 

Another example is why did they use just a first name or last name, or both, or full name or nickname? 

Another example is connecting the gematria to dates. Why is it sometimes a span of days, and other times not? Why are people decoding a news story with the number 28, and saying it's because the date is August 2nd, 2/8? Especially when the news story is American, and we don't write the date as 2/8? There's no consistency yet again as to why they wouldn't just code the story to 82 on August 2nd instead of 28. Another example with dates is how people sometimes decode it to "Weeks" and then sometimes to "Days" and then sometimes to "Months and Days" etc. There is no consistency. This is the point that these people are making. 

These are all valid points, and Zach cannot explain these. If he could explain the reasoning WHY, then I feel like everyone would get on board with the message. But even in the debating live streams, Zach couldn't answer the questions, and just tried explaining it by giving more gematria examples. It's like telling someone you think the bible was written by man to control you, and they go on a tirade of bible verses to try and get you to change your mind lol. If I'm telling you something is controlled, and you are trying to get me to believe that I'm wrong by quoting the controlled object, I'm never going to listen. 

The point I want to make in this blog post is that there is no CONSISTENCY to how people are decoding, which in turn makes it MYSTICYSM. Sure, Gematria is most likely being used to an extent in the propaganda, but it's very hard to actually prove without consistency, or an explanation of the above. 

No consistency is also why sports predictions are not even close to 100 percent. 

For example:
Why didnt't the Giants become 3-9 and 3-3(Away) on Thanksgiving vs the Cowboys? 

New York=33 and 39

If the Giants would've won, this would be what everyone would say is the reason. 
Instead, the Cowboys became 3-0 against the Giants on Thanksgiving. 

But now let's compare this to the Dolphins vs Packers game. 

Why didn't the Dolphins become 6-6 on Thanksgiving? 
This also would've made the Packers 8-4. 
Green Bay Packers=84

And I'm sure there are millions of other connections, such as the Coach's bday and record, and certain players bday's and records....

So someone will always find a connection as to why a team wins, but there is no consistency, or explanation as to why the supposed RITUAL was linked to a certain way to decode it. 

The Cowboys game linked to Thanksgiving, and the Dolphins game didn't as far as I can see. No consistency. No explanation as to why one game is linked to the Coach, and the next game linked to the Field Goal kicker, and the next game linked to the Teams record, so on...this is why most people think Gematria is dumb, and rightfully so. 

In saying this though, it doesn't mean that I think Gematria is Bogus, or invaluable. It's just that Gematria is more of a tool to help you understand patterns such as synchronicities, or story lines/New Stories that don't seem related, but actually are. I mean, think of all the times I have blogged about the most random thing, and then we get a news story about it the next day or a few days later? It then syncs to the Gematria of what I was talking about too. This is the same with Sports, such as talking about a certain number, and then seeing the number show up multiple times in the game. It doesn't have to predict the winner to see that there is a undeniable pattern. 

The biggest problem I have with Gematria is the placing of words or phrases to blame it on the Jesuits/Freemasons etc. People have to understand that just because you can find a phrase that links to the Catholic Church, it doesn't prove they are responsible for it. Especially when you can't even tell us why they chose "The Catholic Church" here and "Roman Catholic" there, and so on. It's just Msyticism using the Catholic Church as your foundation to understand the pattern. 

It seems that no one stops to think why we started using the Reverse Gematria methods, or any other method either. This would be another place to get people on board as to why these ciphers make more sense to use. Sure, we can say it's the Duality, and the Cabal uses Duality, but the deeper reason is that we were guided to use them. It all had to do with us believing the cabal started FLIPPING the Script in 2016. Also, the Colts and the Vikings being eliminated from the playoffs on the same day Zach's Garage was crashed into...and the story of Andrew Luck still using a FLIP Phone...I won't go into the James Jumper(Jeopardy) story in relation to my Uncle and such, but that was also all about why we learned Reverse to be important. And sure, Derek and some others started working on more ciphers around that time and Reverse was one of them, but with the Flip narrative going on in the community, it all coincided perfectly to get us to see it's worth. Something was guiding us to find the importance of the reverse ciphers at that point in time. The question is whether it was the divine guiding us, or was it the Cabal purposefully getting us to do so? Especially considering all of the Umbrella Symbolism at the time, and how the Umbrella represents Mind Control. 

I later learned about the the Francis Bacon/Capital letter ciphers importance in 2019, and it synced to this exact narrative. I was following a theme with the Big Bang Theory, and Zenith had pointed out a bunch of connections to it with the Francis Bacon ciphers. Considering it was a Chinese Pig year, I thought it made sense to use the BACON Ciphers. I also had the synchronicities with Umbrella and Mary Poppins around this time, and then Zach's livestream got hacked reminding me of the Umbrella Man from 2016. This symbolism was also connected to PIG symbolism with Mary Tofflemire saying the Umbrella Man was trying to hurt her pet PIG. So this added to my thoughts the BACON Ciphers may be important. We then got the big craze for Jeopardy James that year, and recall that Jeopardy was important to the James Jumper thing in relation to learning REVERSE Gematria. (JJ) The whole Gematria Community was also following 8/11/2019 in relation to Tisha B'Av, and I could literally feel the energy(unexplainable) that we were supposed to have a revelation with Gematria in relation to that event. I also pointed out how I was paying attention to the Julian Calendar that year. This was due to Julian Edelman becoming the Super Bowl MVP, and Julian Assange being arrested, and a few other stories in relation to Julian in the months after the Super Bowl. Also, in 2016 around the time of learning the Reverse Ciphers, it felt as though something was really trying to divide the Gematria Community. This made me think there would be some type of division within the community in relation to the Tisha B'Av event. I also pointed out how I could feel that energy too(unexplainable). Then on 8/24/2019, which was the Julian Calendar 8/11/2019, Zach got mad at Derek about Anarchardelphia. Even more unbelievable, was that Andrew Luck decided to retire from the NFL on that same day, so it was absolutely connected to the 2016 learning of the Reverse Ciphers. 

This is why I continue to use the Francis Bacon/Capital Letter Ciphers to this day though. I was led to pay attention to them, and they still show up in perfect connection to News/Sychronicities all of the time. 

The same thing goes for the connection to Composite numbers/Ciphers. If you watch my Donald Trump assassination videos, I explain an actual reason as to why I think we should pay attention to them as we were being guided to do so. 

The point I'm making with all of this, is that this type of stuff needs to be explained to people who don't understand it. They need to know the reasoning behind why you chose a certain cipher and whatnot. But at the end of the day, the reasoning is due to Mysticism. Sure, the Cabal may be coding stories, but I don't think they are just coding phrases such as "The Catholic Church" and "Roman Catholic" and "Catholic" and "Catholic Church"....these are just mysticism ways to use as a foundation to understand the pattern. It doesn't PROVE, or make it true, just because something syncs to one of these phrases. Especially if the story has nothing to do with the Catholic Church. Sure, the Catholic Church seems to be running a lot of the world, but there is no consistency as to why they would choose to code a story with "Catholic" and the next with "The Catholic Church." Until this can be explained, Gematria will never be taken seriously by most people, let alone will they take it as evidence to PROVE a Cabal. 

I'm also not saying that every piece of the decodes are bad, as some things do make sense. The things that make sense, though, are things that actually have to do with the story. For example,  if they had a story about Donald Trump destroying a $48 million missile of North Korea. It would be fair to say..
Donald Trump=48
Kim Jong un=48
The story was 48 days after Kim Jon-un's bday.  

But you can't just say "Illuminati"=48 and "Freemason"=48
There is no proof they are coding these words to the story. And once again, why did they choose Freemason, and Illuminati, and not "The Illuminati" or "Freemasonry"?  This is no different than throwing in a phrase like "Jesus is Savior", or "Jesus is the Lord" like other people do. It may sync, but it's still just mysticism. Most likely if they were purposefully coding the story with 48, it was just because of the names summing to 48, because at least we know these connections make sense to the story with proof. Everything else is just speculation and can't be explained as proof.  

Even with the 48 stuff though, most people would argue, "Why didn't they just use the word "Trump" here, instead of "Donald Trump?" You see, we don't have the answer to this question, and this is why most people are never going to get on board with it. And in this aspect, it makes it mysticism. 
Remember when they gave us the News story that Gavin Newsom projected 56% of Californian's would get coronavirus in 8 Weeks? 

8 Weeks=56 Days
Toilet Paper=56(Reduced)
Gavin Newsom=56(Rev Reduced)

It sure seems that the media did use Gematria to code this story to me, but there isn't really any exact proof that it wasn't a synchronicity either. Even if it was purposefully coded to the number 56, does this prove that it means "Society of Jesus"=56? Sure, you can make a narrative considering Anthony Fauci and Gavin Newsom went to Jesuit schools, but once again, why did they choose "Society of Jesus" and not just "Jesuit" to code the story? Maybe the whole point was just because the word "Coronavirus" sums to 56. We at least know for sure Coronavirus and Gavin Newsom are linked to the 56%, but to say it also means "Society of Jesus" is just speculation. This is because there is no consistency or full explanation as to why they chose that phrase instead of another to link it to the Jesuits. 
Hell, a person could even argue that 8 Weeks is also 1344 hours, or 1 month 26 why are we choosing to only see the 56 days? 

I still think this story was purposefully coded to 56 days, but this is why most people will never get on board. The decoding is inconsistent, and until a person can explain WHY, it just makes it mysticism. Also, when you realize the reason Zach started connecting Coronavirus to the Jesuits after Dr. Paul Cottrell and it was linked to the Umbrella/Mind Control symbolism, it seems that we were guided to have that belief, and that they were purposefully connecting things to Jesuit educated people to make us believe the whole thing was the Jesuits. 

Think about the Umbrella symbolism and MIND Control in this aspect. Think how Dr. Paul Cottrell came out of nowhere and told Zach about Event 201 while Zach was in room 201 in Louisiana. 
Dr. Paul Cottrell=201
The Treme=186(FB)
Zach Hubbard=186(FB)
186 the big number important to the Umbrella Theme. 

Then the first video Paul posts with Zach,  he used the Umbrella on his Thumbnail. 
Zach was connecting coronavirus to the Pope, and then after the 201 thing, he realized all of the 201 connections to the Jesuits. This was pretty much the climax as to why Zach started thinking everything was the Jesuits. We had talked about the Jesuits previously, but this moment in time really pushed the belief over the edge. After realizing the 201 connections, and seeing that Anthony Fauci and Gavin Newsom, etc,  went to Jesuit Universities, Zach was now convinced that everything was the Jesuits. Who is to say that the true cabal didn't purposefully put these people in the news to create the synchronicities for Zach and others to see? It seems they created these synchronicities on purpose to guide the community down a path they wanted us to be on. This also guided everyone to start connecting the numbers to patterns they have found with words associated with the Jesuits and Catholic Church. So now everytime a number comes up, they have created an association with the Cabal by some form of a word or phrase that connects to it. 
One thing that doesn't get brought up is the fact that Dr. Paul Cottrell also went to a Jesuit University. Anthony Fauci, Gavin Newsom and alike, are all in on the conspiracy because they went to a Jesuit school? Yet at the same time, the biggest reason we learned of the connection to 201 and Event 201 is because of Paul Cottrell, who went to a Jesuit university? Do you see the contradiction? If everything is a conspiracy, then it seems that Paul purposefully reached out to Zach for him to take the bait, and then they kept creating stories and alike that synced to the narrative they wanted him to believe. Just like the story of Abe Lincoln saying it was the Jesuits 8 months 4 days from his bday.
Civil War in the 84th year of the US..
"Abraham Lincoln"=84
That info even came from the book by a guy with CC initials, like Catholic Church. 

The Umbrella Symbolism always seems to show up when have a new revelation about Gematria too.  The Umbrella Man and Zach's garage was reverse gematria....the Francis Bacon cipher came up for me around the time Zach's Livestream was hacked, which was linked to the Umbrella Symbolism...Composite linked to Trump/JFK/Umbrella. 

It's not that far fetched when you think how Facebook can read your mind either. If our minds can be read, then it's not that hard to place things in front of us to create synchronicities and control our thoughts through them. 

One of Zach's rebuttal videos to Chaotic Truth Live was about the Mike Tyson fight, and showing the Gatorade "G" while he was mooning the camera. 

It is interesting in relation to him Mooning the camera on the night of Full Moon, especially considering a big number I've followed around Mike Tyson is 51. 
Tyson could've got his 51st win. 

But the Moon/Mooning THEME isn't Gematria. 

Anyway, to then go on and say that they put the big "G" for Gatorade in the shot because it's the Freemason's is just speculation. I mean, it's possible that this is the reason, but there is no proof whatsoever behind it. There isn't even any proof that Mike Tyson purposefully mooned the camera on the night of a Full Moon. Sure, it may sync to the numbers of Freemasonry too, but why did they choose "Freemasonry" and "The Bavarian Illuminati" instead of just "Freemason," or "Masonic," or, "Illuminati," or "Order of Illuminati" etc? 

And once again, this goes back to what I've said all along. Where do we draw the line, with what is a ritual, and what isn't? 
If we are saying the Mike Tyson "G" was a Masonic ritual. Then can we say that Zach showing the "G" when his Garage got crashed into was a ritual as well? 
G=33(FB/Capital Letter)

Zach's garage was crashed into a span of 184 days after modern Freemasonry's founding date. 

Freemasonry=184(FB/Capital Letter)
Catholic Church=184(FB/Capital Letter)
CC 33


Zach was also in Oregon, the 33rd state when the crash happened. 

The Police Officer on the accident report signed it on the 33rd minute of the day. 

It happened 156 days after his bday. 
He had always talked about 156 in connection to 33 and 9/11. 

Thirty Three=156

Recall that this happened after the Umbrella Man told Zach to watch out for Christmas Eve, and just after Zach launched all4truth with the Umbrella logo on 12/15/2016, which coincidentally would later be the day he married Sweet Lady. 

Sweet Lady=33

Sweet Lady's bday is a span of 3 months 3 days before the Jesuit anniversary. 
Zach also thought the Super Bowl that year was either Colts vs Giants, or Colts vs Vikings. 
Recall that the Colts got eliminated from the playoffs on the same day his garage was crashed into...and the Raiders beat them with 33 points. 
The Vikings got eliminated from the playoffs that day too. There's more to this, but I want to stick to the number 33. 

Zach even had a GoFundMe where he was trying to raise 33K to build the website. This also happened while he was 33 years old. 

Truthseeker Network Revolution=137(The 33rd Prime). 
Zach launched all4truth 147 days after his bday. 


Recall that this was just before we really started seeing the importance to the REVERSE Gematria Ciphers too. 

I mean I could go way deeper too and say..
The Umbrella Symbolism stems back to JFK, the 35th president.
Zach must work for the Catholic Church. 

Zach's first blog post on Free2FindTruth was 3 months 3 days after his bday. 
Not only that, 10/24 is the day Richard Hofstadter died. He is the guy who according to Zach's blog coined the term "Conspiracy Theory." 

He died 2 months 18 days after his bday. 
His final bday was the 218th day of the year. 
Zach launched all4truth 218 days before his bday. 
Conspiracy Theory=218

10/24 also leaves 68 days in the year. 
Zachary K Hubbard=68

Zach just gave his daughter the middle name "Eleven." 

11 is the master number. 

33 is the Master Teacher number. 

A lot of people think Zach is the master teacher of Gematria. 


Zach used to be a teacher at a school. 

It's also interesting that a guy who becomes the Master teacher of Gematria would use just the middle initial in his name, and it ends up being the Master number. 

Notice 3 months and 3 days was also 95 days.
95 is a big number with the Jesuits... Remember Sweet Lady's bday is 3 months 3 days before the Jesuit anniversary. 

In 2020, Zach's BOOK released on 10/13/2020. This is an interesting date in connection to the Knights Templar and Jesuits, but I'll skip that for now.  
The point I want to make is that 3 months 3 days later, Zach decided to go to Powell's BOOK Store in Portland, Oregon to tell people about how Andy Ngo and Antifa are all by the numbers. Basically that Andy Ngo was an agent of the Cabal. 
Zach also went to advertise his own BOOK, due to the knowledge, and how it can expose Andy Ngo. 
The reason why he was inspired to go to Powell's on 1/16, was due to a story about Antifa protesting Andy Ngo's book outside of Powell's on 1/11/21. 
Andy Ngo's new book was set to release on the 33rd day of 2021. 

Oregon is the 33rd state. 

So sure, it was a perfect News story by the numbers. But how can we prove it was done on purpose? 

Especially when Zach then decides to go to Powell's on 1/16, which was 3 months 3 days after his own book released? 

It was the 16th day of 2021. 


Zach's book released 16 weeks before Andy Ngo's book. 


Think how the Car into Zach's garage was in the year 16' and all4truth launched on the day leaving 16 days in the year 16'. 


Zach also got Bear Sprayed by Antifa while at Powell's. 
The 33rd prime is 137. 

This happened just after the CAPITOL Insurrection, where they said Brian Sicknick was Bear Sprayed. 
Sicknick was Bear Sprayed 170 days after Zach's bday. 
Zach was Bear Sprayed 170 days after Sicknick's bday. 
Zachary Keefe Hubbard=170
Number Games=170(FB)
Number Games released on Amazon on 10/13. 
1013 is the 170th Prime number. 
10/13 the day the Pope who founded the Jesuits became Pope. It's also the day the Knights Templar were wiped out in France. 
Just after Zach got Bear Sprayed, he made a video where he talked about calling his girlfriend "Sweet Lady." It was from the song by Tyrese. 
Then we got a headline story in the news about the Myanmar Coup. 

This was interesting as Sweet Lady was from Myanmar/Burma. 

This Coup was also 170 days before Zach's bday. 

One of the 2 people overthrown was born on the 170th day. She was the one they mentioned in the headline article. 
At the time, Wikipedia showed that the song "Sweet Lady" released on my 16th bday too. 
Someone later changed it to the 33rd day of 1999. 

But it's now back to 11/10. 
The date 11/10 stands out though, because in 2022, remember that Sweet Lady got into a car wreck on 11/10. 

This was a span of 139 days after her bday. 

A month after the Myanmar Coup, there was a story about Winston Marshall from Mumford & Sons and how he supported Andy Ngo. 

This story came exactly 33 weeks after Zach's bday. 

Winston reminded me of George Orwell and 1984, as the main character is named Winston.


Oddly enough, a few months after this, Zach was doing a video and pointed out how Sweet Lady shares a bday with George Orwell. 

What are the odds that Sweet Lady would share a bday with George Orwell after this? Further, what are the odds that George Orwell lived in Burma/Myanmar and wrote a Novel called "Burmese Days"? 

Orwell died a span of 156 days before his bday. 
Thirty Three=156
I could go way deeper as well, as her bday is 25/6. 
Sweet Lady=256(FB)
Zachary K Hubbard=256
The Myanmar president overthrown has a bday 256 days before Zach's. 
So on. 
The date 1/16 is also important to the year 2022 when Zach decided to have a Rally in Oklahoma City on 4/19. 
Basically, there was a story on 1/15/2022 about the Texas Synagogue Hostage situation. This reminded Zach of David Koresh and Waco. 

Then on 1/16/22, Zach made a video about the connections to David Koresh, Timothy McVeigh and 9/11. 
He pointed out that Timothy McVeigh died on 11/6.(June 11th) 
David Koresh=116
They both died age 33. 
The Texas Hostage let out 1 person after 6 hours and 4 people after 11 hours(6 and 11 Hours). 

We then got a story on 1/19 about a man who saved people in the OKC bombing who had died on 1/16/22. This inspired Zach to have a rally in Oklahoma City on 4/19, the anniversary of the bombing. 

But how funny is it that Zach's video was 33 minutes long, and the date 1/16 is 3 months 3 days before 4/19? 

Also, 4/19 is a span of 3 months 3 days before Zach's bday. 

Then when Zach arrived in OKC, the band Primus was playing next to his hotel. 

Not too long after he made the video wanting to start a Truth Rally in OKC, we got the news story about the Los Angeles Rams coach, and how his father, "Tim McVay" went viral over a picture. 

Recall that Zach was following the Bengals to win the Super Bowl, and they ended up losing to the Rams in that Super Bowl. 

Joe Burrow=116
Joe Burrow's bday was 4 months 19 days after Zach's. 
Cincinnati Bengals=419(Jewish)
OKC Rally on 4/19 sycned to Super Bowl.
4/19 leaves 256 days in the year.
Recall Zach and Sweet Lady have the connection to 256. 

No one thought this was suspicous? 

Cooper Kupp was the MVP of the Super Bowl and he was from Yakima, where Zach lived at the time. Then later that year Cooper Kupp's grandpa would go on to buy Zach's House? Still not suspicious? Just swept under the rug by Zach like "the world is strange truthseeker, but let's move on." I won't even go into how this was by the numbers as well, but it was all synced to the Umbrella symbolism..the mind control narrative. 

Cooper Kupp's bday is 3 months 3 days after his grandpa's. 
There was also the Fred Meyer grocery store shooting on 2/7/2022 that Zach went to investigate. 
Fred Meyer is a store that is owned by Kroger that is headquarted in Cincinnati. Fred Meyer was also founded on Joe Burrow's bday in Portland, where Zach is originally from. 
The shooting was on Matt Stafford's bday. He's the winning QB over Joe Burrow in Super Bowl 56. 
The founder of Kroger also died on Zach's bday, and the shooting happened 201 days after his bday. 

Remember that the Fred Meyer shooting was 322 days after the King Soopers Grocery store shooting in Boulder, Colorado on 3/22. Boulder is where the college team is the Buffaloes. 

We then got the Buffalo shooting at Tops Grocery just after the OKC Rally. Then Zach decided to have a new rally in Buffalo that was 33 days after the OKC Rally. 
New York=33
He had 11.6K subs at the time. 

Buffalo just so happens to be where Tim Russert, the guy who supposedly exposed Skull and Bones and 322 was from. 
Tim Russert=322(FB)
The Buffalo Rally was on 5/21, which was Buffalo Bills QB, Josh Allen's bday. Also, the death day of Alphonso Taft, the founder of Skull and Bones. 

Josh Allen=33

Timothy McVeigh, the OKC bomber was also from the Buffalo area. 

What a coincidence? 

We also got a story of a guy plotting to assassinate George W. Bush(Skull and Bones) just after this rally. The story came 322 days after Bush's bday. 

VICE News also showed up to the Buffalo Rally and recall they wrote an article about Zach in 2017 in relation to the Astros winning the World Series. Then the Astros went on to win the 2022 World Series. 

The next big Rally that year was on 9/11/22. 
This was a span of 3 months 22 days after the Buffalo Rally. 
There were also UMBRELLA's everywhere that day. 
Recall that Zach went to the JFK assassination site the day after the OKC Rally, and JFK is where the Umbrella Man stems back to . 

Then on 9/12/22, Zach went to Yale where Skull and Bones is located. 
You could also say this was 3 months 22 days after the Buffalo Rally. 

Even crazier is that 9/12/22 was Andrew Luck's 33rd Bday. 

The Guy with the Umbrella Man Channel also made a video on one of his other channels that day titled, "Skull and Bones." 

I pointed out how the Umbrella Man's video about Zach in 2016 was 322 days before my bday..and it buffered at 3:22 for a long time while I was watching it. He later made the other video connected to me in 2017. 
Zach and I are both connected to Skull and Bones. 
Zachary K Hubbard=149
Zach born on the 202nd day. 
Skull and Bones=202, 149 and 254(FB)
Dan Behrendt=202 and 254(FB)
Daniel Edward Behrendt=254(FB)
I was born 254 days before Zach. 
9/11 on the 254th day. 
Never Forget=254(FB)
The World Trade Center=322(FB)

In 2017, the Umbrella Man made the video in relation to me and also had a post that said "DB-SF APR17". 
Then my uncle Clancy died on 4/17 the next year, and his bday was 3/22.  My uncle also died the exact day that Barbara Bush died. 
This also stood out as the original video he did in relation to me had to do with my other uncle dying just after the car crashed into Zach's garage. 

In the mix of all of this, Zach also met Derek for the first time 3 months 3 days after his bday. He also went to the March For Our Lives Rally on Rambo's bday, which is also the death day of Timothy McVeigh. 

I mean, the list of 33 and Zach just goes on forever. 
His banner on Gematria Effect Sports has black spots on only the IACT. 


He started the new podcast "Wake the Fuck Up Radio" on 3/3, and first episode was about 33. 
He's even recently done videos in response to Chaotic Truth Live by showing what "ChatGPT" says. 

I started this blog post on 11/29, and stopped after I wrote about Andrew Luck and his FLIP Phone. The next morning I went to work and went to ESPN to look at the college football games. When I got to ESPN, the top headline was about Andrew Luck becoming the new GM at Stanford lol. I also thought this was funny as the night before I went to the Casino and a guy I know was telling me about some new CAT machine they had. I found it and it was called "Kismet Cat." or Maybe "Kismet Kat." Either way, I thought this was funny as I had started this blog before leaving that day, and recall that I learned the word "Kismet" meant "Fate, or LUCK" just days before the car crashed into Zach's garage. It was due to the show "Fuller House." 

So funny I would see the word meaning "Luck," and then the next day a story about Andrew Luck. 
Funnier yet is that I've recently noticed that the number 192 has been a Lucky number in relation to gambling. 
Andrew Luck=192(Composite)
Andrew Austen Luck=192
Indianapolis Colts=192

I haven't hit real big after seeing 192, but whenever I see it, it hits a bonus game in the next few spins.

I also just realized another 33. 
all4truth launched 3 months 3 days after Andrew Luck's bday. 

I'm also seen a lot of videos involving Full House and Candace Cameron lately. One about her drinking...and Joey has Cancer has been in the News....So there might be something I'm supposed to see with Full House, or something connected....Kirk Cameron...Alan Thicke is the guy who explains Kismet on Fuller House.. 

I guess the purpose of this post is to try and show people why others cannot understand Gematria. We will never get everyone on board with it until we can explain the reasons behind what I am mentioning. Many people also are not realizing that most of this is actually just mysticism. This doesn't mean a Cabal doesn't exist, but a lot of what is going on with Gematria doesn't prove a cabal exists. It also doesn't prove that the Cabal is behind all of the numbers in the stories/sports games etc. 


  1. I've really slowed down on Gematria lately. I've just gotten to the point where I realize people just think I'm crazy for bringing it up and I see it as justifiable too. So what if the towers were brought down in a controlled demolition? How does that knowledge help anyone 23 years later? What are we wrangling here? What are we angling here? What are we even reciprocating? I look around the so-called community and see almost exclusively headcases. Where's the ground? What is this house built on?

    1. What are we reaping other than ridicule? This is a reality avoiding exercise not a reality revealing exercise.

    2. A lot of people posting gematria content seemingly want people to become isolated from their friends/family so that they spend more time watching their content & following them. Also a lot of people within the gematria community start to let their paranoia set in after they become a part of it, like in a lot of truther communities. The one I always remember and laugh about is the dude who said he could tell if someone was a mason based on whether or not they had a "33" in their license plate LMFAO. Even the other day a couple clowns left a comment on Zach's video saying they thought they were going to be offed and that they were being "gangstalked". It's like the two people who left the comments have no notoriety, nobody is wasting resources to gangstalk people like that. It's why I maintain at minimum 25-30% of the community has some sort of undiagnosed mental illness and that percentage is on the low side for sure. I actually feel bad for a lot of them, but it's sad that they do make up a good amount of the community. Another reason why people have a hard time taking the community seriously.

  2. Great post, I think a video with these points would resonate with a lot of people. Also a lot of points in here I've made as well, there is no consistency with anything. People flipping the dates to get a number match has always been a pet peeve of mine. People should be writing the date the way it's written in the country where the event is taking place.

    Until about 2018 Zach would pretty much exclusively blame the you know whos, but now everyone is supposed to just willingly accept it's the Jesuits that are the evil master mind because Zach found numbers to connect it to them. If I was in the "cabal" and I knew there were people running numbers to try and bring them down, I would simply start coding the stories on a stooge group like say the Jesuits to shift blame from the real group in charge. I'm not even saying the Jesuits are necessarily innocent, but the whole "if you believe it's any other group other than the Jesuits you're an idiot" line of thinking is just dumb.

    And with the sports games that failed on Thanksgiving it's par for the course, two games that on the surface looked solid and both missed. Had they won everyone would've came on and said they were "locks" but since they lost they both get swept under the rug with the other 1000 losses and people want to talk only about past wins. It's the same way that Zach will claim he used to hit at 80-90% back in 2016 before people started tracking his picks, but now that people are tracking his picks he claims his pick percentage is lower because of the "cabal" flipping games and "watching" his community. This doesn't even make sense because collectively his community accounts for a small percentage of what is bet on each game. People are dropping million dollar bets on a single game and his community collectively might drop $50,000 on a game they really like. It's just insanity to believe they're flipping games because of him and his community. They might flip games to make money off all bettors, that's possible, but even that I doubt because Vegas knows almost everyone will give back their wins anyway.

    It's just like Zach routinely claims that "he put 5Dimes out of business with his Lakers future". 5Dimes had a 45+ million dollar settlement withthe US government and as part of the settlement they agreed to cease US operations, it had nothing to do with his Lakers future. To think a sportsbook would go out of business because of one sports future is just a joke.

    It's just like Zach will say "he leads with QB narratives" until the QB narrative is in favor of a huge underdog that he doesn't trust to win, then he'll start spinning a narrative for the huge favorite to win and only to put a "$1 parlay" on the huge underdog. It's like well if QB narratives take the cake, that should be the pick, but it isn't usually. Zach will almost always advise an underdog with the points or a $1 parlay as opposed to taking them moneyline, but then after the game ends he makes it sound like he loved the team to win outright if the underdog wins. Can't have it both ways.

    Just a few points I wanted to make, but I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting at the moment. Long story short, a lot of this type of stuff is why there's no movement and why the community hasn't gone anywhere for years and is actively regressing. Anyone still thinking the "cabal" is going to be overthrown by the gematria community is a fool. People within the community can't even come to a consensus on most things and a lot of the people in the community are more focused on materialistic possessions (just like the people they rant about) than actually making a real significant change/improvement to the world. Just like Mr. I own 5 properties, but need you to donate a dollar for the revolution.

  3. Kinda funny you were using 28 as an example for date decoding and there's a news story about Judy Garland's Ruby Slippers selling for $28 million. 28 years later trailer dropped yesterday too
