Thursday, March 20, 2025

Synchronicity with Newspaper and Death of a Friend Today-Drowning-Father-Tooth


When I got to work today, my boss had a letter from the local Newspaper. Apparently, they are not going to deliver to our store anymore, because not enough people buy it. Most likely because people can get it online, or sent directly to their house.

After this, I started thinking about a younger guy named Jake who buys our newspapers. I've even joked with him that they have an apps for them and whatnot, but he just likes having the actual paper.

I've recently talked about the Drowning Theme, and the time I was at the bar when a girl told my friend that I saved her brother from Drowning. 
Well, her dad used to deliver the Omaha World Herald, but he died on 2/20/2018, just months before her saying that at the bar. It was important due to the Father symbolism being linked to the Drowning theme.

This stands out though, because Jake, the guy who buys the Newspapers, is the cousin of the girl who said I saved her brother from Drowning. So it was his uncle who delivered the Omaha paper. 
Jake's mother had also died on 12/24/2017, so she died just months before Jake's uncle. So basically his mother and Uncle died and then months later I had the Drowning synchronicity with his cousin.

So after my boss told me about the letter that they aren't delivering the paper to us anymore, I started thinking about these old synchronicities.

Then about a half hour later, my boss told me that they found Jake's brother, Trevor, dead this morning. He was a classmate of hers too. I've also known Trevor since he was a baby, so my mind was blown. 

My boss is also on the fire department, and then started telling a story of her first traumatic call where some kid DROWNED. 

You just can't make it up. 

Trevor just turned 38 on 3/8.

As I was typing this blog post, my co-worker Heather was asking me if I was doing numbers stuff lol...I then started to explain what I am blogging about to her. As I was explaining this, one of her false teeth busted off, and it ended the conversation. I'm only blogging this, because 2 nights ago, I chipped a molar on on a taco shell. Very small, but I was like what the hell, I'm falling apart lol.

Also, last night, my son Alistair was telling me about his wiggly tooth, and I told him we will try and pull it out tonight. 

So might be something with the Tooth synchronicity again. And it might somehow be related to this Drowning theme...

Jake and Trevor's mom also sums to 184(FB) and 177
There was a Chase theme around the time of the Drowning Theme in 2018 too..and that is also Trevor's last name...but soon after finding out he died, a guy named Chase ordered a pizza.

Have to go back and look at my old info.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Pac-Man Synchronicity With Supernatural-Trainwreck-Fever-Father

 I just got in bed and figured i would turn on Netflix. I'm usually up later, but my heads been pounding, because I never sleep, so going to bed early.

Anyway, I turned on Supernatural, and I see that I'm on a new episode...Of course, Pac-Man is in the title lol.

It's season 8 episode 20 called, "Pac-Man Fever."

Pac-Man Fever=624(Sum) and 1158(Rev Sum)

624 important to Fathef symbolism, and recall when I first started watching Supernatural, I had the Father synchronicities with it.

1158 important to my Book, which links back to the Train symbolism.

I'm wondering about the number 182 as well.

Pac-Man Fever=182(FB)


182 is the 139th Composite.

My Uncle Mike and his wife Cathy were important to the Train wreck stuff, and both their names sums to 139.



192 is 148th Composite.

Train wreck=148

I guess I'll see if this episode has anything that stands out lol, but I really gotta get some sleep. I cant focus as I've been exhausted lately. 

One last thought. I was thinking earlier today how I should make a YouTube short of the Supernatural episode where there's a apocalyptic virus, and Dean says to make sure you stock up on toilet thinking relation to that.

Plus with John Cena retiring and being in Trainwreck, and his connection to Caitlyn also makes me think of the Indiana Fever.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Synchronicity with Pac-Man, Microwave at Work and the Train wreck symbolism-San Francisco-Golden Gate Bridge


I was paying attention to today in relation to the Train wreck symbolism in relation to my previous posts about my uncle Mike. 

Today is 310 days, or 10 months 6 days after the death date of my uncle Mike, which was also the day of the Philadelphia Train wreck.

Recall that 106 is important to the Train symbolism...and we also had the train wreck on 3/10/22 in connection to that Train Wreck and my Uncle Mike.

Today is also 3/18, and part of this had to do with my cousin Amber's, Mike's daughter, sharing her story about believing in God....318 is what we used to call the GOD number due to the TV show Touch with Kiefer Sutherland.

Anyway, today is Taco day at my job, and we put the meat in a crock pot. The meat was still not hot by the time people started ordering tacos, so I had to microwave it a bit. 

When I pushed the 1 minute button, for some reason the microwave would start at 1:48. I thought maybe I hit 2 minutes and someone stopped it at first, but then when I did it again, it went to 1:48....still no idea why it's doing it lol...It says it's set on ×2 which I've never seen before, but even so, wouldn't times 2 be 2 minutes, and not 1:48?

Anyway, the reason 148 is important.

Train wreck=148

Brandon Bostian=148(Philly train)

Amber Chase=148(See Previous Post)

She posted her wedding pics 148 days after her wedding on 3/10/13.

Bon Jovi=148(Composite)

Recall in 2022, I had synchronicities with Bon Jovi and my Uncle Mikes wife, which led me to the Train wreck on 3/10/22.

As I was typing this blog post, my co-worker Patty just came back and said something about how they are redoing a BRIDGE between here and Denison. Thi means we will have to do a detour to get to Denison. I just thought it was funny that she would randomly say that, considering the BRIDGE Theme related to Father Theme, and Denison is where the 3/10/22 train wreck happened.

Jasmine bought some HDMI stick with a million old video games that you can play on TV. I hooked it up last night, and for some reason, I really wanted to show Alistair Ms. Pac-Man. I thought it was a simple game that he might like. We ended up playing it, and he did like it. It's weird though, because this thing had a million old games, and I have no idea why I was obsessed with showing him Pac-Man, but I was lol.

Now today, someone ordered a pizza and I open up the freezer to see 2 Pizza Crusts that look like Pac-Man.
A bit later, I walked up front and I noticed the lottery thing has a big advertisement with Pac-Man on it lol.
So now I'm sitting here thinking back about the film Trainwreck, and I remembered I had a bunch of old videos about the film "Pixels" that came out around the time of "Trainwreck."

A big thing I pointed out is that the cover shows Pac-Man eating San Francisco with the Golden Bridge on it...yet there is never an attack on San Francisco in the film.

We are coming up on the 88th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Golden Gate Bridge=246(Composite)

246th Composite is 310.

San Francisco=213(Composite)

Golden Gate Bridge=213(FB)


Think how Philadelphia and San Francisco have a relationship...and how Happy Gilmore(Adam Sandler) are linked to the Earthquake symbolism..

Philadelphia Train Wreck.

Next years Super Bowl will be in San Francisco be interesting if Philadelphia makes it again.

Plus all the things that seem to point to 8/10 again...and 810 was important to the Golden Gate Bridge in 2019.

I'm gonna throw this out here too. Before I even realized the connection to Pixels today, Jasmine's step dad ordered a pizza. As I was making the pizza, I started thinking how he looks like Peter Dinklage. I didn't even know the actors name, but I just remembered how I've always thought he looked like the famous dwarf guy.

Now that I'm looking at Pixels, I see his name is Peter Dinklage, and he's the cheater guy in Pixels.

Oddly enough, today is 2 months 24 days before his bday.

Peter Dinklage=224


I'll have to ask Jasmine, but I'm pretty sure Mikes bday is 8/19, the same day as my co-worker Heather, who has been important this year.
That would also make his bday 9 months 23 days before Peter Dinklage, again, reminding me of the Train wreck symbolism.
Dinklage also has a film called, The Statiom Agent, that is all about his love for Trains...
Even involves Hoboken, New Jersey, which had the train wreck in 2016 linked to the Cubs vs Indians.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Synchronicity with my Cousins Facebook Posts and the FATHER Symbolism-TRAIN THEME-Dream-Pope Francis and More


On 3/10, I went to Facebook and this post from my cousin was the first to show up in my feed. I thought it was funny as it's a picture of her sister Amber's wedding, and her dad, my uncle Mike, is in the pictures. 

Recall that I've been talking about the FATHER Symbolism and pointing out how the date 3/10 is important to it. I've also mentioned the connection to March of 2022, and how I had synchronicities involving my uncle Mike in my recent blog posts. 

Michael Patrick Murphy=310

 Recall that the DREAM symbolism is also linked to my father, and the year 2022 was really big with the DREAM Theme. Also, remember that in 2022 I was following the date 3/10 in relation to the Dream/Father Symbolism...This same symbolism was also important to Trainwrecks...
Then on 3/4/2022, we had the News that the engineer of the Philadelphia Trainwreck on 5/12/2015 was found not guilty on the the charges for the wreck. 
Then I had the Bon Jovi syncs with my uncle Mike's wife that pointed to 3/10...
Then on 3/10/2022 there was a train wreck in Denison, Iowa, near where I live. 
My uncle Mike died the same day as the Philadelphia Train Wreck in 2015. That train wreck was synced to Pope Francis'(Father) visit to the United States. 

My uncle Mike's bday was also 6/4, which is the same day as Daniel Gaul's bday. Recall that I had a Dream in High School that he died in a car wreck, and the next day he died in a car wreck. He died near where the rail road tracks have the posts that look like NIN, and also just before the Highway changes its name to Railroad Hwy. 

I've recently mentioned the connection to my co-worker Heather in relation to Michelle Trachtenberg(Buffy Show). And Heather's father also had a bday on 6/4. 

Recall that I also had the synchronicity with NELLY in 2022 in relation to the DREAM Theme...and then a girl from his Hot in Herre video died on 6/4/2022. 

I also found out about the Trump assassination attempt right while I was in the car with my parents. My mom saw it on her phone and told us about it at the exact spot Daniel Gaul died. 

So hopefully you can see why I thought it was funny that my cousin would share these pictures on the date 3/10...even more odd is that my cousin actually got married on 10/13/2012, and then just didn't post the pictures on Facebook until 3/10/2013. 

So the pictures went up 148 days later. 

Train wreck=148
Brandon Bostian=148(Philly Train Operator)
Amber Chase=148(FB)

Anyway, I was just about to go to bed, and figured I'd check Facebook again first. The first post that came up was again from my cousin Amanda. This time it was a video of my cousin Amber at her church telling a story about her dad, my uncle Mike's, death. This also brought her to believe in God, because her son was conceived on the exact day her father died. He was born on his exact due date, which lined up perfectly with her Father's death. She also couldn't get pregnant forever, and then found out she was pregnant soon after her father died. There's more to it, but moral of the story is that her becoming pregnant after her father died, made her believe in God. 

So I'm listening to this story, and oddly enough, she brings up TRAINS more than once lol. She first mentions how grief can hit you like a Freight TRAIN. Then later, she tells how her son, Lincoln, says that he knows her father. Even though, he wasn't born before he died, he said he knows him and they rode TRAINS together...

Tell me that my Uncle Mike dying on the same day as the Philadelphia train wreck wasn't important lol. It's unbelievable that her son would say this, and she mentions Trains more than once...especially after I've talked about his death being important to Train wrecks since 2015. Then add in how I had synchronicity with his wife and was paying attention to 3/10/2022, only to get a train wreck 20 minutes away from my house. 

My uncle Mike also died a span of 184 days after my bday. 

Recall that 184 is linked to the Father symbolism in relation to the Psychic Dream. 

Underwood, Iowa=184

And once again, notice the main Hwy that goes through that town is Railroad Hwy. 

Plus, the Dream theme is all about 9 Days Before and the number 9. My uncle Mike currently died 9 years ago. 

I'm trying to piece this together....310 days after 5/12 is 3/18....318 is what I used to refer to as the GOD Number. 

Something I've never thought about until now is how April 18th can be written 4/18, or 18/4. Considering all of the Aleister Crowley connections...and Zach's father being born on April 18th. 

Thinking about it too...I'm DJing the High School Prom this year, and before I left work, one of the kids told me that they were making a playlist for me....Then he told me how there's an old NELLY song on it. That was the only thing he mentioned about it lol.

I wish I could piece it all together...but this seems to be a sure sign that something important to the TRAIN Symbolism will be coming up. 


Amber's son was even born on 2/3/2016...

This means he was born 122 days before Mike's bday. 

Train wreck=122

Pope Francis=122

San Franciso=122...located on 122W

Both named after Francis of Assisi who died on 3/10(October 3)

Golden State=122

Golden State beat LeBron James in the Finals that year, and then was in the film Trainwreck with Amy Schumer that summer. 

2/3 was big with the 9 symbolism in 2024 when I won 10 Grand on Chumba...all linked to the Angel Gabriel..which links back to the Father symbolism....Nine Days even in a SB Commercial that year. 

23 is the 9th Prime. 

Pope Francis visit to the US was all about 9 and 23. 

Arrived in America on his 923rd day as Pope. 

Went to the White House at 9:23am on 9/23.

Trainwreck begins with Amy Schumer's character as a 9 year old, and rest of the film takes place 23 years later. 

Philadelphia Trainwreck at 9:23

LeBron James=923

Michael Jordan all about 9 and 23 as well...recall that his Father died 9 days after his bday...Jordan wore #9 in the Olympics...Jordan made announced his comeback to the NBA on 3/10, and came back 9 days later. So on...Jordan is also linked to Philadelphia/Earthquakes and the number 106...which if you read my blog, 106 is the big TRAIN number with the Dream theme. 

So I can't shake the idea that something big with the TRAIN theme is coming. 

I really got to get some sleep though, so I'm leaving it at that. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

36 Year Cold Case Murder Arrest and YouTube Ghosting SportsGemtria's channel from me

When I got to work today, my boss asked me about this story. It's a cold case of a missing woman from 10 minutes away. I brought this story up a few months back too, but apparently the just arrested her killer after 36 years.

She went missing 249 days after her bday.

Barbara Lenz=249(FB) and 310(Rev Composite)

They just arrested this guy on 3/10.

Both Ciphers I've been led to pay attention to.

In relation to the Composite cipher further, notice he was arrested on 3/10, a span of 174 days before her bday. 

Her name sums to 174 and 310 in the Composite ciphers.

Robert Allen Davis=177

This stands out, because I keep seeing this number and blogging about it.

I can't find his bday.

3/10 was also 1 month 26 days before she disappeared on 5/6.
5/6 is the 126th day.
I'm lumping this in the post because it happened soon after looking at the above story.
I usually listen to something while making pizzas and dishes and such in the afternoon. I hadn't seen anything from SportsGematria for a while, so I searched for it...For the life of me, no matter what I search on YouTube his channel will not show up anymore. I thought maybe he got deleted or something...I had to search on Yahoo in order to find his YouTube page. I've never had this problem with anyone before, and it always showed up on. YouTube. 

So as usual, I looked at the Gematria.


Considering I just saw 249 in the above story, there must be something I'm supposed to understand with 249.

249th Composite is 315.
The Bridge/Father Symbolism was important to the FIU Bridge Collapse on 3/15...
I mentioned a bit about 315 with Trump and the Super Bowl at Caesars Super Dome.

When we first started paying attention to the Composite numbers, I pointed out how 233 seemed to be a big number. It also had a lot to do with BRIDGE Symbolism and the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse.


We do get the 23/3 date this month as well. 


Dream I Had This Morning and the Father Symbolism-Creed-Korn-184-177

 I woke up this morning when my kids got up for school, and then I went back to sleep. When I went back to sleep, I had a strange dream. 

Basically, I was at the bar, or a party of some sort, and my friend Jay was there. He motioned me to come outside, and I followed because I thought he was gonna pay me some money he owed me for DJing. The funny part is that in real life he doesn't owe me money, nor have I ever Djed for him, let alone, I haven't seen him for a good amount of time.

Anyway, we got outside in the dream and then my cell phone rang. It was our friend Norm aka Joel. I missed the call, but called him right back. When he answered, he instantly started angrily asking why I put his name in my book. He was really mad that I used his name in my book..I explained to him that it wasn't anything bad, and I only used his name to tell a true story about the Batman movie. Then he hung up and I woke up.

In real life my friend Norm would never get that mad over it lol. If anything, he would've asked me more about it and let me explain it, whether he thought it was interesting or not. Along with Jay though, I haven't seen Norm since probably last summer, for only a few minutes when he was in town. I'm pretty sure that he still lives in Minnesota, so I only randomly see him if he's back.

I also do not think all 3 of us have hung out since probably my senior year in high school. The biggest memory I have with them is driving around listening to music. Jay and I always wanted to listen to Korn, and Norm loved Creed. I remember Jay hated Creed though lol, and would always get annoyed that Norm wanted to listen to it makes me think I'm supposed to see something with Creed, or possibly Korn.

All the members of Creec have interesting bdays to me.





Remember how Scott Stapp said the Illuminati was after him at one point.

Anyway, I've also talked a ton about the Father symbolism lately.

Joel McCall=184 (Norms name)

Jay Mefferd=177 and 184(FB)

Think how 184 is a number important to the Father symbolism in relation to my psychic DREAM....and I've recently talked about 177 with Michelle Trachtenberg and the Father Symbolism.

So it's pretty strange I would dream about these guy only to see these numbers come up.

The Father symbolism was important to a Bridge Theme as well...and my old blog posts about Korn have to do with the Bridge Theme.

I figured I'd look up Norm on Facebook, but he still doesn't have, and just shares one with his wife. Oddly enough, the first post that comes up when I searched his name is about FATHERS Day..
When you go to his wife's page, the last time she posted was 6/24...recall 624 is the other big Father number/date.

She also has a bday on 3/16.
Her father's name sums to 316 and 222 in the Composite ciphers. All of the Father numbers just can't make it up.

Joel's father lives in Norman, Oklahoma and he's a big Sooners fan. Hence the nickname Norm, although I also think Norm on Cheers with it.

Jay's real name is John, which sums to 624(Sum) and 1158(Rev Sum)

Think how 1158 has been important to my book..and this Dream involved my book...
My book all about 86, which was the big number in the 2012 Batman shooting on Norms bday. We watched the midnight showing for his bday and such.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Stock Market Headlines Today-Banker Mark Carney To Replace Justin Trudeau-316


The headlines on 3/10 are about Stocks falling 900 points.

I've been paying attention to this day and how it relates to Trump's assassination attempt that is linked to the Stock Market Crash.
We also had the story yesterday that Mark Carney will succeed Justin Trudeau as Canada's Prime Minister.

Think how Trump Tariffs on Canada are also impacting the Stock Market.

Notice that Mark Carney is a Banker and was the governor of the Bank of Canda and England.

Further, notice that his bday is 3/16.
Recall that 316 is the big number I'm talking about in relation to Trump and the Stock Market narrative.
This comes a span of 2 months 13 days after Justin Trudeau's bday.

Mark Carney=213(FB)
Stock Market=213(FB)
Prime Minister of Canada=213

It's also a span of 63 days since Trudeau announced his retirement.
63 makes me think of the Stock Market narrative.

Crash on day leaving 63 days.
Wall Street=63