Monday, May 15, 2023

Comment on Darren Daulton Video(Dutch Theme) and Joran van der Sloot Extradited to US-My Friends Dad Knows Caitlyn Jenner-Winning on Conan The Barbarian Slot Machine-Dolph Lundgren


On May 10th I thought it was interesting that a headline story was about the Natalee Holloway story from years ago. 
I haven't had much time to look at things, but I knew I would probably see more as to why the story was back soon...

So yesterday I got a comment on one of my old videos about Darren Daulton...Oddly enough if you watch this video, I talk about the death of my best friend(Sturgill) brother....which is interesting because he died on 5/11/2004....and my friend usually comes back to town and parties on this weekend every year. On Friday night, he even wore a Jalen ROSE Chicago Bulls jersey to the bar...While sitting there a girl, Marissa, wanted to do shots and said she wanted a Southern Comfort, which is seems like an odd shot to order...but moral of the story is I went on to tell her that I would do anything else but that, because I am allergic to Southern Comfort. She then went on to tell me how she is allergic to "Roses." I then told her that she better not get on Sturgill that night cause he was wearing a Jalen Rose jersey.....
Everyone thought it was a Derrick Rose jersey too, because of the Chicago Bulls, but it was a Jalen Rose jersey because he is a huge Michigan fan. 

Anyway, around 4pm yesterday I got asked if I wanted to DJ a party in the I ended up getting off work and going to this party to DJ...At the party I found out that Sturgill's dad knows Caitlyn Jenner....I don't know if all the details were true, like how he said they were college roomates...but Caitlyn Jenner did go to Graceland College at the same time that his dad went to Graceland...So he probably does know Caitlyn Jenner lol...can't believe I've never heard that story before though. 
I'll look more into this some other day...for now I want to stick to the point of this blog post though...

Think how Darren Daulton's nickname is "Dutch"....and I've talked about a Dutch Theme before with him connected to Joran Van Der Sloot, the supposed killer of Natalee Holloway, who is also Dutch.
Joran van der Sloot's bday is 8/6. 
Darren Daulton died on 8/6. 
8/6 was really important to the symbolism I was following with Pink in 2018...John Hughes who died on 8/6 and he wrote the films "Pretty in Pink" and also a film called "Dutch." 

This really stands out to me as well considering learning about my friends dad and Caitlyn Jenner last night. His dad always makes me think of Ed O'Neill, the actor because I think they have similar attributes....I also think it's because his dad used to be a coach and the film "Little Giants" makes me think this even more...Regardless of what anyone else thinks lol...I have always associated him with Ed O'Neill...and Ed O'Neill is the actor who portrays "Dutch" in the film "Dutch." 

Ed O'Neill=218(FB)
Al Bundy=218(FB)
8/6 the 218th day..
John Hughes born on 2/18.  
Ed O'Neill born 8 months 6 days after 8/6. 

Natalee Holloway=236 and 169
Both Numbers I've been talking about lately. 
Darren Daulton's book is 169 pages long. 

Joran van der Sloot=456(FB)
236 important to Money along with 456...

Derrick Rose born on 10/4...which is 424 days after my book all about 86 came out. The number 424 another big number with Money. 
The film "Geostorm" and DUTCH Boy that controls the weather....
In relation to money....I started this blog post earlier today and ended up going to the Casino with Jasmine. I wanted to go, because I woke up early this morning and then took a nap...when I woke up, I looked at my phone and it was 2:10pm....This is a number I've associated with winning money, as many times when I see it, I win...
Sure enough, I was down about $350 and sat down at a "Conan" the Barbarian machine. I spun it for a bit and then I won $2.10, so I started betting $5.75 a spin...a few spins later I hit $2, once again the number 210 has showed to be good for me..

Another reason I wanted to go was because today is a span of 186 days after my bday...and the other day when I won on Chumba it was 186 days before my bday. 

Sturgill's dads name sums to 186...born on 226th day(8/14). 

What are the odds that today is the 41st anniversary of "Conan The Barbarian" releasing in the United States too? 

And I just saw a story the other day about Dolph Lundgren having cancer....recall a few years ago I blogged about Sword and Sorcery films with Dolph Lundgren/Conan/Masters of the Universe. 

Dolph Lundgren is also 65 years old right now, so it makes sense considering his connection to Rocky/Philadelphia...

Random, but I figured I would look at the film "Geostorm" again because it's connected to the Dutch Theme...The co-star in the film is Jim Sturgess....It just sticks out to me because I often call Sturgill..."Sturgess"....and Jim Sturgess is also the main guy in the gambling film "21."
So maybe something important to this guy...or the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally that will be going on on 8/6/23...
Might as well throw this in here as well...Before I left the casino I made a Snapchat of the money and sang "So Fresh, So Clean" by Outkast....A bit later I was telling Jasmine how it's crazy the song "Goodbye Says It All" by Blackhawk has been a huge hit whenever I DJ lately lol...I played it last night DJing and I swear the whole party was singing along just seems so odd to me....but anyway, as I was showing Jasmine "Goodbye Says Its All" a Walmart ad came up on the video and it had the song "So Fresh, So Clean." So it makes me think I'm supposed to see something with this song....I have no idea why my brain chose that song for the Snapchat either, it just came to my head...Jasmine says that she's never even heard the song before too, which seems even weirder. 



  1. In "Man of the House" Chevy Chase is Jack Sturgess. One of the bad guys calls him "Sturgess". Don't know why I remember that.

  2. In the movie Predator, Arnold Schwarzenegger's character is named Dutch.

  3. Noticed today there was a Delta Bus crash at JFK airport. He would've turned 440 Mercury years old today. Of course he'd be like 105 as well lol. It was on the Van Wyck Expressway. Names with Van on the front are Dutch. Also dutch makes me think of dutchsinse the earthquake guy. America turned 585 Mercury years old when JFK was born. Study of Earthquake began in 585BC supposedly

  4. We threw on Kindergarten Cop tonight and the actor who calls Chevy Chase Sturgis in Man of the House is also in Kindergarten Cop. Richard Portnow
