Friday, November 3, 2023

Bobby Knight Dead on LA Knight's Birthday and Bobby Simpson's Syncs with Knight-WWE Crown Jewel-Earthquake


I ended up not having to work as someone else went I came home and was going to look into the death of Bob/Bobby Knight as Bobby has recently been mentioning a KNIGHT Theme. I also talked about KNIGHT Rider a few times in the last few months. I also remember him as Bobby and not Bob? 

Anyway, I was sitting here and I looked up and I saw a Black Shadow of a person walk right in front of me. Everyone was downstairs, and the shadow was also in the middle of the air, it wasn't on the wall or anything like that. I then looked at the TV to see a guy that looks like the Devil on it. Apparently, he is a DEMON in Minecraft? I have no idea, it's some video that Zamien was watching earlier. 

Although, you could call it something else, my first instinct called it a Black Shadow...

Black Shadow=198

Notice how Bobby was talking about the Knight Theme involving LA Knight who is going to fight Roman Reigns at the upcoming "Crown Jewel" in Saudia Arabia. 

Notice that Bob Knight died on LA Knight's bday. 

Even more interesting is that Bob Knight died 4 months 23 days after Bobby Simpson's bday. 
The number 423 was big with what I documented about the Crown Jewel in previous years. 
The Crown Jewel had a lot to do with Earthquake symbolism....and think how Iron Sheik died this year on the same day Earthquake(John Tenta) died. 

My friend Sturgill just sent me a snapchat about Hulk Hogan too lol...Something to do with Hulk Hogan Vapes....but recall that Hulk Hogan is synced to the Earthquake/Philadelphia narrative. 

The 2023 Crown Jewel is on 11/4...
World War=114...226(FB)

Think how 11/4 is the anniversary of "They Live" too...and how the RV Bombing was synced to Bobby and "They Live." 
This same narrative is related to Ronda Rousey/Bridgewater/Earthquake. 

What else I find interesting about this is that the 2018 Crown Jewel that I am talking about in the above posts was around the same time I had a bunch of 11:11 synchronicities. It was when I took a break for a while because I could feel a lot of negative energy in relation to fitting for the the times. 
A big 11 sync around that time was with the band Finger Eleven...and their song "Stay and Drown" that is 4:23 and track # 11. 

And think about the Knight Rider Syncs that I had and how they involved AI, or Allen Iverson. 
Allen Iverson has a bday on 6/7, which is the same day that Iron Sheik and Earthquake died. 
Iverson was also connected to the RV Symbolism that was related to Bobby Simpson. 
I should point out that the RV symbolism was related to more than just Bobby in the Truth Community...but Bobby was a big part of it and he lives near Nashville. He also told me about the Batman Building before it happened which was synced to the QUINN Theme going on with the RV Symbolism...and think about Batman...the Dark KNIGHT. 

We will see what goes on at the Crown Jewel or in the news tomorrow. 
John Cena=198(FB)

Recall that John Cena was synced to the Womens College Basketball tournament that was synced to Trump and Batman. His bday is also 4/23. 

John Cena also wrestled in a Tag Team with LA Knight on 10/7/ was the first pay-per-view he has wrestled on since 2018, the year of the Crown Jewel...

LA Knight=44
Earthquake=44 and 107

Saudia Arabia=41
LA Knight just turned 41 years old. 

Considering Los Angeles and Earthquakes too. 


  1. Tonight the wife put on Devil Wears Prada then Beauty Shop... Anne Hathaway and Alicia Silverstone both played Catwoman. Someone at work called me Batman on Thursday. "Batman" = 111 and Knight died on 11/1. Wild stuff. Last time I had a sync this big was KC Jones. Basketball again. I played through high school and wore #11. KC Jones and Bobby Knight born exactly 101 months apart. Another 11 but I've also always connected 101 to Sirius. And I'm like you I always remembered it being "Bobby" Knight.

    Someone in Zach's comments mentioned Knight's last game at Indiana being a loss to Pepperdine. Pepperdine is a private church of Christ school. I grew up Church of Christ.

  2. Noticed that Calbert Cheaney was his best player at the collegiate level. All time leader in points in the Big-10. He turned 85 Venus years old the day Knight died. Basketball = 85. Knight dies on the day of the dead or all saints day. Cheaney and Knight appeared in Blue Chips. Never saw it but I remember parents talking about it when I was a kid. Funny too cause it came out right after The Air Up There. Kevin Bacon is in Beauty Shop too. His name's Jorge (Pope) and in TAUT he goes to Kenya to recruit a player where there's a Catholic missionary school. I listened to this video the other day

    where Adam the Illusion goes on about syncs with his girlfriend named Kenya and how Queen Elizabeth became Queen while in Kenya.

    1. Kenya = 456 Latin
      Bobby = 456 Latin

    2. "The Moon" = 423 extended
      I've always taken pride in being one of the first people in the community to point out how "Moon" = 218 in Hebrew and I also introduced counting lunar months and lunar years to Derek and it's been a big part of his work over the years. Of course Batman associated with the Moon. Pluto discovered 2-18. Blue Chips premiered 2-18. The heliocentric return for Pluto is Nov. 1st of next year.

    3. Blue Chips = 95, 41, 148, 49
      Pentagram = 95, 41, 148, 49
      Halloween = 95, 41, 148, 40
