Sunday, October 22, 2023

Synchronicity with 11:11 and 666 Today+More on my Son Alistair in Relation to Aleister Crowley


I went to the bar late last night as I usually do on Friday nights after my kids go to bed. Anyway, a girl I haven't seen in a long time was there. Of course, her name sums to 222(FB) and yesterday was 222 days before her bday....And there's a lot to explain as to how I know her and whatnot, but the point of the post doesn't really pertain to that...

At some point last night she was trying to show me pictures of her sister, but told me it was on a different Facebook I added her, so we could find the pictures. 
So today I am at work and a post she shared showed up on my feed. I didn't think much of it, but I remembered seeing the 11:11 on the post. 
A few hours after seeing that post with 11:11 on it, I randomly checked my phone again to see that it was 11:11. 
I didn't get a screenshot as I'm just now thinking of it, but I also watched a video today where a guy wrote out a bunch of numbers with how to pronounce it on the side. But the joke was something to do with "1111"...
It wasn't the meme picture above, but it was exactly the same thing that some guy shared on a video.  
Moral of the story is that it involved 1111. 
I left work at 4, but I came back around 5, because my co-workers and I were going to a Haunted House. I was riding with them, but my gas light came on as I got there, so I figured I'd better put some gas in before we left. Considering, I was out late last night, I figured I would drink a Venom too....I put 10 bucks and with the Venom, my total came to "$11.11". I laughed and started telling them how I keep seeing 11:11 today. I tried to take a picture 3 times of the 11.11 on the cash register, but everytime I tried, it would get all distorted too. 

To a Ba a c=198(FB)
Eleven Eleven=198

I then drove my car around the building to park, because I was getting in my others to leave for the Haunted House. I pulled up to the parking spot and noticed the truck in front of me had 666 on it's license plate. 

What else sticks out in relation to me running into Hannah last night, is that she has this Anti-Possesion tattoo from Supernatural. She is the only other person I have ever seen with this tattoo...the other is my girlfriend Jasmine...They have it in the exact same spot too...possibly the location of it is due to the show? I've never really watched much of it...but still odd that they both have this tattoo. 

Beast=198(Jewish) and 222(Satanic)

Jasmine Marie Cowgill=198

This is actually very interesting in relation to the things going on with Jasmine in the past year too. 

Six Hundred Sixty Six=418(FB)

After the Haunted House, we went to watch "The Exorcist: Believer." 
There is a part in the beginning where a picture is distorted too...when I saw that, it made me think how it wouldn't let me take a picture on the cash register. 
Notice the film is 111 minutes. 

Jasmine's bday is 1 month 11 days after Aleister Crowley's. 

Even crazier to me, is that the girl from last night was staying at her boyfriends grandpa's house....He is the guy that inspired my son Alistair's middle name(Addie). He used to come in to the gas station and tell me stories about my grandpa Murphy, as they used to be best friends. One day he told me about some relative I had named Addie Emgee(Spelling?). Apparently, this guy used to ring the Church Bell and walked weird. But after he told me that story, and we decided to use "Addie" as Alistair's middle name. 
Recall that my grandpa Murphy was born on 10/12, the same day as Aleister Crowley...
Pat Heffernan=418(FB), 166(FB) and 226(FB)(Guy that inspired Addie)
Eugene Murphy=166(My grandpa)
166 and 226 Umbrella numbers...

418 important to Aleister Crowley and 666. 


Researching more, I see that Pat even married his wife on 10/12/1957. 

Another interesting thing about Pat is that his brother Ed used to know everyone's birthday. He died a few years back and was in the nursing home before that, so I never really had the chance to ask him why....I've always wondered if he knew about this knowledge, and that's why he knew so many birthdays though. He used to call me "DEB", because of my initials, and used to put a birthday wish on the local TV channel to me every year too. 
Ha! What are the odds that Ed was born on 11/11 in light of how I started this post? Just crazy. 
Ed died 11 years ago. 

One last thing I want to randomly mention....Addie used to ring the BELL at Church....makes me think of "Saved by the Bell" again. 



  1. My grandmother from Oklahoma died on 11/11/2021. I was born on 121 date numerology which is 11x11. Yesterday was 2 lunar years or 24 lunar months after her death. 2 is II in Roman Numerals (Gemini). Looks like an eleven. I turned 151 mercury years old yesterday. Of course that was 10/21 which I guess can reduce to 121 the 11 squared number. Including my parents I grew up in a family of 11. 151 is my first and last name Gematria and Jesus Christ. "Eleven" = 63 ordinal. She died on 63 date numerology. Zach did a post on Bobby Charlton yesterday and mistakenly put that he won the 1957 world cup. It was '66 the 11th triangular. We're 57 years past that World Cup though. Also just made a comment yesterday on your blog about the YouTube all-star video coming out exactly 11 years before the Nashville bombing. May as well keep spewing... I mentioned Mercury and the most recent Mercury transit was on 11/11. My twins born 1111 days after ParaNorman premiered.

    1. ParaNorman = 111 ordinal
      I tried to refrain from mentioning it but he was in the news recently for not being able to file for bankruptcy to avoid the billion dollar payout.
      "Alex Jones" = 1111 Latin
      In SportsGematria's latest video he shows Zach comparing himself to Alex Jones.

    2. Witchcraft = 111 ordinal
      Witchery = 111 ordinal
      Lol sorry man I'm caffeinated
      New York = 111 the 11th state
      Batman = 111
      Today is 22 or 11+11

  2. I also always think about how eleven breaks down to EL Even like maybe there's a Saturn connection there. I'm gonna figure that one out eventually. It is interesting though how eleven and twelve both have the EL in them.

  3. Alex Jones ordered to pay $1.1 billion and can't avoid by filing chapter 11.... 1111....
    Born on the 11th of the 2nd (II) month

  4. Wondering if arizona to win world series (119th) because they were the team that won 2001 after 911. 22 years ago or 11 and 11 years ago
