Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Power Ball Jackpot at $700 million-Eddie Tipton Iowa Rigged Gambling Story

It's funny as this type of stuff always happens. I have recently mentioned how I think no one actually wins these big Lottery Jackpots. Today we have a story about the Powerball Jackpot and below it a story about a man who rigged the lottery in Iowa too. Iowa is important as it's where I live. 

The Powerball jackpot is at $700 million. 
Seven Hundred=139
Powerball=139(reverse) and 104

Tomorrow's drawing will be 74 days after the last time someone supposedly won. 
10 weeks 4 days....."Powerball"=104

Anyway in the rigged lottery story the guy was Eddie Tipton. 
Eddie Tipton=121 and 176(reverse)
How interesting...
Daniel Behrendt=121
Daniel Edward Behrendt=176
Twenty Five=121

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should play!. notice last time someone won was 6/10. or 10/6. like prophecy.
