Monday, March 11, 2024

Zach Starts "Wake The Fuck Up Radio" 4 months 18 days Before His Bday on 3/3.-Umbrella/Mind Control Theme-Money


Zach started a radio show called "Wake The Fuck Up Radio." 

Wake The Fuck Up Radio=198 and 418(FB)

Just hilarious as I've been mentioning these numbers in relation to each other for months. 
On top of that, he releases the first episode on 3/3 on Spotify lol. 
The Seed=33(I assume on Purpose)
But it just adds to the long list of Zach and 33...
Like how he started his blog 3 months 3 days after his bday.
Tried to raise 33K for all4truth when he was 33 years old..
So on...maybe I'll add the list later, but you can just search my blog and find numerous posts about Zach and 33. 
What are the odds that he releases the first episode 4 months 18 days before his bday too? 
I really started blogging about 418 after Zenith's comment about Aleister Crowley, and Zach blogging about 11/5/2023 being the 418th Guy Fawkes Day. 
4/18 is 201 days before 11/5. 

Zach was in San Francisco on 4/18...named after St. Francis of Assisi like Pope Francis. 
4/18 is Zach's Father's bday. 
4/18 is the first time Rambo was on the Gematria Effect. 
So many things I have blogged about with 418 and Zach with the Umbrella Symbolism. 

4/18 is also the day I had synchronicity with my Aunt Betty/Pope Benedict...also the sync with a girl I know winning big on a lottery ticket...the ticket was even #9...think about that in relation to how I won on Chumba connected to the number 9. 

I do find it interesting that 4/18 is Zach's dads bday in relation to Rambo being kicked off the Ides of March episode...only because of the FIU Bridge Collapse on the Ides of March that was linked to Father Symbolism and the number 9. 

Pope Benedict announced his resignation on 2/11, the same day that Vatican City was etablished....
2/11 was 4 months 18 days after Zach made the Salsa Video about me. 

4/18 is 3 months 3 days(33) before Zach's bday. 

4/18 is 5 months 8 days after my bday. 
Dan Behrendt=58
It was also 226 days after Zach's bday.
Recall that 226 is a big UMBRELLA/Mind Control Number. 
The first episode also aired 93 days after the death anniversary of Aleister Crowley...
The Book of the Law. 

Listening to the podcast and Zach still always brings up stuff like Abe Lincoln saying the Jesuits were bad, and Tim Russert calling out Skull and Bones....As I've shown, it was all by the numbers...the conspiracy movement was created on purpose and they've built it up by things such as this....Zach even talks about Thomas Jefferson and John Adams and how they both died on 7/4/1826 and were opposed to the Jesuits....Their bday's are 201 days apart...I mean come on lol. 

Sure, it sounds good how the Modern English language was created around the time of the Jesuits and the Calendar...but how can you then explain how everything is connected to it? If it was created like this on purpose for the Cabal to code News and such...then why does this happen to everyone all of the time? Why does everything that Zach does happen by the numbers and in connection to the Calendar? It really is a mind control narrative to get people stuck on the idea that everything is a conspiracy. It is what sells to the truth community that was created by an agenda. 

I'm actually glad that he doesn't like me anymore. Now I don't have to be nice or tiptoe around my words to not offend him. It just sucks that I can't make videos proving him wrong without YouTube giving me strikes and taking the videos down. I've had more videos taken down involving him and the Umbrella symbolism than I've had in all the years on YouTube. It sucks even more that everyone that finds Gematria finds him and falls into the "Everything is the Cabal" decoding. A few weeks ago, he was talking crap about Derek decoding everything to the Eclipse, and Joseph Aquaviva decoding everything to Obama....Yet, all Zach does it decode everything to the Jesuits/Freemasons lol...It's literally no different than what he is complaining about. 

He's now talking about how he wants a co-host on his show..Someone who can play devil's advocate lol...Yeah Right lol....He would just call them names and mute them when he couldn't explain why he is right. 

There has to be something with Joe Rogan with this radio show too. Zach even brings up Joe Rogan and Rosie O'Donnell in the beginning of this new show....
Rosie is interesting due to the Rose Theme with 418 and "V for Vendetta." 

But in relation to 33...remember the Bear Spray incident that was all about 33 and Andy Ngo...and Zach mentioned Andy Ngo on the Joe Rogan show back then....Andy Ngo went on the Joe Rogan show 33 days before Rogan's bday. 
Joe Rogan=137(FB)
33rd prime is 137. 

Plus, Portland is the Rose City. 
Recall that we were going to name my son(Alistair) Rosie if he was a girl. 

And funny how Zach has a post about Joe Rogan and the Ides of March. 

Portland, Oregon=226(FB)
226 a big Umbrella Number. 

Rogan's bday is 8/11...the big Tisha B'Av day in 2019...the same year that Andy Ngo was on the Joe Rogan show. 

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