Friday, October 15, 2021

Prince William's Criticism of William Shatner's Space Trip: LIFE AND DEATH-Star Trek: Into Darkness begins with a Volcano Erupting-Chris Pine and 268-Squid Game 456 Connections


How funny that CNN has a story right now of William Shatner responding to Prince William's comments about the recent space tourism...William said we need to worry about problems on Earth...I just talked about the Royal Family and how it's somehow connected to William Shatner's space tour too, but I didn't mention Prince William....

Prince William=196(FB)

Recently mentioned this number with "I Will Survive" that was connected to Squid Game...4:56 in length...

I just watched the video of William Shatner talking to Jeff Bezo's about his experience too...Has anyone noticed that he says that the Earth is LIFE and Space is DEATH....LIFE and what Zenith has recently mentioned in relation to Squid Game..

Notice how Shatner went to space 3 months 22 days after Prince William's bday's bday is 3/22...the Skull and Bones stuff just keeps coming up..

Further, if you go from William Shatner's bday this year and add 456 days(Squid Game) you get to Prince William's 40th bday in 2022. 

Hahaha, as I am writing this I got a notification on my phone from Zenith. Look at this....Chris Pine(Captain Kirk) bday is 26/8....recall that I just realized a pattern with 268 to Prince Philip, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and Christopher Columbus. 

Look at all of the connections he made here....

What's even crazier is that last night while laying in bed I decided to try and watch the 2nd Chris Pine Star Trek film.....I watched the first one back in August and since I had just made a video about all of this, I figured I would try and watch the other 2 films...I have never seen it or anything....Of course, it starts off with the crew on a planet to neutralize a VOLCANO that is about to erupt. I fell alseep about 15-20 minutes later, so I didn't finish the film..but what are the odds it's opening scene is about a Volcano? 

Chris Pine=304(Jewish), 52 and 56. 

USS Enterprise=322(FB)

Captain Kirk/Shatner's bday is 3/22. 

I know this is important further because the title of the 2nd Chris Pine film is "Into Darkness." Go and listen to what William Shatner says about his trip....Jeff Bezos says then your in Blackness and Shatner refers to it as Death....Think about this in relation to "Into Darkness." 

Into Darkness=201(FB) and 50

It's interesting because Shatner says..."50 Miles...and then Death." 


Recall how Halloween is 193 days after Queen Elizabeth II's bday.

If you go 456 days after William Shatner's trip it takes you to Jeff Bezos' 59th bday. 

Jeff Bezos went to space a span of 456 days after Elizabeth II's 94th bday. 

Think how Amazon was founded in 94' 

Jeff Bezos=94

Seattle, Washington=94



Some random things...but I've seen 248 quite a bit lately..

North Korea=248(FB)

Boston Red Sox=248(FB)

Jeff Bezos=248(Fibonacci)

I know Zenith talked about Chris Pine somewhere else too but I can't seem to find it....Possibly it was in his response to my comment on my his video? I know he messaged me about my 66.6 subs with this comment...but the comments disappear to respond to...

I remember he said that 10/13 is 10 month 13 days before Chris Pine's bday...but I thought there was more to it..

1013 is the 170th prime. 

Also, interesting that Squid Game released 186 days before 3/22, William Shatner's bday. 

Squid Game released 26 days before Shatner's tour to space..

26th prime is 101. 

Chris Pine=101

Moon=101(FB) and 170(Jewish)

1013 is the 170th prime. 

Batman=101(FB)....Moon landing/Batman

Queen=26...all the other 26 with Elizabeth II. 

One last thought....Chris Pine's bday is the 238th day, which is 238 days before Elizabeth II's bday...


Recall that Elizabeth also just congratulated North Korea on their 73rd year on 9/9....and 9/9 is important to Elizabeth and Volcano and Philip dying. 


  1. Youtube says I have 60,606 views. I got a screenshot this morning. Wonder if it's changed.

  2. Up to 60612 now. I'll send you the screenshot


    94' Superbowl.....BILLS
