Friday, October 29, 2021

Joe Biden meets Pope Francis 4 years 5 months 6 days after Donald Trump Met Pope Francis-Stock Market Crash Anniversary-Squid Game Money Theme-Nikolas Cruz Pleads Guilty


Joe Biden had a meeting with Pope Francis today...
Notice this meeting comes a span of 4 years 5 months 6 days after Donald Trump met Pope Francis.
Recall that Squid Game is synced to the Jesuits/Pope Francis including how it released 456 days before Pope Francis' bday. 

Think how Squid Game is also about MONEY/Piggy Bank so on...
This meeting comes on the anniversary of the Stock Market Crash. 
This meeting comes 42 days after Squid Game released..
Squid Game=42
Donald Trump met Pope Francis 185 days after Joe Biden's bday...
Donald John Trump=185
Stock Market Crash=185

Recall that Vatican City was also established in 1929, the same year as the Stock Market Crash....we also had the St. Valentines Day Massacre and an Earthquake in Grand BANKS, Newfoundland. 

In light of this, think how Kamala Harris was born on the exact day that Herbert Hoover died. He was the president during the Stock Market Crash. 

Herbert Clark Hoover=204
Joe Biden=204(FB)

Joe Biden and Herbert Hoover's bday's are separated by 263 days..
Stock Market Crash=263(FB)
Donald John Trump=263(FB)
Kamala and Joe Biden were born 263 months apart..
Trump's bday is 5 months 6 days before Biden's
The 56th prime is 263

In light of the article above..
Communion=152(FB), 126
Joe Biden=152 and 126(FB)
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.=126
Kamala Devi Harris=152
In the video I uploaded today I noticed a pattern with the number 316...
I'm only mentioning this because I see...
Herbert Hoover=316(FB)
Notice today is also 316 days after Pope Francis' bday. 

The Stock Market Crash was during the Year of the Snake...just like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor...

Something I never caught before either...
Pope Francis' bday is 12/17
1217 is the 199th Prime number. 
Squid Game=199(FB)

Wall Street=268(FB) and 268(Rev FB)
Wall Street=63
10/29 leaves 63 days in the year. 
Root of all Evil=63
Herbert Hoover became the president on 3/4/1929...the 63rd day of the year. 

Funny, I'm sitting here typing this post up and I all the sudden hear Fred on Scooby Doo say, "Bacon" but Sia is Vegan. Or something of the sort. 

Today is the 92nd Stock Market Crash anniversary...
This is why we just got the story of Nikolas Cruz pleading guilty for the 2018 St. Valentines Day Massacre on 10/20 too...which was the day Herbert Hoover died and Kamala Harris' bday. 
Notice that the Stock Market crash happened 3 months 16 days before Valentines too...

St. Valentines Day=268(FB)
St. Valentines Day Massacre=456(FB)

As much as I've mentioned 8/6/22 and 86 its interesting that Valentines is 8 months 6 days before Kamala's bday and 86 days after Joe Biden's bday..
Kamala Harris=86

Think how JFK was assassinated in 63' as well in relation to Money...
Recall that there was a plot to assassinate him on 11/2/1963 in Chicago at Soldier Field...just before he was assassinated and later died at Parkland Hospital.....
Think about this in relation to the St. Valentines Day Massacres of 1929(Chicago) and 2018(Parkland, Florida). 

JFK died 144 days after meeting the Pope in 1963. 
Trump met the Pope on his the 144th day of the year, which was also his 4th month 4th day as president. 
Forty Four=144
Trump was the 44th person to be president. 
Lincoln shot on 14/4 and had a dream about his death on 4/4. 
William Henry Harrison died on 4/4. 

Today is 144 days before 3/22....the Skull and Bones number...
Definitely a day to pay attention to considering the recent Skull and Bones stuff showing up. 

3/22 is 212 days before Kamala Harris' bday too..
Kamala Harris=212


  1. Tomorrow is 188 Mercury years after Hank Aaron's final homerun. Mercury the god of commerce and coins. U.S. denominations sum to 188. 100+50+20+10+5+2+1 = 188

  2. Height of the Gateway Arch is 630ft. Tomorrow is 10/30. 10:30 on a clock is 630 minutes. Funny you mentioning the 44s and 144 Cause I just sent you a message before I saw this post that Kanye will be 44 years and 144 days old.

  3. I was also telling Derek about some 185s before I saw this post how Osama bin laden was 185 days after his 44th birthday for 9/11. That's equivalent to 595 lunar orbits. "Scooby" = 595 Jewish. "Sirius" = 595 greek isopsephy. Scooby a dog. T.I.'s first album "I'm Serious" released on October 9th, 2001. That Evening there was a conjunction of the Moon, Jupiter and Sirius. 185 days after Kanye's birthday is December 10th, 2021. "Scooby" = 925 extended like T.I.'s birthday. T.I's first name is Clifford (big red dog) and his last name is Harris (Kamala)

  4. Scooby Doo cross-dressing too. The whole trans code. Lol, "transgender" = 595 fibonacci. I can't remember how 63 is coded to it but Derek did a lot of work on it. funny how "transexual" = 1377 extended. that's the ordinal gematria value for Revelation 8:11

  5. I just happen to have the computer to myself for the first time in a long time. Anyways, Tomorrow is Dave Chappelle's last day of being 595 lunar months old. Speaking of all the tranny stuff. Real interesting considering his 24/8 birthday. That number that was so big between you and Zenith. Pluto with its 248 year orbit and everything.
