Friday, October 29, 2021

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signs law granting unemployment benefits to those fired for not being vaccinated in relation to Joe Biden Meeting the Pope


Now we have a story about Iowa Governor passing a law where if unvaccinated people get fired they will get unemployment benefits? Hopefully, my job starts requiring vaccines lol...but I highly doubt it. 

This comes on the anniversary of the Stock Market Crash that happened when Iowan Herbert Hoover was president. 

Notice this comes 86 days after Kim Reynolds bday..



Iowa is important to the Pig theme with China....

Notice Kim Reynolds also became the Governor on the same day that Donald Trump met Pope Francis lol, I mean come on. 

Kim Reynolds=145, 204(FB), 152

Catholic=145....she was born on 8/4(Jesuit)...

Joe Biden=152 and 204(FB)

Herbert Clark Hoover=204


Kamala Devi Harris=152

Kimberly Kay Reynolds=322(FB) and 1217(Fibonacci)...

199th prime is 1217....Pope Francis' bday is 12/17. 

Iowa Governor=322(FB) and 322(Rev FB)


  1. Today was 44 weeks after Nashville bombing. Pope Francis turned 1 Uranian year old that day. 414 days to his 86th birthday. Venus, whose visual magnitude is 4.14, reaches maximum elongation as an evening star tomorrow and conjuncts the galactic center on November 2nd. I learned about the galactic center from Santos Bonacci. It's location is 266° of the ecliptic (to be technical that's using the J2000 coordinates). Really relevant considering what number pope we're on. Pope Francis was born on the day the Sun came into conjunction with the galactic center also known as the black hole at the center of the milky way galaxy. Halyna Hutchins with that April 10th birthday. On April 10th 2019 we got the first images of a black hole. Our black hole is called "Sagittarius A*" Sagittarius = 144 ordinal and 687 Jewish. 687 the number of days on Mars.

  2. Black Hole Sun = 201 reverse ordinal
