Edwin Jackson dies the day of Super Bowl 52...
Notice he gets hit and killed by a Ford F-150.
Philadelphia Eagles=150 and 333(Jewish)
F-One Fifty=52 and 106
Manuel Orrego-Savala=106(rev red) and 74.
Alex Cabrera Gonsales=74
Jeffrey Monroe=74(Uber Driver)
He was also from "Guatemala"=81
Illegal Immigrant=81
I also doubt it's a coincidence that Jackson was in a "Lincoln". Getting hit by a Ford.....Lincoln shot in Ford's Theater...NFL and the racial storyline..
Yesterday this Ad kept popping up on the articles about football too.
Ford F-150 the official Truck of the Super Bowl. Also 41 years.
Super Bowl=41
Philadelphia Eagles=150 and won with 41 points.
Ford F-One Hundred Fifty=223 also 923(satanic)
9/23 the day Trump calls out NFL and so on...
Wikipedia says his blood alcohol content was .239....
239 the 52nd prime number and so on..
Edwin Joseph Jackson=75, 201
Indianapolis Colts=75
Indianapolis=75(rev red)
Andrew Austen Luck=75
Minnesota Vikings=75, 201
I find this interesting in regards to last year and the hype of the Colts vs the Vikings supposedly to be in Super Bowl 51.
Seventy Five=53
Jackson wearing # 53 and from Atlanta where Super Bowl 53 will be held. The last time the Colts were in the Super Bowl was Super Bowl 41....Prince performed the haltime show...Prince's final concert was also in Atlanta.
Colts fired "Chuck Pagano"=53(rev red)
Remember Mike Pence and Prince both born on 6/7.
Mike Pence from Indiana the land of the Indian. Colts owner Jim Irsay bought Prince's Yellowcloud guitar....That's how I noticed there was a native american theme connected to the area I live. My town killed the last keeper of the Sacred Pole of the Omaha Indians Chief Yellowsmoke and so on..
It's funny as they are messing with the people like us watching the scripting it seems. Yesterday we got the story of Josh McDaniels becoming the new coach of the Colts...now he decides to stay with the Patriots.
Josh McDaniels=75
We got the news 75 days before his bday.
Possibly we will see the Patriots again the Super Bowl next year since it seems the Colts are just a team they use to script them with. If the Patriots do make the Super Bowl I don't think they will win as I've documented before.
The Patriots lost in the SB in the 66th season of the NFL.
The Patriots lost in the SB in the 77th season of the NFL.
The Patriots lost in the SB in the 88th season of the NFL.
Next year will be the 99th season of the NFL.
Seems fitting they would lose to me if the pattern continues.
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