I just got home from work and got on Facebook. I noticed someone shared a picture saying David H ogg wasn't a graduate of the Stoneman Douglas....then later someone posted an article debunking all the "Conspiracy Theories" around David H ogg...
David H ogg=40(rev red)
Conspiracy Debunked Article
I see Zach already posted on this now as I'm looking at his blog, but I just want to document this as another example of what I've been saying....
They purposefully made this kid forget his lines as they knew "conspiracy" people would take the bait....There's a reason they made this kids story/conspiracy a trending thing....
It just like the Ft. Lauderdale shooting when you had people on Youtube showing footage of how it was a drill and what not....I mean how did they get that footage when no one else could and why would Youtube let that footage get as many views as it did...it's because it's part of the agenda....
Then after everyone goes crazy sharing it and talking about the "conspiracy' they make everyone look stupid to the general population.
They've purposefully awakened people for some reason...it's just so obvious.
I know they deleted almost everyone who has posted this video of him too....but that's part of the agenda....it's deeper than most people understand.
So as I'm typing this up my girlfriend just said "Do Your Homework" to Claire. Right as she said that the TV said, "Do Your Homework"....It was the above Simpsons episode....
Homework=108 and 108(rev red)

The 108 is funny as Claire showed me this thing they made at school today...It was the Sun, The Earth, and The Moon...I joked at my girlfriend and said, I can't believe they are teaching about Flat Earth in school now....Then I noticed how it says the distance away from the Sun and Earth in Kilometers....I was telling her how it's weird as the US doesn't use Kilometers....Then I explained the stuff about the Moon being 108 moons away and the Sun being 108 Earths Away and what not....It's all Mathematics..."Geometry"=108, Euclid=108 and so on...Then I notice this synchronicity in regards to "Homework"=108
Funny to me too in the picture above the earth picture even reminds me of Donald Trump and his hair...that's just what I see when I first glance at it...I'm not big on saying stuff like that, but it's funny to me that I think that when looking at it.....The Simpsons episode also does a joke involving Donald Trump...
Interesting it's also season 3 episode 16....
Jesus Christ=316(Hebrew)
Jasmine=316(satanic) "Cowgill"=108
Remember the Simpsons were important to 316 a while back...The Kid Rock episode I was talking about with the Alligator....Even funnier is just the other day I remember telling my girlfriend about the Simpsons episode predicting Trump....Then later that night that episode came on and later the Kid Rock one was on...I found out later they are in the same season....It was season 11 episode 19...I was talking about the death of Charles Manson on 11/19 and he was all about 316...
They even do a joke about Donald Trump getting rich because of YoYo Tricks...
Do Your Homework=80
Yoyo=80 also 220(satanic)
It's also interesting the episode is about LOVE in regards to the recent Valentines Day Shooting....
Also it's episode 51.....
Just thinking about Trump saying he was Batman=51 and all the other 51 I've recently re-documented about 51.
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