Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Robbie Robertson of The Band Dead After My Drummer Suggested We Play "Up on Cripple Creek"-Gordon Lightfoot-France


Robbie Robertson of "The Band" died today...
It's crazy because a week ago my drummer asked if we would learn the song "Up on Cripple Creek" by The Band. 

It's even more crazy considering this same thing happened when Gordon Lightfoot died. My drummer asked if we could add "Sundown" and then the next day Gordon Lightfoot died...

These are the only 2 times that he has messaged about adding a song recently too lol. 
Robbie Robertson died 100 days, or 3 months 8 days before Gordon Lightfoot's bday. 
Robbie Robertson was born 100 days, or 3 months 8 days before my drummers bday. 

Gordon Lightfoot also died 65 days, or 2 months 4 days before Robbie Robertson's bday. 
Robbie Robertson died 65 days, or 2 months 4 days before my drummers bday. 
Notice how Gordon Lightfoot's Wikipedia page even tells us how Robbie Robertson described him as "a national treasure" too. 

They are both from Canada...

I can't help but think about the film "National Treasure" now and the connection to Freemasonry...

The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry founded in Bordeaux, France..
Lightfoot died on the Illuminati's birthday. 
Bavarian Illuminati=80(Robertson dead at 80). 
Illuminati...French Revolution
My drummer born on 10/13, which is the Friday the Thirteenth when the Knights Templar were wiped out in FRANCE. 
Jesuits founded in France. 
Heliofant just released that new video in Canada with the French name.."Port du Vieux-Montreal." 
Trudeau(French origin). 

In relation to Canada, you could also say that Robertson died a span of 3 months 9 days before Lightfoot's bday..and Robertson's bday is a span of 3 months 9 days before my drummers bday. 


Tomorrow, 8/10/2023 will be the 231st anniversary of the French Monarchy Falling....

I mentioned France a lot in my Gordon Lightfoot post with the number 200 as well. 

Up on Cripple Creek came out on the album called "The Band", which released on the French Republic anniversary...

Robbie Robertson also assembled the Soundtrack for the film "Casino" that I have recently talked about.....and on 8/6/23 I won a bunch on Chumba and later at the Casino...cashed out close to $3,900...find it crazy it was on 8/6 of all days. 

I am also DJing in Ute on Friday the Thirteenth for a wedding this year...and we are playing a band gig in Ute on 8/19/ possibly something symbolic will happen at that gig..



    For some reason this ad always stuck with me. I think my mom had just got the band's greatest hits a couple years prior to this ad coming out and guess I was pumped they were using that song.

  2. It's interesting in lite of the Nashville bombing. Cingular was formed out of Bellsouth which used to be the Batman Building. It all (Cingular and Bellsouth) eventually was absorbed by AT&T. It's a little sad realizing how old that commercial is. Time flies

  3. Robbie = 51, 111, 39
    Batman = 51, 111, 39

    Nashville very much a Southern city. Reminds me of their song the night they drove old Dixie down

  4. Note for a later comment. Save the last Waltz. Save the Last Dance. 4/19

  5. Dead 38 days after Margot Robbie's 33rd birthday


    Last Waltz performed in San Francisco

  7. Gordon Lightfoot
    Commissioner Gordon

  8. Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. is a sort of "Robbie Robertson." He is Robert, Robert's son. The Band released their first studio album "Music from Big Pink" 7-1-1968, just 25 days after the assassination of RFK after his huge win in the California primary. This album contains the song "The Weight" (mentioned in a comment above.) which was released as a single on 8-8-1968. Interesting that that 2004 links that song to AT&T and the "Batman Building" and so on. Music from Big Pink = 86, Gordon LIghtfoot = 86, all the "86" Dan has documented around Batman.

  9. Robbie, Batman, Hawaii = 51, 111, 39
