Saturday, November 18, 2017

Protester Braxton Winston to elected City Council-Jameis Winston alleged Groping of Uber Driver-Jerry Jones racist remark in 2013

CNN has these headlines currently. Interesting a story about Jameis Winston just below the main story of a protester getting elected. The protesters name is Winston Braxton.
Winston of course reminds us of 1984. 

Also all the Jerry Jones stuff and the Cowboys just makes me think about the Cowboy theme I have mentioned. I never even thought about the Las Vegas Shooting with Country Music(cowboy) Jason Aldean until now either. 

City Council=64
Braxton Winston=64
He was protesting after the death of Keith Lamont Scott.
Civil Rights=64
All the 64 connected to Civil Rights(previous blog posts)
Keith Scott=59(rev red)=Slave=Negro and so on...

Winston was elected on a perfect day as well. 
November 7th is the 311th day of the year. 
The 64th prime number is 311. 
Rosa Parks dies 3 months 11 days after her bday. 
Rosa Parks=64(Sk)
Ralph Abernathy died age 64 born on 3/11(helped with Bus Boycott)
W.E.B. Dubois died 311 days before the Civil Rights Act was passed in 64'. Also born on 2/23 that leaves 311 days in the year. 
William Edward Burghardt=311(francis bacon)
MLK JR. gave his "I have a dream" Speech the day after Dubois died too. 
Lincoln elected President on the 311th day and re elected in 1864. 
K=11   3X11=KKK

Now why is Jameis Winston important? 
Jameis Winston=1964(Jewish)...Civil Rights. 

The article also tells how Winston Braxton won the applause of Chelsea Clinton...CC...33
City Council....CC...33

City Council=53
Protester=53(rev red), 136
Civil Rights=136

Keith Lamont Scott died 136 days before his 44th bday. 

The Jameis Winston story is about him supposedly groping an Uber Driver..
Uber Driver=59, 67(rev red)

The driver only identified as "Kate". 
Civil Rights=71(rev red)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers=71
African American=71

The Jameis Winston incident happened 67 days after his bday. 
Uber Driver=67(rev red)
Crotch=67(he touched her crotch)

It was also 6 months 7 days before the Keith Lamont Scott Shooting. 
I'm reminded of the other big shootings in 2016. 
Philando Castile=67
Alton Sterling=67
Stories came out on July 6th...6/7. 
Blue Lives Matter=67 
Passed in Louisiana on 5+26+20+16=67

Off topic but I've been covering 231 a lot lately. 
Michael King Jr=231(reverse)(MLK JR's birth name)

Malcolm X=93
He died 9 months 3 days(end date) after his bday. Also 2 months 28 days before his bday. 
Martin Luther King Jr=93, 228
Both died age 39.....39/93
King died 2 months 21 days(end date) after his bday. 
Malcolm X born on 2/21. 

Might as well put the Jerry Jones article in this post as well. It's fitting for what I've documented above. 

Jerry Jones=59(rev red)
Notice he was born in 42' as well. 
His real name is Jerral Jones. 
Jerral Jones=71(rev red)
Dallas Texas=71(rev red)
Deion Sanders=71(rev red)
It doesn't say the exact date of the video he made the remarks but it says 2013. Jones turned 71 years old in 2013. 

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