I always document these things but earlier today I was on Facebook on my phone killing my last 15 minutes at work. I noticed someone had posted a video about Brian Welch "Head" from Korn giving his testimony about becoming a Christian. It talked about him being really addicted to Meth and nothing could make him stop. Then one day he asked if God was real then would he please help him. Then 2 weeks later a friend helped him throw away the drugs and what not.
Now I see this article with Brian Welch saying Chester Bennington was a coward.
Brian Welch=50
The reason I write Twins=50 is because when I went to find the video on my Facebook feed again, this was one of the first posts to come up.
Austin McDonald=84(rev red) and 150
World Series=150(reverse)
Minnesota Twins=84(rev red)
Black Tea=55=Minneapolis
Austin sells his own pizza's called "Robertos"=50
18 cups? "Baseball"=18
Not even 30 seconds later I hear TV say "Shoot him Cyril, but just him I think the TWINS are warming up to me."
It was the 16th episode or season 2 episode 6...Also came out on 3/3/11.
Not even a minute later on the show the "Cyril" guy won't shoot the other guy and he says a bunch of stuff and says he wouldn't even do it as a kid to impress daddy. Then says, "How did you fail? Was it Sports? Then Archer says how he was All Conference Lacrosse.
Lacrosse=52(rev red)
Minnesota=52(rev red)
Come to find out Cyril's father actually hated him over his bad performance in the "Regional Spelling Bee"=187 and 326(reverse)
How interesting...
Spelling Bee=52 and 191(reverse)
Society of Jesus=191 and 187(reverse)
326 the Gabriel number that was showing me to look up the Jesuits.
The only person who commented on Austin's post was "Mitch Nichols"=191(reverse)
Before I saw the post about Twining, I saw this post. I don't know how to screen shot on my phone so this is a pic with my webcam of the phone. Anyway I thought to myself how weird is this...Today at work for some reason I was talking about a kid in Dow City who got hit by a Semi on his bike years ago. I can't even remember the exact year but it was at least 15 years ago. I was telling my boss how I still really remember him being killed and it's something that has been embedded in my brain for years. Every time I drive over that same spot to this day I think about it. I think because of the chalk marks they had on the road where he died, as they outlined his decapitated body with chalk and it was there for weeks. Anyway. I see this post from a lady who is originally from the same town(Dow City) this kid died in. She says "Chris seen the little boy covered up that got hit by semi in Town"....I thought that's some weird stuff, that I was just talking about it today and now someone else is bringing it up?
Crystal Snavely=52
As I looked more into what she was talking about, I realized it was a different kid who died the same way today in Emmetsburg, Iowa.
Look what it says though....
He left behind his TWIN brother Hunter and Parents...
What are the odds? No way.
World Series=147
Bike=18.....Hwy 18....Baseball=18
Colby Sandbulte=47
Semi Truck=47
The kid I was talking about was "Adam Kroll"=33
We used to call him "Gordy"=33 after the pig movie.
Dow City, Iowa=147 and 150(reverse)
World Series=147 and 150(reverse)
So as I'm writing this up I get a text about my cousin posting her phone was broke on Facebook. It just needed charged and it wasn't broke.
Anyway her name "Olivia Fouts"=50
I noticed my name is 50 too.
Dan Behrendt=50
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