I love how we get this story today. Queen Elizabeth II is getting a 78 percent raise from the government.
I have recently posted how she is connected to the Jesuits.
Today is June 27th which leaves 187 days in the year.
Society of Jesus=187(reverse)
Elizabeth II=191(reverse)
Society of Jesus=191
A 78 percent raise....
Queen Elizabeth II=84(red rev)
Nice how the video shows us the Queen income in 2015 was 78 million too. It doesn't show any other year but lets us know she made 78 million and the whole article is about her 78% increase.
They probably did this because in 2015 she was 89 years old.
Buckingham Palace=89(rev red)
Today also 224 days before her 66th anniversary as being queen.
The Society of Jesus=224
Notice Buckingham palace also depending on the day is already or will 314 years old this year....Reminding us of Pi.
Buckingham Palace originally called Buckingham house and built for John Sheffield.
Notice he died on 2/24..
John Sheffield=67
Buckingham House=67
We get this story 67 days after Queen Elizabeth II's bday.
Also 2 months 6 days....
Queen=26, 62
She became Queen on 2/6..1952. She turned 26 years old in 1952.
Born in 1926.
Coronation on June 2nd...2/6 or 6/2.
78 also reminds me of some stuff I talked about in some of youtube videos in 2015.
Princess Margaret=78
Got divorced in 78'.
She died age 71 on 2/9 which was 71 days before Elizabeth II's bday.
She died in 2002 just like their mother.
She died 49 days before her mother and they were both buried on 4/9.
Notice their mother's bday on 8/4.
Coronation on the 132nd day of 1937.
Catholic Church=132=England and so on.
Elizabeth II became Queen 132 days after the Jesuit anniversary.
Elizabeth II also born 5 months 6 days before the Jesuit anniversary.
Society of Jesus=56=Royal Family
8/4 to 2/6(end date) is 187 days...
Society of Jesus=187(reverse)
Queen Elizabeth was 52 years old in 1978.
She became queen in 52' age 25.
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