Warriors win without Curry and Igoudala tonight.
Game on 3/1
Lot's of 11 connections to Warriors 11th prime is 31.
California the 31st state.
Much More.
Warriors were up 59 to 48 at Halftime in this game.
So Up by 11.
It was their 59th game of the Season.
Atlanta, Georgia=59
Lot's of other things in this game, that I will talk about if I make a Video on it.
The announcers kept mentioning Curry's Back to Back double digit 3 point games.
Just interesting a few posts back, I said they keep mentioning the Back to Back stuff with the Warriors.
Since the game went to Overtime tonight, it's also Back to Back Overtime games for the Warriors.
In the Warriors vs Thunder game the other night they kept telling us how the Warriors have 5 Back to Back games left this season.
So if the Warriors win on 3/3 against OKC they will tie the 1995-1996 Bulls 44 Home Game Win Streak.
The last time the Warriors lost a Home Game was against the Bulls on 1/27/15 lol. Oh the Odds.
127 is the 31st prime number too. 271 the 58th prime.
So Warriors have 43 wins right now, and when they lost to the Bulls it was their 43rd game of the Season.
The Score even totaled 214 just like the game tonight. 109-105=214. The Game went to OT just like Tonight as well.
Last year I picked the Warriors based off of 2/14(Valentines Day). The Warriors won the NBA Finals 122 days later.
Golden State=122
Notice the Warriors beat the Bulls this year on their 43rd game. They won by 31. Total Score 219. It was right after they blew out Cleveland and the Reason Blatt was fired. Notice too they lost to Detroit who scored 113 points. "Pistons"=31 "Detroit"=37 Warriors lost keeping 37 wins.
Back to Back Championships=219
NBA season began 219 days before Finals begin.
Warriors lost to Portland on 2/19 by 32.
1/13 to 2/19 is 37 days.
Warriors pick up Varejao who was dropped by Portland 3 days later. 2/22 to 6/2 is 3 months 11 days.
Warriors play Portland again on 3/11.
3/11 to 6/2 is 2 months 22 days.
2 months 19 days before 6/2 is 11 weeks and 3 days also. Warriors play Pelicans on that day 3/14(Pi day also 14/3)
Warriors also played Pelicans 1st game of season.
Warriors lost to Denver this year too on 1/13 112 to 110=222.
Also 1/13 is the 13th day of year.
Warriors lost before that to "Dallas"=13
Lost first game on 12/12 to Bucks by 13. Also next time they played the Bucks they won 121 to 112 after losing on 12/12.
Funny too as I'm writing this post my computer just popped up saying my battery was low. I looked at the clock because of it, of course it's 1:13.
Much more I've shown previously.
The Bulls lost their 45th Home Game to the Charlotte Hornets. How interesting is that considering Michael Jordan now Owns them and Curry from there as well? It was the Bulls 75th game that season. "Charlotte Hornets"=75
So Warriors Chasing the 44 Home Game Win streak. Remember this is the Warriors 44th season as Golden State. Steve Kerr Also came back on their 44th game this season on 1/22/2016. The Warriors scored 122 points that day as well.
1+22+20+16=59 (Warriors just won 59th game of season)
The Streak started on 1/31 2015.
They play the Thunder 1 year 1 month 3 days later.
The last game they lost at Home to the Bulls, the Bulls scored 113. Also I've previously mentioned the 113 and 311 in regards to multiple things including the Warriors 32 point loss to Portland on their 50th game of the season.
They play Portland again on 3/11/20/16
Interesting too, the Warriors season Record right now is 54-5.
Oracle=54(Where they play)
If they beat OKC on 3/3 their record will be 55-5.
The 5th prime number is 11.
Warriors with a chance to tie the 44 game streak 44 days before the playoffs begin on 4/16. Also 1 month 13 days. Also 6 weeks 2 days. The NBA Finals begin on 6/2. It's also 91 days before 6/2/2016. 6+2+20+16=44.
Season began on 10/27/15. Warriors first loss was on 12/12/15.
10/27 to 12/12 is 46 days. Chicago=46
10/27/1985 is when Back to the Future Ends and also Royals won World Series. There's the Broncos clock in the Back to Future movie.
10/27 to 2/7/16 is 3 months 11 days.
So Broncos won SB 3 months 11 days after Back to the Future ends.
10/27/15 is also when Philadelphia turned 333 years old. Warriors used to be from Philadelphia.
10/27 to 12/12 is also 1 month 15 days.(Warriors 1st loss)
10/27 to 2/19 is 115 days. (Warriors last loss so far)
The Warriors haven't lost Back to Back Games yet this season. The 95-96 Bulls lost Back to Back one time. It was their 45th and 46th games.
Interesting the Bulls losses before that were their 6th game, then lost their 12th game then lost again 12 games later. So they lost their 26th game on the 26th day of the year against Pacers.
The Bulls 44 game Win Streak started 11 days after Michael Jordan's first game back from retirement against the Pacers. Remember Jordan wore # 45 for 22 games then switched back to #23 on the 23rd game back. So Interesting they didn't win 45 Home games in a row.
Bulls won their 44th Home game in a row exactly 53 weeks after the Streak began. Look it was even on 4/4 lol. It was also Michael Jordan's 99th Game since returning to the Bulls(Counting the 10 Playoff games). They lost the streak to the Hornets on the 99th day of the year 4/8/96(Leap).
The Season even started off with the Bulls Vs Cavs this year. Just another reason why I think Cavs will be in the Finals against Warriors the team coded to the Bulls.
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