Warriors play Blazers tonight on 3/11. Today is 18 days after The Warriors picked up Anderson Varejao who is wearing #18 for them. He was dropped by the Trail Blazers and the Warriors picked him up on 2/22. The 53rd day of the year. The Warriors had just lost their 53rd game to the Blazers on 2/19. Much more to this see my previous posts. Today is 53 days after the Warriors beat the Cavs by 34. Also 1 month 22 days later. Golden State=122 Kerr came back on 1/22. David Blatt fired on 1/22.
Score of that game was even 105-137=241 53rd prime is 241.
Today's date numerology is 50. 3+11+20+16=50
The Blazers beat the Warriors on their 53rd game played on the 50th day of the year.
The first time the Warriors played the Blazers this year was on 1/8.
1/8 to NBA Finals is 146 days. Oakland California=146
The Warriors won by 20 in that game. 128-108. Then lost by 33 the next time. 20+33=53. So I'm assuming if Warriors lose tonight there will be a lot of connections to 53, but I think Warriors will win tonight. Interesting the the game on 1/8 Blazers scored 108 too. Golden State Warriors=108
It also gave the Warriors their 34th win. I think Portland will stay on their 34th win tonight and become 34-32.
The Warriors also going for their 58th win, the 58 is connected to the 227. 2/27 the 58th day. Warriors=49 49th prime is 227.
I talked previously about 2/27 and 3/6 being mirrored dates to the NBA Finals.
Today is 63 days after the first time they played each other.
Also Warriors Away record will be 30-6 if they win. Similar to the day they lost to the Lakers on 3/6.
I could be wrong about it, but the main reason I think they will win is because I think they will be 61-6 after defeating the Knicks on 3/16. The Knicks a big part in the code. Warriors won finals last year on 6/16. 6/16 to 9/23 is 99 days.
The other reason is that I think they will be 62-6 going into the Spurs game on 3/19.
3/19 to 6/26 is 99 days. A special number to 9/23 and the Warriors. Plus I just got shown by the Youtube agents again that 6/26 is a super special number/day.
There is also the possibility the Warriors will be 61-8, Which also fits with the 6/26, and the Death of Nancy Reagan.
3/19 to 9/19 is 26 weeks 2 days. 262. 9/19(non leap year is 262nd day).
San Antonio Spurs=62
Anyway Notice tonight is the Warriors 64th game and today is 3/11 or 11/3.
The 64th prime number is 311. The 30th prime is 113. Curry wears # 30.
Stephen Curry=64
Cleveland hasn't won a sports championship since 1964.
Interesting too 3/11 also a reference to the KKK. K=11
64 is all about Civil Rights so it's fitting the 64th prime is 311.
Civil Rights=64
Civil Rights Act passed in 1964
Lyndon B Johnson=64 was the president.
He even died age 64.
Much more to this in previous posts as well.
Barack Hussein Obama=64
Joe Biden=64
Today is also the 71st day of the year.
Lot's of 71 this year.
Superbowl Fifty=71
Interesting today is 33 days after SB 50.
Portland in Oregon, the 33rd state.
World War Three=71
much more that connects.
I've also been mentioning how 34 is somehow connected to 9/23 and 9/19.
Prince Charles tied William IV as the oldest person to become King. Although Charles hasn't became King yet, anytime after 9/19 2013 he would be the oldest ever to take the reigh. William IV was 64 years old. Queen Elizabeth just had her 64th anniversary of becoming Queen 34 days before Today(3/11) on 2/6.
9/19/2013 to 9/23/2016 is even a span of 3 years and 4 days.
Notice the Blazers currently have 34 wins going into tonight's game.
I also talked about how Lebron, Curry, Thompson, Irving all had interesting games of 9 of 23 shooting last year. This year the only player on either team that shot 9 of 23 was Lebron against the Knicks on 11/4/15. 34 games later they lost to the Warriors by 34 points on 1/18. Also 34 games later on 3/26 the Cavs play the Knicks again.
The Warriors then lost to the Lakers 9 months 23 days after the Philadelphia Trainwreck. Last night the Cavs defeated the Lakers.
When the Cavs had 51 points, Lebron James # 23 got the ball in the post and was guarded by #9 Huertas and he turned the ball over. It really stands out because Huertas is super small compared to Lebron.
Channing Frye also had a good game for the Cavs, he was just traded to the Cavs 2/18/16.
At halftime they even put a comparison of #9 Huertas and #9 Frye.
September 23rd the 266th day with 99 left.
Golden State Warriors=90,99, 108
They won the NBA Finals last year on 6/16. 99 days before 9/23.
Notice Frye was traded from the Orlando Magic, the team the Warriors just broke the Chicago Bulls 44 consecutive Home Win Streak against.
He was also traded for Jared Cunningham. Notice Cunningham was born in Oakland, California=146 where the Warriors play. He also shares a Birthday with former Cavs coach "David Michael Blatt"=146
Blatt fired after 143 games coaching Cavs, also his bday May 22nd is the 143rd day of the year in 2016.
Notice Cunningham is also 24 years old He was even the 24th pick in the draft in 2012. I just mentioned all sorts of connections to 24 X Theme, Kobe Bryant, Jeff Gordon, 144......
It also sticks out to me that May 22nd is 5/22. John Hot Rod Williams former Cleveland Cavalier died on 12/11/15 which is 5 months 22 days before the NBA Finals begin.
In regards to the Blazers Vs Warriors game tonight. Look Frye used to play for the Blazers and wore # 44. The Warriors surrounded by 44, but also Cavs have connections as well.
King James=44
The Day Blatt got fired was the same day Steve Kerr came back on the Warriors 44th game of the season. It was 44 days before the Lakers beat the Warriors too.
June Second Two Thousand Sixteen=114
Lebron James=114 Also 11/4 the day Lebron shot 9 of 23.
9/23 to 11/4 is 1 months 12 days.
11/4/15 to 6/2/16 211 days.
Last night was the 108th time the Cavs and Lakers have played.
The Cavs won 120-108.
Two Hundred Twenty Eight=108
One Hundred Twenty=215
2/15 is 108 days before the NBA Finals.
10/8(October 8th) is 34 weeks before the NBA Finals.
10/8(August 10th) is 9 months 23 days before the Finals.
August 10th also the 222nd day of the year. Varejao picked up on 2/22 (53rd day)
Today is also 2 months 22 days before the NBA Finals.
So the Knicks are completely connected to the 9/23 and 34 and Warriors and Cavs. I'm still trying to figure it out, but I remember I made a video about a bunch of different games on 12/18/15.
The Bulls lost in 4 OT's to Detroit. The Final Scored was 147-144.
Warriors beat the Bucks 121-112. It was the first time they played the Bucks again after getting their first loss of the season on 12/12.
Also makes me wonder since the Warriors coded to the Bulls and 44, and the Bulls lost with 144 in 4OT if that might signify Warriors not winning the Finals? Or just showing how the Warriors will beat the Bulls record? Like the Death of the Bulls and Jordan and the rise of the New?
It was also the same day the Knicks Played the 76ers and won 107-97.
All of the news articles about the game had a headline that read 107-07 instead of 97 though.
Warriors originally from Philadelphia.
I just re looked it up and noticed some interesting things about the Knicks and 107.
So they mess up the score basically to make you think about the 107 or 7. Look at the Knicks stretch of 4 games during this time. They won 107-102 against Minnesota, then Beat Philadelphia 107-97, Then next game beat Chicago 107-91, then next game lost to Orlando 107-99.
Notice Lebron's 9 of 23 game was 107 days before the Warriors lost to Portland on 2/19.
Back to Back Championships=219
Much more 219 to the Warriors and the Finals.
One Hundred Thirty One=107
The Knicks also played the 76ers on January 18th.
The same day the Warriors beat the Cavs by 34. 34 games after Lebron shot 9 of 23. Notice Knicks lost with 113 points.
It was also The Knicks and the 76ers 43rd game of the season.
12/18 the first time they played was 43 days before the Warriors played 76ers for the first time this season. The Warriors won giving them a record of 43-4.
Notice the Warriors won with 108 points.
Golden State Warriors=108
Also notice the 1:43 video Espn gives us.
The next Warriors game was against the Knicks on 1/31. So 44 days after 12/18. The Warriors got their 44th win and a record of 44-4, the game was on 1/31.
The Total score was 211.
Remember Lebron got 9 of 23 211 days before the NBA Finals against the Knicks.
11/4/15 to 1/31/16 is 2 months 27 days.
There's so much coding to a Cavs vs Warriors finals again it's unbelievable.
I need to look into the Washington Wizards too. It all goes back to the 9/23 and Pope Francis' visit to the US. He visited Washington DC, New York, and Philadelphia.
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