D'Angelo Russell shoots 9 of 23 against the Spurs on 12/11/16.
Russell Westbrook shoots 9 of 23 against the Bulls on Christmas day. Same day the Warriors defeated the Cavs 51 days after Lebron went 9 of 23 on 11/4.
Interesting the teams are the Bulls and the Spurs. Both teams Steve Kerr got Championship Rings from.
Lebron James get's his 9 of 23 against the Knicks. The team connected to Phil Jackson the former Coach of the Chicago Bulls when Steve Kerr played for the Bulls.
Will Barton and the Nuggets lost to the Orlando Magic. He also was 9 of 23 on 12/8/15.
The Magic stand out, because they were the last team to beat the Bulls at Home before their 44 game win Streak. Also the team the Warriors played to beat the Bulls 44 Home game win streak.
Also 12/8 is 34 days after Lebron was 9 of 23. Remember Lebron got his against the Knicks. Then 34 games later the Cavs lost to the Warriors by 34 points. 34 games after that the Cavs play the Knicks again on 3/26/16.
Anthony Davis was 9 of 23 against the Spurs on 11/20/15.
Notice they beat the Spurs giving the Pelicans a 2-11 record. Lebrons's 9 of 23 was 211 days before the NBA Finals. Also 1 months 12 days after 9/23/15.
Last year Steph Curry was 9 of 23 on 1/31 which was 4 months 4 days before the NBA Finals. Also the day the Warriors Home win streak began. He was 9 of 23 the Home game before that. The last home game they lost against the Bulls on 1/27/15. But he was also 9 of 23 on 2/11 2015 against the Twolves.
2/11 is also the 42nd day of the year.
Lebron James=42(small way)
Nikola Vucevic was 9 of 23 on 1/8/16. Notice he plays for the Orlando Magic.
He got hurt on 3/4, right before the Warriors broke the 44 game win streak against them. He hasn't played since. Even Drafted to Philadelphia in 2011 I found interesting.
Brandon Jennings didn't shoot 9 of 23, but he is the only active player who was born on 9/23. Also only 1 of 12 NBA players born on 9/23. He tore his achilles last season against his former team the Milwaukee Bucks on 1/24/15. Wisconsin=44 Bucks also the team who beat the Warriors when trying to break the 44 year old Lakers win streak when "Jerry West=44 and wore # 44 was on the team. The Lakers also lost to the Bucks breaking their streak.
Jennings got hurt 131 days before the NBA Finals last year. Also 4 months 11 days.
Lebron James=114 shot 9 of 23 on 11/4.
Brandon Jennings now plays for the Orlando Magic. Who would've guessed that?
Orlando Florida=144
Forty Four=144
Orlando Magic=112, 58
Warriors lost to the Lakers before they played the Magic. The Lakers scored 112 points.
The Magic are also the team that knocked the 1994-1995 Bulls out of the playoffs. When Michael Jordan returned wearing # 45 for 22 games and switching back to # 23 on the 23rd game back against the Magic in the Playoffs.
Al Horford was 9 of 23 on 1/15 against the Bucks. Interesting they lost and the Bucks had 108 points.
Golden State Warriors=108
Horford also does it 2 months and 11 days after Lebron.
January 15th can be written as 1/15 or 15/1.
Lebron James=51
Cleveland Cavs=51
Cleveland hasn't won a sports championship in 51 years.
Cav's lost to Warriors 51 days after Lebron was 9 of 23.
Paul George got 9 of 23 on 12/2/15. This one stumped me a bit. I could only think that Michael Jordan's first game back out of retirement he lost to the Pacers. But...
Indiana Pacers=114
Lebron James=114 was 9 of 23 on 11/4.
Lebron James=923 (Jewish) as well.
Paul George born on 5/2 and is 25 years old right now as well.
122nd day is 5/2(non leap year) so interesting he does this on 12/2.
Golden State=122
Pope Francis=122
He came to America on his 923rd day as Pope.
Went to the White House at 9:23am on 9/23/2015.
I've previously talked about how the Knicks are connected to the 9/23 as well as the 76ers. I still can't get over this game between the teams. They reported the Score as 107-07 instead of 107-97.
It was also the first game after Mike D'Antoni joined the 76ers as an associated head coach. D'Antoni previously coached the Lakers and the Knicks.
Michael D'Antoni=65
The Knicks had this weird Streak during the time of the 76ers game where they or their opponent scored 107 points.
One Hundred Thirty One=107
107 is the 28th prime.
Notice how it ends with a 107 loss to Orlando? On 12/21..
Warriors lost to Bucks on 12/12.
I was trying to figure out what the point of the 107-07 is.
Lebron James=114
He shot 9 of 23 on 11/4.
11/4 to 12/18 is 44 days.
King James=44
The NBA Finals begin on 6+2+20+16=44
The Warriors also have a lot of 44 connections, so It could be to them as well. Especially originally being the Philadelphia Warriors. The switched to Golden State 44 years ago.
I know I mentioned this in a previous post, but this day had a lot of significant things happen in the NBA.
Three teams lost with a score of 88.
The Warriors got revenge on the Bucks on 12/12. They won 121 to 112.
The Bulls lost in 4 Overtimes to the Pistons. Bulls scored 144 points.
Forty Four=144
One Hundred Forty Four=108, 252
Golden State Warriors=108
252nd day is 9/9 but 9/10 this year. Also the day Queen Elizabeth became the longest reigning English/British Monarch.
Also 9/9 on Julian Calendar is 9/22 Gregorian.
9/22(First day Pope Francis arrived in the US on his 923rd day as pope).
The Warriors play the Knicks tomorrow on 3/16 or 16/3.
The Cavs play the Knicks again on 3/26 or 26/3.
Obama Assassinated=163
Barack Hussein Obama=163
Make America Great Again=163
One Hundred Sixty Three=108
March Sixteenth=68
Barack Obama=68
March Sixteenth Two Thousand Sixteen=144
Satan=55 Obama will be 55 this year.
Train Derailment=163 (Kansas Train Derailment injured 32 )
Forty Niners=163 (San Fran Bay, Eagles)
38th prime number is 163.
The Warriors just got their 49th consecutive Home win. They won scoring 125 points.
Obama assassinated on March Sixteenth=125
Barack Obama Assassinated on March Sixteenth=143
Barack Obama Assassinated on March Sixteenth Two Thousand Sixteen=219
The total score of this game was also 232 points.
Kansas=232 (Jewish) Kansas Train Wreck even going to Chicago.(Where Obama's from).
The Warriors just beat the Pelican's on March 14th. or 14/3. It was 2 months 19 days before NBA Finals Begin.
One Hundred Forty Three=113
6/2 to 9/23 is 113 days.
Barack Obama assassinated on a Wednesday=113, 329
NBA Season started on 10/27/15 and Finals begin 6/2/16.
A span of 219 days.
Back to Back Championships=219
Warriors lost on 2/19 to Portland by 32.
Barack Obama=32 (Small Way)
Thirty Two=50 2/19 the 50th day.
Obama born in Hawaii (50th state)
Tomorrow is also the 141st day of the NBA Season.
It's also 141 days before Obama's 55th bday.
June 11th 2016 is the 163rd day of the year.
3/16 to 6/11 is 2 months 26 days.
Three hundred Sixteen=226
One Hundred Forty one=226
3/16 also 44 days after 2/1. 2/1 the 32nd day of the year.
This doesn't mean that Obama will be assassinated tomorrow, but I'm guessing the Basketball game will have a great story to tell. It could just be something significant with Obama. It does come 32 days after the death of Scalia. Also 4 months 4 days after the 44th day. 3/16 is also 68 days before the 144th day May 22nd.
Warriors going for their 61st win.
New York Knicks=61
Warriors would become 61-6.
Sixty one and Six=67 It's Warriors 67th game.
Warriors won NBA finals last year on 6/16.
If Warriors lose they will be 60-7 607 the 111th prime.
Also some people consider the Mark of the Beast 616 instead of 666. Which sticks out to me a lot because 616 is an upside down 919. The number that keeps being shown to me by Youtube Agents.
So as I'm writing this up, My internet randomly disconnects. I look at the clock on my computer. It's 1:36am on 3/16.
One Hundred Thirty Six=107
I also just seen this story as I was looking through each players stats.
This guy gets 44 points against the Philadelphia 76ers who have connections to the Warriors. The Score is super interesting though.
Lebron James=114
It's 4 months and 11 days after Lebron was 9 of 23 on 11/4.
It makes it seem as if Cleveland and Lebron will win..but...
He scores 44 and wears # 44. He does this 4 months 11 days after Lebrons 9 of 23? This makes me think the 44 is the Champion and the 114 is the loser.
King James=44 So maybe another tie to Lebron, but the Warriors really coded to the 44 unless I'm missing something more with the Cavs and 44. Also the 31st pick in the 2011 draft. 11th prime is 31. Oakland=31 Curry=31
Today is 3+15+20+16=54
Forty Four=54
Who knows guess we will keep watching. I know this 9 of 23 stuff is super significant. I'm just not sure if it's a good thing for Lebron or not. If the Warriors don't win the Finals, I'm suspecting Klay Thompson will get hurt or do something detrimental.
Klay Alexander Thompson=91
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