Anyway like Michael Jackson said after he morphed into human form from Black Panther..."It Doesn't matter if you're black or white." We are all slaves in this system.
Before I even mention the game. If you read my previous posts and watch my videos I mentioned how the Royal Family and Earthquakes are coded into this Superbowl. I said it could happen at the Superbowl but most likely coded to the Superbowl.
The Day before SB 50 was Queen Elizabeth II's 64th anniversary of being Queen.
We also got the Taiwan Earthquake. Back in December I even mentioned Taiwan and China because of an article on CNN.
Taipei, Taiwan=56 Beijing=56
In the article they showed this picture of a boat with 56 on it. Yet it has nothing to do with the article.

I talked about these are 2 places to watch out for and even mentioned the upcoming Taiwan(Republic of China)presidential election on 1/16/16.
Love how this lady won with 56%.
Tsai Ing-Wen=121, 49
Revelation=49, 121
She was elected 21 days before the 6.4 Earthquake on 2/6.
Also want to note the TransAsia Flight that crashed in Tawain last year was exactly 1 years 2 days before the Earthquake.
Taiwan located on 121E.
2/6 is also the 37th day of the year.
The 12th prime is 37
Tainan, Taiwan=46 (The mirror of 64 and Chicago Code)
168,000 had Power out... Queen Elizabeth II=168 Beyonce Knowles=168 Taylor Swift=168
41 Dead..Superbowl=41
Depth 23 KM or 14.3 Miles.
For 2 weeks I have mentioned 143 and it's connection to Earthquakes and Natural Disasters. Check out my Death of Ben Carson Staffer video, Firing of David Blatt, and Happy Gilmore video.
Joplin Missouri=73 on 37N Tornado happened on 5/22 the 143rd day of the year with 223 left.
The Synagogue of Satan=223
David Blatt just fired on 1/22 122 days before his bday on 5/22.
Same Day Steve Kerr returned to Warriors who scored 122 points that day. Blatt fired after coaching Cavs for 143 games.
Johnny Carson last episode on 5/22.
Worst East Coast Earthquake ever recorded on 8+31+18+86=143
Apollo Creed died on 8+31+19+85=143
Moral of the Story I was right about the Earthquake and even more proof is the fact it was 6.4 magnitude that happened on Queen Elizabeth II's 64th anniversary of being Queen.
I also mentioned that Prince Charles would be King if she dies.
If he becomes King he will be the Oldest person to ever become King. Charles is 67. The last guy was 64.
Prince Charles=131, 68
Taiwan=68 Superbowl=131
King Charles=107 One Hundred Seven=131
Royal Family=56
Queen Elizabeth II became Queen when her Father died age 56 in 1952.
Also something to keep in mind is Superbowl 50 was the Golden Superbowl. Let's not forget what happened right after Eliz II's Golden Jubilee(50th year). Her sister Margaret died 3 days later and then Exactly 49 days later her Mom died. They were both buried on 4/9. Golden..49... Margaret died age 71
Superbowl Fifty=71 Golden Superbowl=71. She would be 85 if still alive. Interesting the 85 Bears coding.
Her mom was 101. The 26th prime is 101. 2/6 is Queen Anniversary.
64 also the Civil Rights number. I don't think this is the end of it though. Many more events coded to this to come.
Superbowl 50 undoubtedly coded to the Black Panthers Theme as well.
The NFL Draft is even in Chicago this year. The last time it was in Chicago was in 1964.
Beyonce even dresses like Michael Jackson and honors Black Panthers.
Beyonce Giselle Knowles-Carter=122
San Francisco=122
Kansas City=122 Won World Series 2015.
Golden State=122 Won NBA finals 122 days after Valentines.
Kyle Busch=52. 5/2 the 122nd day. Won Nascar.
Go Back and view my Jungle Book and and Lyndon Johnson post I mentioned Michael Jackson's Black or White Video and the Black Panther. Jackson died age 50 as well. Black Panthers are 50 years old in 2016, Superbowl 50.
Bruno Mars even performs in All Black with all Black people.
They even form the X in the Formation song.
Think about this... The Final Score was 24 to 10.
X=10 in Roman Numerals
X=24 (The 24th letter of our alphabet).
Talked so much about how it was coded to the 1985 Bears who won Superbowl XX..Aka Superbowl 20.
The X in Malcolm X symbolizes his true African Name not the Slave name given to him. "Little"
I should've stuck to my original thoughts on Broncos winning the Superbowl. I went with a narrative I thought might happen instead of going with the Obvious Whites win over Blacks. I was thinking maybe Blacks would win and get some hope, and then when Obama gets assassinated all hell breaks loose. I guess story was to just keep pounding Blacks down, keep dividing us, and put the Icing on the cake when Obama is killed.
Funny if you go back and watch my 1st video on the Chiefs winning the Superbowl I said The Broncos are really coded but I think the Chiefs will win cause of the Bears coding. If I only knew how much the Broncos were coded to the Bears as well.
I talked for a long time about how I didn't think Panthers would win because of Cam Newton.
Newton=91 This number was all around death/elimination in 2015.
Funny even the Roseburg Shooting happened on 10/1(91 days left in year) Also Jimmy Carters 91 bday.
I even showed Newton was Superman and Christopher Reeve was in a wheelchair because of a Horse accident.
Broncos win Superbowl Fifty=122
San Francisco=122 on 122W
Golden State=122
No one has really criticized me for my mis prediction, but honestly if anyone does it is obvious they didn't watch my previous videos or blog posts. There's literally so much to it, it's almost impossible to show every detail without making 10 hour videos every time. In the previous stuff I showed how both teams were coded and I guessed what I thought might be the narrative. I even said it really doesn't matter who wins, it's about how the game is coded to other events.
Anyway lets look at the game and the ridiculous rigging/coding that happened in it.
Superbowl 50 was completely rigged though, and it also did finish with the Civil War Theme. 10-24=34.
34 the number all around Abe Lincoln/Moses/Civil War Theme.
Lincoln born on the 43rd day, became president on 3/4. He died exactly 4 years and 3 days after the Civil War began. Kansas became the 34th and last state to join the Union before the Civil War on 1/29/1861. 34 days before Lincoln became President on 3/4. The 20th Amendment changed a president from starting on 3/4 to 1/20. 1/20 to 4/3 is 43 days. The first president to start his presidency on 1/20 was Eisenhower the 34th president and 43rd term president. The 20th amendment actually passed during FDR's reign but he died on 4/12(Civil War Began this day) So Truman didn't start on 1/20. The 20th amendment was to lower the
"Lame Duck"=34. Interesting Obama is a Lame Duck right now.
Civil War=43.
Civil War Began in "Charleston"=43
First Death was in "Maryland"=34
Obama is the 44th president, but the 43rd person to be president.
Clete Blakeman wears # 34. The Broncos are undefeated with him reffing. Born in 1964. Interesting too he is from Omaha. There has been something significant about Omaha lately. He even went to University of Nebraska.
Malcolm X born in Omaha.
Obama just went there (made previous posts on this)
Nebraska the 37th state. Nebraska=71 Superbowl Fifty=71
Moses 34/43
Now that I'm rethinking the Moses thing. Moses never made it to the promised land. He freed the Slaves, but never got to enter the promised land. Similar to Abe Lincoln, he died before he got to the see the 13th amendment fully ratified. Actually died 8 months and 3 days before it was ratified on 12/18/1865. Football=83
Martin Luther King Jr. was also known as a Modern Moses, and he got killed before his dream became a reality. Who knows just a thought..Maybe that's why Panthers got to Superbowl and then Lost?
Another Moses Death in the news this year was Moses Malone.
Never even thought about it until now, but
Moses Malone=41, 131 Just like Superbowl=41, 131.
Moses Eugene Malone=71
He also died age 60 9/13/15.
He died on Rosh=60 Hashanah=60
Tribe of Levi=60
Abraham Lincoln=60
Lincoln Nebraska=60
Most Powerful Earthquake ever recorded was in 1960.
Anyway Moses Malone died in 2015 he was the 1st ABA out of High school. (76er)
Darryl Dawkins=60 died in 2015 he was the 1st NBA player out of high School. (76er)
Lot's of Teen wolf Coding that involved Kevin Garnett.
Garnett the first Teen Wolf. 3rd player out of HS to NBA.
Lots of 12 and 21 coding around him.
Flip Saunders died age 60 this year. He became Minnesota head coach on the 21st game of #21 Garnett's Rookie season. They won 21 games that season finished 12th in the West. Garnett then left to Boston after 12 seasons. He got traded back to Minnesota for
Thaddeus Young=56 Also former 76er who wore # 21. Traded on the 56th day of 2015.
Kevin Garnett=56
This is his 21st season, and Flip Saunders dies.
Moses Malone played Pro basketball for 21 seasons. He holds the record for most offensive rebounds in a game with 21. Started in the NBA age 21. First game he was 21 years 212 days old. His team beat Milwaukee by 21. He averaged 21 points 12 rebounds with the 76ers. Finished his career with the "Spurs"=21.
Anyway the reason I mention this is because in 2015 we also had a lot of first Blacks die.
In Black History Month:
The first black NBA player died.
The first black PGA tour player died.
The first black White Sox player died.
Also Anthony Mason died on 2/28. Known for being the
NBA Sixth Man of the Year=228
Lamar Odom(6th man) reporting was 228 days after 2/28.
2/28 the 59th day. 59 the number on Black People.
Huey P Newton died on 8/22 or 22/8.(founder of black panthers)
Voice of Black Panther in the Jungle Book died 8/22 as well.
8/22(131 days left in year)
Martin Luther King Jr=228
Think about Obama...The first Black president.
First Black President=85.
According the Rabbinical Jews Moses also died age 120 in 1271BCE. 12 and 71.
I seriously knew I was wrong and Broncos were going to win the first Play of the game...or excluding the kickoff.
# 18 Manning who threw his first pass to #81 Owen Daniels for 18 yards to the Denver 38.
2/7/2016 2+7+2+0+1+6=18
2/7 is the 38th day.
Colorado=38, 83 The 38th State
Manning even in his 18th season.
Eighteen=73, 46
21st prime is 73 and 46 the Number connected to the 1985 Bears.
They won with with the revolutionary 4-6 defense.
Bears even won 46-10.
Manning's bday is 46 days after SB 50.
Manning going into the game with 199 wins. 199 is the 46th prime number.
Did you notice Cam Newton had 46 yards at halftime?
He also was 18 of 41 passing.
After the Broncos scored on a 64 yard drive. (64 46 mirrors. 64 connected to Civil Rights) The announcers said Manning was also 4 of 6 passing on the drive lol.
This was almost exactly like the Patriots vs Broncos game.
Broncos 1st drive was 11 plays for 83 yards.
21 yard Touchdown pass from # 18 Manning to # 81 Daniels to finish the drive.
Daniels also scored again on a 12 yard pass later in the game.
First Touchdown was scored by Malik Jackson.
Go figure Malik...Malik El Shabazz is Malcolm X.
Malik Jackson=38
Also interesting the Denver Clock in the opening Scene of Back to the Future. It says 7:53 but remember Doc sets the clocks back 25 minutes so it's really 8:18. 81 18. Also the All Black clock above I mentioned is weird because it only has 10 numbers. Interesting Panthers only scored 10 points. That clock also turns the Power Switch Up not down. Panthers didn't play "Lights out" they played Lights on. Makes ya wonder if some type of plan was turned on by this game too? I just realized now too the clocks are set 50 minutes apart. The Black is 8:43 and the Broncos is 7:53.
Also the 18th prime is 61 the 81st prime is 419. Interesting if you do them as a date 4/19/61 1861? First Death of Civil War in Baltimore. Freddie Gray arrested on 4/12 day Civil War began. Died 4/19.
4/19/1961 to 8/4/1961(Obama's Birth) is 107 days.
One Hundred Seven=131 Superbowl=131
I mentioned the 12 and 21 coding in multiple previous posts and videos. Superbowl 50 of course had the 12 21 theme. I just got it wrong that Panthers would win because of it. I had previously mentioned how I think the Panthers were connected to 21 and not the 12 which I thought was bad.
Interesting the Broncos lost in Superbowl 12 and Superbowl 21.
The Panthers have now lost in the Superbowl in their 12th season and 21st season.
With Exactly 14:14 left in the 4th with 14 on the play clock(45:46 into the game even 2+7+20+16=45 Bears=45 Chicago=46) we got this stat about Manning. Remember Broncos won by 14 as well. It was also Manning's 14 post season win.
He was 12 of 21 and had 139 yards.
Ball also on the 42. Remember Twenty One=42, 141.
Also the 12 and 21 I've mentioned. Manning then Fumbled 2 plays later and Panthers recovered.
Remember how # 21 Aqib Talib kept getting penalties in the Superbowl.
Would you believe it..
Aqib Talib=37, 73. Wears # 21 (73rd prime)
Notice how the Panthers scored 10 points?
Ten=12, 39
Panthers started looking better when the score was 10-0 as well.
Once Broncos kicked a field goal and Panthers got 10 points. I knew for sure that 1st play was correct and Panthers weren't going to win.
Besides absolutely looking awful all game(dropping passes and fumbling and not catching easy interceptions).
The game defining play was when Cam Newton Fumbled and then obviously could've jumped on the ball but he didn't because he wasn't supposed to.
Seriously how can you watch this play and not think it is rigged?
Ball recovered by # 43 TJ Ward.
Civil War=43
Of course Ward born on 12/12.
TJ Ward=22
Twenty Two=39
The play was on 3rd and 9.
Peyton Manning is 39 years old
Denver on 39N
New York=39
Kansas City on 39N
Interesting how I said the Gematria doesn't always mean you win, sometimes it's just connections to a certain number in other ways.
Mets only game they won in World Series the score was KC 3 Mets 9.
Martin Luther King Jr.=93 died age 39
Malcolm X=93 dies age 39.
39 Books in the Old Testament(Moses)
Panthers had 10 points. "Ten"=12, 39
Broncos had 24 points. "Twenty Four"=167, 50
167 is the 39th prime number.
Peyton Manning=167, 68
Beyonce Giselle Knowles=93
She wore Michael Jackson Oufit that he wore in SB 27 in 1993.
Rosa Louise McCauley Parks=93
Broncos leading rusher was # 10 Emmanuel Sanders=56
He even had 83 yards. Football=83 Colorado=83
His BDay 3/17 is 39 days after SB 50.
CJ Anderson Broncos lead rusher avg. 3.9
Graham Gano missed the 44 yard FG. but made his 39 yard field goal.
Field Goal=71 Forty Four=144 Seventy one=144 April Fourth=144 Kill=44 Obama the 44th president. Much more.
The most revealing part of the play where Cam Newton didn't jump on the ball was the 4's in it.
Broncos got the ball on the 4 yard line with 4:04 in the 4th quarter. It was after the Panthers 4th turnover. Pretty telling of Broncos final score as well....Four=24.
Black QB's are now 2-4 in Superbowls.
Fourth=34 like the Sum of the Score.
Fourth=88 the big way as well.
Broncos Upset Panthers=88
88 Miles per hour for Time Travel.
I talked about the Maserati Commerical in SB 48 and all the 88 connections after it. Denver lost 43-8.
Lincoln died 24 days before the end of the Civil War on 5/9.
Also want to point out this same type of thing happened in the Patriots Vs Broncos game. Patriots had 12 points and scored their last TD with 12 seconds left. It was 4th down from the 4 yard line in the 4th quarter. Also the 4th time they went for it on 4th down in the 4th quarter.
Broncos then score 4 plays later. Technically only 3 because of a Penalty but still interesting. Also in 56 seconds. Broncos in 56th season.
Four=60(See Above Moses) Nigger=60
Movie Exodus starring Christian Bale(Batman) as Moses came out on 12/12/14. Of course 12 Tribes of Israel each with 12,000 people
Also remember 404 chapters in Revelation. Broncos the Pale Horse. King James Bible came out 404 years ago, will be 405 on 5/2/16. Pope Francis arrived in the United States at exactly 4:04pm on his 923rd day as Pope. He went to the Whitehouse the next day at 9:23am on 9/23. He's the 266th Pope, 9/23 the 266th day.
He also gave a speech in Philadelphia on Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Lectern. Look at the time He started his speech.. 4:44pm.
# 22 CJ Anderson score the 22nd Point.. With 3:08 left.
Manning is now 2-2 in Superbowls as well.
Remember it was also because "TJ Ward"=22 Recovered the ball.
When Cam Newton was sacked and fumbled the ball for a TD it was the 1st Fumble recovery for a TD in the SB in 22 Years.
In numerology you take out the Zero so it's a 38.
Colorado=38,83 The 38th State
SB 50 on the 38th day of the year.
Elway drafted in 1983.
Manning born on the 83rd day of the year.
Interesting he also was 13/23 in this game.
23rd prime number is 83. Football=83
Notice he had 141 yard too. I mentioned this in the last video because "Twenty One"=141.
Also notice the Panthers lost by 14. 14, 41
They were 14-1 in the regular season.
Fourteen=41 Broncos=41
Broncos are now 4-1 facing the Panthers all time.
Manning just won his 27th playoff game on 2/7.
Broncos finished season 15-4
Levis Stadium=154
Denver Broncos=154
The only Superbowl's he has won were the 37th and the 46th modern Era Superbowls.
Chicago=37, 46.
He beat the Bears the first time.
Now he beats the Team coded to the Bears the 2nd time.
Manning even got his 200th win in the 200th quarter of All Superbowls. lol such a joke.
There's a lot more and I'm going to add more tomorrow once I rewatch the game and pregame stuff. I just want to show how I am being trolled on my Zaevion Dobson Video on Youtube out of nowhere. I didn't get it, but as I was watching the pregame show I noticed they did a Documentary on him, so it makes perfect sense.
I get people who tell me they are going to kill my and my family, I get people who just talk shit constantly on all my old videos. I even get a dislike on every video almost instantly when I put a new one up. How is that? Funny how the people who do this always just joined Youtube a few weeks before talking shit. They have no subscribers, no videos and most of the time don't even have a picture. Anyway...
I have this video up, that out of nowhere I started getting message about how I'm retarded and what not.
Wow so a High School Kid joins Youtube on 2/7 2016? I find that hard to believe. I guess the school got new Chrome books so she had to get a new google account? Yeah makes The next person I'm going to show says the same thing. And they got an account on 1/21/16. Why did this girl not Join until 2/7? She must not have used her new Chrome Book for weeks at school. Why would they get new Chrome Books in February?
Here's a link to my video.
This story is as fake as the Roanoke Shooting.
Zaevion Dobson=161 American Civil War=161
Zaevion=38, 56
Spray of Bullets=56
The whole story surrounded with 56.
He wore # 24 his brother # 2.
Broncos just won with 24 points in their 56th season. Superbowl on 38th day. Seriously maybe I'll record the Zaevion story on the Superbowl pregame. The most fake story ever. Why is his story so much better than any one else who died this year? Tons of people murdered this year, why is Obama on this kids nuts? It's because it's not real.
The story takes place in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Peyton Manning went to Tennessee.
Von Miller was the SB 50 MVP. Interesting earlier this season he got his 50th sack in 58 games. He wears # 58.
Vonnie B'Vsean Miller=85
National Football League=85
Lady Gaga=58
Huey P Newton=58(Founder of Black Panthers)
Oakland=58 (Where Black Panthers founded)
Black Panthers=58
Cam Newton the 58th QB ever in Superbowl.
Nation of Islam=58 (Malcolm X)
Nation of Islam even founded on 7/4/1930 85 years ago.
They started doing Dianetics like the Church of Scientology on 8/5/2010.
Current leader is "Louis Wolcott"=58
Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam and became a
Sunni Islam=131, 41 Superbowl=131, 41.
Broncos the Pale Horse.
Pale Horse=45, 99
Bears=45 Date Numerology of SB=45
I got a couple of fun facts you might like. From 7/4/1776 to 4/19/1861 (first death in the civil war) was 30,969 days or 93x333. From 7/4/1776 to 10/8/1871 (start of the great Chicago fire) was 34,793 days or (470x74)+13. From the Pope speaking to a joint session of congress on 9/24/2015 to 2/4/2016 (TPP signed) was 133 days.