Ramon Castro, older brother of Fidel Castro dies on 2/23 age 91.
The 91 Elimination/Death number I've mentioned for a while.
Leave it to CNN to give the Video matching up with the Story.
2:32 Castro dies on 2/23 or 23/2.
Interesting Obama is going to visit Cuba and become the 1st active president in 88 years to visit Cuba. Just another tie to the whole JFK/Nuclear War/Civil Rights theme. Just another reason why I think Obama will soon meet his demise.
Ramon Castro dies 27 days before Obama will be in Cuba on 3/21.
Obama assassinated in Cuba=69, 213
World War III=69
2/13 is the first day of Lupercalia that has been foreshadowed a lot surrounding Obama. 44th day, 44th president. Kill=44
Castro dying at the age of 91 also sticks out because of Pope Francis. Remember his trip to North America began in Cuba on 9/19. 91 19...Remember the Power went out in the World Series Game 1 at 9:19 and came back on at 9:23. I didn't even think about the 9/19 with Pope Francis, because it's connected to Queen Eliz II as well. 9/19 is the 262nd day of the year. Lots of 26 62 connections to the Queen.
Queen Eliz II became Queen on 2/6 1952 She turned 26 that year as well. She was coronated on 6/2 1953 62 years ago.
Ramona Quimby Video Explanation
Youtube also foreshadowed 9/19 by Copyright striking a Video I had on Ramona Quimby. I put it up on 9/19. They gave me a strike I fixed it that same day. Then 177 days later they Gave me a strike again on March 15th. I fixed it again and then they waited to give me a strike again on June 8th(262 days after 9/19)
9/19 the 262nd day.
6/26 is the 177th day.
It had a lot to do with the number 26 and 62 and 88. Interesting Obama is the first president in 88 years to visit Cuba.
Ramona=26, 62
Age Eight=62
1926-1988 is 62 years
1962-1988 is 26 years.
Funny too the original video I made was on 9/19/2014
CNN even puts this Ad on the Article of Ramon Catro's death. 26 Photos of People we've lost in 2016. So Castro the 26th important person according to CNN.
26th prime is also 101
1954 is 62 years ago in 2016.
1962 is 54 years ago in 2016.
2/6 2016 to 3/21/2016 is 44 days or 6 weeks 2 days.
Ramon Castro dies 5 months and 4 days after 9/19 on 54th day of the year.
9/19 to 2/23 is also 22 weeks 3 days.
9/19 to 3/21 is 6 months 2 days(Obama's Cuba Trip)
He also dies 163 days before Obama's 55th bday. Obama is 54 right now. Interesting 163 and also 5 months 12 days(Philly Train Wreck)
Train Derailment=163
Barack Hussein Obama=163
Obama Assassinated=163
Paul Davis Ryan=163 (Would be next president if something happens to Obama and Biden) He's the 54th Speaker of the House since 10/29/15. 10/29/15 to 3/21/16 is 144 days. (The Day Obama goes to Cuba).
September Nineteenth=91
It's also the day the 20th President James Garfield Died in 1881.
Garfield was shot on 7/2 but didn't die until 9/19. He was shot at a Train Station. There's been multiple Train Stories coded this year, especially the Philadelphia Train Wreck that happened at 9/23pm. Going 106 with the engine # 601. 10/6 Gregorian is 9/23 Julian.
The movie Trainwreck=122 with Lebron James=923(Jewish) starts when Amy Schumer is 9 years old, rest of movie is 23 years later.
Pope Francis came to the US on his 923rd day as Pope, went to the Whitehouse at 9:23am on 9/23. Pope Francis=122
The Philadelphia Trainwreck also happened on the 132nd day of the year. 5/12.
Obama Assassinated in Cuba March Twenty Second=132
Ramon Castro dies 132 days after his 91st bday.
Catholic Church=132
White Bronco=132 Wild Horses=132
The Revenant=132
Suicide Squad=132 (Jared Leto Joker XX)
Windy City=132 (Chicago)
Antonin Scalia=132 (dies on 13/2 or 2/13 1st day of Lupercalia)
The Life of Pablo=132(Kanye's new album)
March Fifteenth Forty Four BC=132
Princess Diana=132
World War II=132
One Hundred Thirty Two=266
Pope Francis the 266th Pope 9/23 the 266th day(Non Leap Year)
Jared From Subway sent to Jail this year.
Nicholas Winton died age 106 he's known for saving Jewish Children on a Train.
The French Train Attack on August 21st(132 days left) stopped by the American Military guys. Alek Skarlatos was from Roseburg, Oregon. The Roseburg Oregon Shooting happened on 10/1 with 91 days left in the year. It was also Jimmy Carter's 91st birthday.
A Week later on 10/8 Spencer Stone was Stabbed in Sacramento.
Sacramento to Roseburg, Oregon is 404 miles.
Pope Francis Arrived in US at 4:04pm There are 404 verses in Revelation. The KJV was released on 5/2/1611 or 404 years ago.
Pope Francis=404 (Jewish)
Wouldn't you know, Carter visited Cuba on May 12th 2002. Although he wasn't president at the time still interesting the May 12th Date. He was the 39th president 5+12+20+2=39.
Carter was also 77 years old 7 months 11 days old.
Calvin Coolidge was the last president to go Cuba before this.
He went on 1/16/1928.
So Carter went 74 years and 116 days later.
Havana Cuba=74
Ramon Eusebio Catro Ruz=116(S exception)
2/6 to 6/2 is 116 days..2016 it's 117 though.
He visited again on March 28th 2011.
Obama will be the first sitting president in 88 years 65 days to visit Cuba.
Calvin Coolidge=68, 131(Visited 88 years ago)
Barack Obama=68, 32
62nd day is 3/2 in 2016.
Pope Francis turned 79 years old on 12/17/15 68 days before 2/23/16.
3/21/2016 is the 81st day
Eighty One=54 (Obama is 54)
12/21/2015 is 91 days before 3/21/16.
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