Been talking about Blackouts and Earthquake with the Superbowl 50 coding. Now we get this story on 2/1 about 150,000 without power.
The first day of Black History Month we get a Super Blackout.
I've also mentioned 2/1 for months now. It's normally a day that leaves 333 left in the year. Philadelphia turned 333 on Oct 27th, the same day Royals won the World Series in 1985 and Back to the Future Ends.
Game 1 of 2015 World Series was on Oct 27th 2015. It even had the TV blackout.
Philadelphia Eagles=150
Lincoln Nebraska=150
Steve Harvey=150
Huey Newton=150(Founder of Black Panthers)
Gulf of Tonkin=150 (Preparing us for next false flag?)
One hundred Five=150
Blood Moon=105
September Twenty Eighth=105 (Day of last Blood Moon)
Nine Eleven=105
Gay Marriage=105
Amazing Grace=105 (Coldplay featuring Obama, Clementa Pinckney, Aretha Franklin)
80 Foot tree fell in San Diego.
San Diego=38
Superbowl on 38th day
Much more see previous posts.
80,000 Customers even in this article.
King Charles III=80
American Civil War=80
Roseburg Oregon=80 Shooting was on Jimmy Carters 91st bday on 10/1 with 91 days left in the year.
Carters Grandson died on 12/20/15.
10/1 to 12/20 is 80 days.
December Twentieth=80
Miss Universe was on 12/20. It has 80 contestants. Remember
Steve Harvey=150
Obamas Lame Duck Period=80
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