Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Kevin Spacey Synchronicity-Money-Water-Drowning-Black Jack


A few hours ago this clip of the film "21" with Kevin Spacey came up on YouTube. I thought it was funny as the film is about Black Jack/Gambling...and last night I played Black Jack for hours online. I never play Black Jack either, I just randomly wanted to try something different, and I was winning, so I played it for a long time. 

Now I get a spammed comment on an old post I had about Kevin Spacey. 

Kevin Spacey=332(FB)

I just blogged how I keep seeing the number 332. 

Recall that Kevin Spacey was also important to why I started gambling so much in relation to Super Bowl 58. 

I got this message a few minutes after midnight on Christmas, but the Kevin Spacey theme started on Christmas Eve a few hours ago. This is funny because Kevin Spacey put out that "Let's be Frank" video on Christmas Eve, and Anthony Rapp was in the musical "Rent" that  begins on Christmas Eve...Rapp is who called out Kevin Spacey for Sexual assault...In all my old posts about this, I was talking about the Charles Manson Theme and also the theme with FRANCE where Roman Polanski fled I assume this sync is related to that. 

I also have a post about the Drowning Theme with Spacey in relation to Mayim Bialik...Amy Fowler...Kevin Spacey Fowler...The Drowning/Water symbolism had to do with MONEY. 


  1. The other night I woke up somewhere still between asleep and awake and I could see the room through my right eye but still could see my dreams through my left eye. Believe that was the morning of Christmas Eve.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
