Tuesday, December 10, 2024

What is the Significance of Base 8 Counting and Making 129 Become 201?

I just have to add this to my previous post in relation to decoding being inconsistent. I'm looking at Zach's blog and he's blogging about the Franklin Fire beginning on 12/9. Apparently this is connected to the Jesuits and 201, because 129 is 201 in base 8 counting. 

What does that even mean? 
What is the purpose of having to find the connection with base 8 counting? 

If we are going to decode this way, then why don't we say the number 73 is also 201? 
201 is 73 in Base 6 counting. 
201 is 289 in base 12 counting. 
201 is 513 in base 16 counting.
201 is a lot of different numbers depending on what base you convert it to lol. 

Maybe I am missing something with why base 8 is being used?
I've never seen anyone explain why base 8 is being used in the Gematria community though. 

It really makes zero sense, and just adds to why most people think anything can be manipulated to fit. 

1 comment:

  1. A bit like "composite numbers" just became a thing in the 'decoding' community. Nobody has ever mentioned using composite numbers with relation to sports EVER, until the past month or so.
