Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Kevin Spacey, Airplane Crashes, Jimmy Carter, Beyonce Halftime and the Charles Manson Theme


I haven't had much time to look at a bunch of things, but it's funny how Hudson Meek was reported dead the day after Christmas. He is famous for the film, "Baby Driver" that has Kevin Spacey. I just blogged about Kevin Spacey in my previous post. That film also came out in 2017, the same year the Kevin Spacey post was connected to.

Funny too how we've had all of these plane crash stories, and I have been blogging about how I'm watching "Lost" for the first time. LOST involves plane crashes...and oddly enough, I'm just at the part where they crash on Flight 316.

Then Jimmy Carter dies 316 days before my bday, and I have posts about Jimmy Carter/Trump Assassination attempt and 316.

Jimmy Carter=264(Composite)
The 264th Composite is 332.

332 a number I've been saying I keep seeing.

We also had the South Korean airline crash the same day Carter died. 

I also started watching the 2nd season of Squid Game that came out on 12/26. The show set in South Korea and begins with the main character not getting on the airplane. They make it clear that he should've got on the plane lol.

Kevin Spacey was about Money/Water.

Squid Game about Money/Water.

Trump assassination attempts synced to 316 and the Stock Market Theme that related back to all of the 2017 stuff around the time of Kevin Spacey sex allegations.

Recall that Super Bowl 52 was synced to Stock Market.

Seems to all go back to the Money Theme.

I also wonder about Val Kilmer, because I mentioned him in my old Kevin Spacey stuff, and I just looked him up to find that today is his bday.

We also had the Beyonce Christmas show in Houston, and she sang the song "Blackbiird," which is a remake of Blackbird. Recall this song was important to the same theme from 2017 and how it was related to Charles Manson. I know it's connected further, because Mariah Carey had a video to open up the NFL Christmas Games, and she is linked to the Charles Manson/316 stuff....of course, Cowboys CARTER and then Jimmy Carter dies too.

Houston is where SB 51 was held, which was when I started pointing out the Manson theme in relation to the Falcons old logo being a Blackbird. 

Ravens(Blackbird) also played at the Beyonce Halftime show game.

Hopefully, I'll get time to look more and blog about this stuff, but just didn't want to forget, so lumping them in a post.

Beyonce Knowles=418(FB)

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Kevin Spacey Synchronicity-Money-Water-Drowning-Black Jack


A few hours ago this clip of the film "21" with Kevin Spacey came up on YouTube. I thought it was funny as the film is about Black Jack/Gambling...and last night I played Black Jack for hours online. I never play Black Jack either, I just randomly wanted to try something different, and I was winning, so I played it for a long time. 

Now I get a spammed comment on an old post I had about Kevin Spacey. 

Kevin Spacey=332(FB)

I just blogged how I keep seeing the number 332. 

Recall that Kevin Spacey was also important to why I started gambling so much in relation to Super Bowl 58. 

I got this message a few minutes after midnight on Christmas, but the Kevin Spacey theme started on Christmas Eve a few hours ago. This is funny because Kevin Spacey put out that "Let's be Frank" video on Christmas Eve, and Anthony Rapp was in the musical "Rent" that  begins on Christmas Eve...Rapp is who called out Kevin Spacey for Sexual assault...In all my old posts about this, I was talking about the Charles Manson Theme and also the theme with FRANCE where Roman Polanski fled to....so I assume this sync is related to that. 

I also have a post about the Drowning Theme with Spacey in relation to Mayim Bialik...Amy Fowler...Kevin Spacey Fowler...The Drowning/Water symbolism had to do with MONEY. 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Synchronicity with The Simpsons-Angel/Michael-Fani Willis and the relation to Fanny/Father Symbolism


A few days ago I came home and when I looked at the TV, everyone was watching the Simpsons. It was the "Bart to the Future" episode where Lisa is the president after Donald Trump. I thought it was funny as I've blogged and talked about this episode a million times. 

A few days later the thing about Angels came back up again. I can't remember exactly why, but I was telling Claire how the Halo's above Angels heads might be due to Saturn. Ang EL, El(Saturn)...Saturn has Rings. I was then talking about how Saturn is also Death(Grim Reaper). 

Anyway, when I woke up today, I went downstairs and an episode of the Simpson's was playing where Death is trying to kill Bart Simpson. I didn't think too much about it, but still found it funny, and thought that maybe I'm supposed to pay attention to The Simpsons for something. 

Then at like 5 today, I went downstairs to get my phone from my kids to call my mom. When I walked into the living room, the episode "The Bart of War" was playing on the TV. This stood out, because I've also blogged about this episode in relation to synchronicity I had involving the ANGEL Michael. 

In this episode, Marge tries to turn the channel to PaxTV, and it says something about the everyday life of Angels. 

So I'm sitting here trying to figure out any connections. Before I even looked at the Gematria, my son Alistair randomly asked me what the number 101 make. I told him One Hundred and One, then he said, "Ok" and ran away lol. 

I then type in...PaxTV and Michael to find they sums to 101. 

Even more odd is that PaxTV first aired on 8/31, which is Alistair's bday. 
I think I'm supposed to see something with the Native American Theme. 
"Bart of War" and "Bart to the Future" both involve Native Americans. 

Also, last night my band played a gig for the Eagles Club. At the end of the night I ended up talking to the Amber girl from the above post. I haven't seen her in a long time, and had no idea she even lived in the area anymore. But the point is that I blogged about her with a synchronicty involving Erin/Aaron Rodgers and the Native American Theme in 2022. 
In relation to Eagles..


Whenever I think of this girl, for some reason I always think of her sister who died in 2008. For some reason, my brain always wants me to think that it was her mom who died, but it's actually her sister. I think it was because there is a big age gap, so growing up, I thought it was her mom. Anyway, I'm bringing this up, because I typed about her sisters name(Desi) and it sums to 332(FB). This is a number I've been seeing a bunch of the last few days. 

I started seeing the number 332 all over after I read Zach's blog post about Fani Willis. Of course, he blamed it on the Jesuits by saying it was a span of 54 days after her bday. 
But it was also 53 days after her 53rd bday and bunch of other ways to connect it, without just plugging in "Jesuit Order" to make it fit. 

Anyway, when I saw this story, I figured this lady has to be connected to a guy I know with the nickname FANNY. Especially considering Fanny lives a BLOCK away from the Willis Family, and his last name is Block. 

They both have a connection in their names to 332, and the story on 12/19 was 332 days after Fanny's bday. 

Their bday's are also 2 months 26 days apart. 

Fani Willis=226(FB)
I also find it funny how I am linking these things together and I'm now seeing the story was 312 days before Fani Willis' bday. 

The number 312 was the big number I was talking about in 2017 in relation to PaxTV and the Angel Michael. Of course, back then I was blaming it on the Jesuits due to things such as Ignatius of Loyola becoming a saint on 3/12 and "Jorge Mario Bergoglio"=312. This was also due to my synchronicities with Priests and the FATHER symbolism. 
Fanny is actually important to the Father symbolism as well. When I was a kid, I rode on a party bus to an Iowa State Football game. My mom let me go, because I was with my cousin and bunch of adults. But on the bus ride, Fanny told me that my dad wasn't my real dad, and it was actually an old red headed guy named Darrell Geezer lol. He was just joking, because I had red hair, but I went home and asked my mom about it. So in an odd way, he is connected to the Father symbolism. I even blogged about this on 10/22/24. Ha, I just found how to spell his name too. I knew it wasn't Geezer, but that's how you pronounce it. His name sums to 212, another big number I've been blogging about. I wonder what his bday is? He also sums to 711(Reverse Primes)....recall the Reverse Primes cipher is important to my syncs with Aleister Crowley, and the number 711. 
Aleiser Crowley=711(Rev Primes)
Dan Behrendt=711(Rev Primes)
The last time I blogged about the number 711 just so happened to be on Fani Willis' bday too lol.

I also blogged how Aleister Crowley's wife died a span of 333 days after 3/16 in that post. But without the span, she died 332 days after 3/16. 

You could also say the story was a span of 313 days before Fani Willis bday. 
The 65th prime is 313. 
Her bday leaves 65 days in the year. 
The case was put on hold on 6/5. 

These connections always make me think of Philadelphia. 

The story on 6/5 was 4 months 22 days before Fani's bday. 
District Attorney=422(FB)

Thursday, December 19, 2024

New Jersey Drone Stories and My Experience on 9/10/2001


Sturgill messaged me a few days ago asking what I thought about all the drones in New Jersey. He pointed out how the footage looked very similar to when we saw a UFO in Beebeetown, Iowa on 9/10/2001. 
It's funny as I blogged about this experience again back in August in relation to Aleister Crowley and Choronzon/Abyss. 

Also, think how Sturgill is the person who got me the NEW Miami Dolphins Jersey....New Jersey...
I don't know the full connection to this yet, but this picture looks very similar to what I was talking about when I said there were lights all over the sky. This was after the floating metal H looking thing followed us for miles and then disappeared in a flash. 

Recall that my experience was the night before 9/11/2001, and then George Bush came to Offutt Air Force Base on 9/11. I lived very close to Offutt Air Force Base, and ever since Drones started becoming a Public thing, we have wondered if it was actually military drones that we saw. 

The article above says the first sighting was on 11/18, which was 68 days after 9/11. 

The number 68 is important to 9/11. 

11/18 is also interesting as it's typically the 322nd day of the year. 
The number 322 is important to George Bush and Skull and Bones. 

I don't really know what else to say about these sightings. I do find it interesting that we are coming up on a Chinese Snake Year, and recall that 9/11, Pearl Harbor, and the Stock Market Crash all happened during Snake Years. 

Tarot Card Synchronicity and the Bonus I got at Work on 12/16.


On 12/2/24, I blogged about a synchronicity I had involving a tarot card coffee mug. Previously all of my Tarot Card syncs lead to bad luck, especially involving Flooding. 

But when I looked up the card for this new synchronicity, it seemed to be a positive card in relation to luck. It was a parody of "The World" card.

The reason for this post is that when I read about the meaning of the World card, it talked about how I could possibly receive a Bonus at work.

Then on 12/16/24, the owner of the store I work gave me an envelope that she said I couldn't open until she left. It turned out to be a $3,000 check with a letter inside lol. Basically, she sold the store, and that was her last day owning the store, so she decided to give all the employees a bonus. I had no idea we were getting this as she surprised everyone.

Im blogging about this, because all of the Tarot card syncs I've had seem to Manifest in my life. And they seem to be more telling than any other esoteric thing I've tried to understand. 

The owner was also on Facebook for the town with a picture of her as an elf on top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa(Lisa). This stood out to me, because I made a similar meme of her on the Leaning Tower of Pisa years ago that I only shared on Snapchat. I just found it odd that years later, someone else did the exact same thing. So maybe it's something I'm supposed to pay attention to. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Clown(Korn Song) Synchronicity-Bridge/Finger-Slipknot/ICP


I feel like there is something important to the band Korn that I'm supposed to see. I woke up today and the first thing I had in my head was the song "Clown" by Korn. It's odd as I haven't really listened to Korn in years, nor do I remember seeing anything about them in a while. Nevertheless, that song was in my head instantly, I was even getting dressed saying, "Clown you ain't shit, turn around and get your face split" lol. 

I didn't think too much of it until I got to work. A few hours in, my bosses daughter came in and said the number "4" in a strange way. I can't remember what they were talking about, but she emphasized the word "Four" in a weird voice. 

If you've ever heard the song Clown, the intro starts off with them yelling "Four," and the song is track #4 on the album. 

So for whatever the reason I felt like something wants me to see this song or band....

Another reason why I think it's important is that my friend Pat, whose dad just died is going Blind, and his father who died was also blind. I've been thinking about his death a lot in the past days...but BLIND is also a Track #1 on Korn's Self Titled Album. So I just feel like I'm supposed to see something, and figured I'd blog about it. 

In my old posts with Korn, the two big themes I see are Bridge/Earthquake and Finger Symbolism. I just blogged that the Bridge symbolism may be important again a few days ago. 

Plus the single "Clown" release date anniversary is 6 months 24 days after today. 
624 was important to the Bridge/Father Symbolism. 

The only thing I can think of as to why I subliminally had the song "Clown" in my head, is that YouTube has recently been giving me a bunch of videos of old Slipknot concerts. Like someone recorded them playing live in 1999 and whatnot. So maybe it's something to do with Clown in Slipknot. 

Today is 85 days after his bday. 
Korn=85(Rev Composite)

Possibly it's connected to #4, Jim Root, in Slipknot too. 
I just remembered something in relation to Clowns recently. A few weeks ago, Sturgill snapchatted me the ICP video "Miracles." A few days later on Corey Taylor's bday, I saw a video of Slipknot and ICP on the Howard Stern show. It still doesn't exactly explain why 10 days later I would wake up with the song "Clown" in my head lol. 

Who knows, just seems I'm supposed to see something in relation to Clown...and Eminem's mother dying...ICP/Eminem/Detroit...Eminem was originally from St. Joe Missouri, where my cousin Jacob grew up. He lived with me for a summer when I was 17, and we listened to Eminem and ICP all the time. I forgot to blog about this...but his name also sums to 212(FB). 
Jacob's father born on 8/10, which is the day Slipknot played at the Iowa State Fair for the first time..His father is my Uncle Fred who is synced to the Finger Symbolism. 

Just gonna leave it at that, but having a stream of conscious with a strange synchronicity today. 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Lost(TV Series) Spoiler-The Drowning Symbolism/Synchronicity with Lost Continues-Father/Bridge/Money/Drowning


Come on now! I've recently blogged how I'm watching the TV Show "Lost" and how I had a synchronicity with Season 2 episode 12 that made me think about my old DROWNING Theme. 
I didn't blog about it right away, but the day I made the blog post about the synchronicity, I then turned on "Lost" to Season 2 episode 21, and it was about a girl who DROWNED and came back to life. 

I've pretty much been binge watching this show. I've watched episodes at work while doing dishes and whatnot lol. 

Anyway, I'm on Season 3 episode 8 now.

The reason for this blog post is that in this episode you find out that Desmond can see the future, and he tells Charlie that he DROWNED lol. Charlie is the character that Season 2 episode 12 was based around, so it's perfect for him to now be told that he is going to Drown. 
I ended up looking up the character on Wikipedia. Go figure that he actually does die from Drowning lol. As I often say, you just can't make this stuff up. 

Dominic Monaghan=192(FB)
Zamien James Behrendt=192
Dennis Michael Behrendt=192
This was a number I talked about in relation to the DROWNING Theme and the connection to my son and father years ago. 

That same symbolism was also important to the BRIDGE Collapse symbolism, and Dominic's bday makes me think of that. 
Bridge Collapse=128

The Drowning/Water stuff was also important to MONEY, and 12/8 was the day my Bank Account got garnished in 2022. 

Trump also became Time magazine's Person of the Year again. 
Recall that in 2018 when I was following the DROWNING Theme, Time Magazine had a cover with Donald Trump DROWNING in the Oval Office. 

Think how Kamala and Trump are connected to the Big Stock Market Theme, and next year is the Chinese Snake Year. 
The actor who told Charlie he would Drown on the recent episode was born on 4/17. 
This only stands out to me, as this was the day my uncle Clancy died in 2018. All synced to the Eagles winning Super Bowl 52 in Minnesota. It was also related to 624 and the Father symbolism. It was also important to the Money/Stock Market Theme.

Considering all of the Super Bowl 52 connections this year, I've been paying attention to the Eagles and Vikings in relation to the Super Bowl. My co-worker, Heather, has been happy lol, because I've told her all year that I think the Super Bowl will be linked to Super Bowl 52 that was held in Minnesota. She's a big Vikings fan. 

Random thought, I think it's because it's so close to the anniversary of the Train wrecking on the Bridge in Dupont, Washington, and a kid I work with sending me a post about Kobe Bryant, but maybe we will see a story in relation to Bridges soon? I just remember Kobe's jersey retirement in 2017 was right around the time of the Train/Dupont story....and the Psychic stuff is important to Train wrecks...something just feels important to the Bridge Theme...Pontiff/Pope/Father...

Pope Francis=242(FB)
Pat's dad just died 242 days after my dad's bday, and his name summed to 242. 

Pope Francis will turn 88 tomorrow. 
Think how SB 52 was all about 88/Trump and the Stock Market. 
I think it's somehow related to Pope Francis even more so, as I just looked him up and a story about him writing an Autobiography called "HOPE" came up. 
If you watch the episode of "Lost" after the one about Charlie getting told he would Drown, it has a lot to do with Hurley and HOPE. So seeing this story of Pope Francis and HOPE has me thinking my thought is on the correct path. 

In 2014 I talked a lot about the number 88 with Obama too...and he ran his election on HOPE. 

184 a big number with the Pyschic/Father symbolism.