Monday, May 6, 2024

Synchronicity With MINDEN and the Tornado Symbolism-Dream/Iowa/Slipknot/China/France-Dream Showing Me the Numbers 5 and 15


Apparently, we are supposed to get bad thunderstorms again tonight. I just got a message that they canceled the High School Track Meet and other activities due to weather. It's crazy, because we get this weather every year, but now since tornados recently hit close to home, whenever it's supposed to storm everything gets canceled lol. It was never like this when I grew up, not that I really care, but it's crazy when schools are letting kids out early, because it might thunderstorm. 

Anyway, I'm sitting here at work, and just looked at my notifications...

Notice I got one about the Minnesota Timberwolves vs the Denver Nuggets game tonight....

Notice how the notification abbreviated it to MIN-DEN.

Recall that Minden, Iowa got hit with a tornado, which is synced to the Thunderstorm maybe it's a sign it might be bad again tonight? It would be crazy if it is bad again though.

In relation to how Minden is synced to my Train/Dream Theme, notice that today is 6 months 4 days before my bday.
6 and 4 are numbers Gabriel showed me in a Dream.

Dan Behrendt=188(FB)
I see that "Minden"=158(Eng Ext)
This stands out to me, because 158 was a big number Derek has recently talked about in connection to me.
The English Extended Cipher is usually important when I have synchronicities. The term Synchronicity is also important to why Derek is mentioning the 158.

Considering the notification is all Caps, I assume it's important to look at the capital letter/Francis Bacon cipher.

MINDEN, IOWA=423(FB) and 204(FB)
I've been seeing 204 all over the past few days...Jasmines name sums to 204, and had the crazy stuff with her 204 days apart from her bday.

My co-worker Karl whom I blogged about yesterday has Gematria of 204(Jewish/Latin)

Bernard Hill=204(FB)
I mentioned my friend Pat in that post, and he is born on the 204th day of the year.

June 10th, or 10/6 leaves 204 days in the year.
10/6 important to the Themes I've been blogging about.

In relation to the T-Wolves game today. They are synced to Teen Wolf that is all about 56. Today is 5/6.

This is even crazier. I haven't blogged about it, but Saturday into Sunday(5/4 to 5/5), I had a dream where I kept getting shown the number 15, and it was telling me how 15 is related to the number 5. I remember waking up trying to figure out why 15 is related to 5...all I could think was that 515 is the Des Moines Area Code. 

But I now finally click on that notification with MIN-DEN, and it brings up a picture with #5 Anthony Edward's next to #15 Nikola Jokic.

The T-Wolves also won game 1 with 106 points.
Remember how my book had a lot to do with Triangular and Fibonacci numbers..

The 5th Triangular is 15.
The 5th Fibonacci is 5.

The 15th Fibonacci is 610, which reminds me of how 106 and 610 are linked to the Volcano narrative. This narrative is connected to the toy horse on Blade Runner.

Slipknot has the song "515" on their "Iowa" album.

Iowa=86(FB) and 188(Satanic)

Satanic important to Triangular numbers.

Everything on my book cover about 86..and Triangle is the only shape I used.
Sirius is 8.6 Billion Light years away.
So on...

Slipknot also has a song called, The Heretic Anthem" on the "Iowa" album. Notice the single released on 5/15..2001.

The big lyric in the song is, "If you're 555, I'm 666."

Slipknot was synced to France..
200 a big France number.
Eiffel Tower built for Worlds Fair on 5/6.
I have a gut feeling I'm supposed to see something with France to this. Considering, Slipknot and France were synced to 2019 Tisha B'Av, it may also be synced to China. Recall that the biggest news story on 2019 Tisha B'Av was the riots in Hong Kong. 
I also think this, because the day after the Minden tornado, we had a story about China getting hit with a tornado.

Another odd thing is that everytime I go to the local news website to look at the weather radar, the map always starts zoomed in on Liuyuan, China.
I've been trying to figure out why forever, but it always diverts back to this location. 


If you write it this way..

Liu Yuan=204(FB)

And remember that Kim Reynolds became the Iowa governor when Terry Branstad left to be ambassador to China. This was the same day that Donald Trump met Pope Francis after touching the Western Wall. 5/24/2017.

Paul Gray of Slipknot died on 5/24.
Just had the Moulin Rouge connected to 5/24 and Patti LaBelle. She is also Will Ferrell's mother in Semi-Pro...that I just blogged about.

10/6 linked to Volcano and 35 with my book.


  1. You were 15151 days old when Mystik Dan won

  2. Was just telling Derek today is the 2 year anniversary of my heart chakra opening and I also had an even 200 scans on my scanner at work today. 5/15 is Mercuralia and the date Kobe was inducted into the hall of fame. On that day there was a Moon, Mars Sirius Conjunction.

  3. Not sure why blogger doubled my last comment. Anyways just went to the weather channel and headline mentions tornado confirmed in Tennessee. It's actually a town just 20 minutes North of here. Smithville

  4. I was being random with Derek yesterday and said "The Cream Rises". Then I told the kids to throw on the Simpsons and I hear someone say "The cream rises to the top" lol what does that mean?!

    Maybe I'm suppose to look closer at Happy Gilmore. 1919 days from Dead Putter's Society to Release of Happy Gilmore. That was the 19th episode of the series. Yesterday was also exactly 36 lunar years from the premier of Dead Poet's Society.

  5. Another tornado touched down in Minden last night.

    1. So had that sync with dead Putter's Society episode of the Simpsons. Premiered on Macho Man's 38th birthday. That same day I had the sync my 3 year old tried to get a slim Jim. Macho Man also turned exactly 38 Martian years old that day. If you Google "the cream rises to the top" Macho Man is the top result

