Thursday, September 16, 2021

TV show California Dreams in relation to Dream Theme- Mushrooms


I've been thinking a lot about Saved By The Bell the last few days for no apparent reason, and the theme song has been in my head lol...I realized I have no idea what the real words to the song were either after I looked them up today...I also got a notification on my phone about Tori from Saved By The Bell so I feel like there is something important...
I then remembered this other show called California Dreams that was similar to Saved By The Bell, except they have a band...I remember really liking this show mostly because I've always been a musical person. Although, I don't remember much from this show except how the manager was named Sly...
I'm just blogging about this because I think it may be important to the Dream theme...
Funnier yet is that as I started making this post a lady came into the store wearing a shirt that said something like...Dreams of a Dreamer..

Today is also our truck day at work and since we've been getting shorted on certain foods my boss decided to order MUSHROOMS...we have never sold them here in the 5 years I've been here lol but now we's funny cause I've recently mentioned syncs with Magic Mushrooms..

I'm also looking at my old posts about Gabriel and I had one where I mentioned getting drunk and having a dream that I drank 12 glasses of water because someone was telling too..I then woke up feeling great..that post also involved the film The Ring at the number 318...just thinking about Norm Macdonald and how there is a big thing with 318..God and Gabriel.


  1. I remember Saved by the Bell used the dream sequence a ton. I found this article that theorizes the entire show takes place within a dream

  2. 9 12, 1992.....

    9 12

    12 99




    Saved by the Lord..
