Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Tiger King's Erik Cowie dead age 53 in relation to Doogie Howser-Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay-The Matrix Resurrections-Slipknot-Tampa Bay


Yahoo gives me a headline about Tiger King and a reboot of Doogie Howser...The Doogie Howser story is interesting considering he is important to the Slipknot narrative and Guantanamo Bay....as he gets killed in Harold and Kumar and then they find the Slipknot mask in his car. This stands out even more considering CNN's headlines today involve Guantanamo Bay too. I also got a notification today about a new Matrix film coming out. Apparently they released a teaser for the upcoming trailer(Thursday) for the newest movie..I had no idea that a new The Matrix is supposed to release in December 2021....It's funny cause I just mentioned the Matrix in a post about "Anderson."  Of course, Doogie Howser(Neil Patrick Harris) is going to be in the new Matrix film too haha. 

I feel like I'm having a Mandela Effect with this too....my brain wants Doogie to be spelled "Dougie" but who knows...

Doogie Howser=195(FB) and 55

Tiger King=195(FB) and 55 and 53

Joe Exotic born on 5/3 or 3/5....the list goes on. 

Erik Cowie=53 and dead age 53. 

Notice today is also a span of 195 days before the anniversary of Tiger King releasing..

Today is also the day that Joe Exotic was originally arrested 3 years ago, so a perfect day. 

Remember that Harold and Kumar also ride a Cheetah in the first film. 

Today is also 186 days before Joe Exotic's 59th bday....which makes me think of the 186th day of the Tiger year being 8/6/22...

Tiger=59 and 31

Today is 3 months 1 day after Carole Baskin's bday. 

8/6/22 will be exactly 22 weeks after Joe Exotic's bday too. 

They also say he died on 9/3 in New York but they are just reporting it today....interesting cause New York is all about 93 and 39...plus today is 93 days after Carole Baskin's bday..

Today is also 9 months 8 days before Neil Patrick Harris' bday. 

Erik Cowie=98

There is something with my friend Fonso too as he is part Cuban and his dad swam to the US Base from Cuba...which is why they now live in the United States....But Fonso was synced to Keanu Reeves and the Matrix in previous posts that I have, and he used to love Harold and Kumar. I honestly think of him whenever I think of the film. He was also with me when we met Echo Valley at the Strip Club..she is the whorehouse lady who kills Neil Patrick Harris in Harold and Kumar. 

Fonso goes on tour with Smile Empty Soul....

Smile Empty Soul=1109(Jewish)

The 186th prime is 1109....1109 on the Afghanistan plane so on..


Fonso's dads name also sums to 186(FB)

Fonso also knows Sid from Slipknot and has even been to his house and has pictures holding his Grammy. 

Sid Wilson=56 and born on 20/1..

DJ Starscream=193...

He's currently 44 years old....44th prime is 193. 

Also, I know even more it's connected to Fonso because I recently saw an old friend at the bar in town. He lives in Tampa but was in town for his little brothers wedding. It reminds me that Fonso moved to Tampa and lived with him at one point in time...and think about how Tampa is important to Tiger King....Another interesting thing is that the friend he moved in with has a wife that is a cousin to Jon Bon Jovi. 

Bon Jovi is currently 59 years old...syncing to the "Tiger" narrative.. I remember them talking about Bon Jovi's mother being in the hospital recently too....

My friend that Fonso moved in with has name gematria of 170 and 53 too haha...

Tampa Bay Buccaneers=170

Tom Brady=170(FB)

Interesting the Thursday Night football game involves Tampa Bay....and the Rays are playing the Red Sox right now...The Red Sox won the WS in 2018 in connection to "86" and connected to Field of Dreams...Joe Exotic arrested just before they won the World Series too. 

So I was about 2 seconds away from posting this blog post and all the sudden I hear the word "Tiger" over and over..Zamien is sitting next to me watching YouTube on my phone and the show he was watching all the sudden starts talking about a "Tiger." Always hilarious..


  1. Breaking News right now for Britney Spears. Her father has petitioned to end the conservatorship. It's 86 days before her bday. Today is 9/7 the 25th prime. The 25th fibonacci is 75025. If you go forward 75025 days from America's founding date you get to the day she was born.

  2. We watched the original live action TMNT last night and the kid "Danny" in the film wears a shirt that says SID on the back. Isn't the kid in toy story named Sid? I also think I had a manager when I worked at Cracker Barrel in college named Sid. He was actually the son of the preacher where I grew up going to church. But yea the kid in TMNT... we were just wondering what that Sid shirt was about. I'm asuming a band. My wife like I used to do assumed it was his name.

  3. It was a shirt for musician Sid Vicious. I see a cousin theme here cause if you search "sid tmnt" it says there's an episode about Casey Jones' cousin Sid Jones. Also I visited my cousins house which is above Nashville way back when I was in like middle school. She had a friend called Sid. I remember calling her Sid Vicious but I had no idea who he was I had just heard it before.

  4. Sid Wilson born the day Jimmy Carter was inaugurated. Zach's been talking about how Jimmy and Joe Biden are being compared to each other.

  5. Georgia = 44
    John F Kennedy = 193 won the 44th election. Bay of Pigs. I dated a cuban for 4 years.
    Mandalay Bay shooting on Jimmy's 93rd bday
    Britney = 93
    Saturn = 93

  6. Just doing a quick read on Carter. He's notable for granting amnesty to anyone who dodged the draft and even bigger was his focus on energy. He was real progressive. Even had a solar panel installed at the white house. Interesting considering the major power outage theme this year. I had no idea he was so focused on energy. Seems he gets remembered most for the hostage crisis.

  7. The Wiggles are from SYDney Australia. https://youtu.be/4PPcnmO76rg


    TV Series

    Character Names:





    INDIAN Girl that falls in Love with a Mixed Japanese (asian) boy.

    By MINDY Kealing, who is an INDIAN Actor.

  9. Show released:



    4 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 17

    17 is the Security Clearance Level of POTUS

    17 is Q "clearance"
