Monday, August 16, 2021

Sync at work with the number 86

 So I'm at work and I realized that today is 86 days before my bday...I then started thinking about the 8/6 stuff and the Jake guy that I've blogged about previously came around the corner...He asked for a to-go box as he usually does and then came back to put some of the seasoning salt on his French he came back I looked up by the season ING salt to see the number 86 on the box above it's a box of green scratch pads....


Maybe I have blogged this too, but I just realized 10/6 leaves 86 days in the year...recall I have been following this date with the Phil/Volcano/Nascar stuff...

Honestly, I don't know how it fits in but just after this I felt something poking my head...I then took let my hair down and felt something in my hair...I assumed it was a twig from mowing yesterday..but it turned out to be a how the hell did a staple get in my hair?


  1. I know you've been on to a JJ code for years especially with James Jumper. Right now Rambo is looking into quite a bit of JJ stuff. The Julian founding date of the Jesuit Order currently falls on 10/10 (9/27) and the other date falls on 8/28 (8/15)

  2. 10/10/73
    Spirew Agnew resigned
    1st time 25th Ammendment was used in line of succession
