Monday, August 23, 2021

More on Corey Taylor-The Kanye West/Freddie Theme-A Dream Theme


Thinking about this more....Corey Taylor's album came out the same day that Trump got vaccinated...we just had the story of people Booing Trump in Alabama for saying he recommends the vaccine....

Notice this was a span of 68 days before Corey Taylor's bday..

Covid Nineteen=68

Donald John Trump=68

I never really thought about it...but Corey was 6th to join the band but yet is known as #8....68...86

He also thinks the best frontman is Freddie Mercury? lol...puts it into perspective why I have noticed this theme for years...synced to Kanye West who was born on 6/8. 

Bohemian Rhapsody=516(FB) and 1208(Eng Ext)

Recall how 516 was important to the Duck theme synced to Freddie Mercury/Queen. 

1208 reminds me of Corey's bday. 

Freddie Mercury=911(Jewish)

Tisha B'Av=911(Jewish)

I also have this video from 2018 where I talked all about the number 86 and the connections to Tisha B'Av with this narrative. Recall that Rocky Colavito turned 86 years old the same day Slipknot played at the Iowa State Fair on Tisha B'Av in 2019. This was synced to the Finger symbolism with Trevor Bauer and my uncle Freddy. My uncle Freddy's bday is the same day Slipknot played at the Iowa State Fair. 

Think about Rocky too....Year of the Tiger/Sylvester Stallone/Eye of the Tiger....Rocky Colavito traded to the Detroit Tigers...

Rocky Colavito=169

Field of Dreams=169(FB)...Iowa...Slipknot..Iowa

Kevin Costner=169

Chicago White Sox=169

Detroit Tigers=169

Field of Dreams is synced to the 86th World Series. 


Freddie Mercury died 169 days or 5 months 16 days after Kanye West's bday. 

Field of Dreams also synced to Queen Elizabeth II....Queen/Freddie Mercury.....Freddy Krueger is played by Robert ENGLUND. 

Freddie Mercury died a span of 218 days after Elizabeth II's bday.  8/6 the 218th day...synced to 9/11. 

Freddie Mercury also died on the 328th day of the year...recall this number is important to Slipknot. 

Nine Eleven=328(FB)

This story about Stevie Nicks was also a headline story for me on Yahoo a few days ago. I took a screenshot but didn't blog about it....recall that Fleetwood Mac is synced to this same theme..with King Arthur/Glastonbury....Stevie Nicks is also the name of the Goat on the South Park episode "Osama bin Laden has farty pants." The episode is about the Afghanistan kids sending the South Park kids a goat...South Park is also important due to the Ginger Cow episode...

Stephanie Lynn Nicks=218

The Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants episode came out on 11/7 in 2001...this just has me thinking...cause the other day my daughter showed me how the 7 Eleven logo uses all capitalized letters except for the "n"...It was very random but I figured it was important because 117 is a number important to daughter was born 117 days before her mom, whose name sums to 117...this is why our son Zamien was born on 1/17 too. 

Seven ELEVEn=169 and 128

7 ELEVEn=128(FB)

Claire Cowgill=129

South Park=129

I'm sure there's more that I don't see right now too...

ELEVE=22 and 86


Season 8 episode 6 of South Park called "The Jeffersons" came out on Queen Elizabet II's bday in 2004 and it was the 117th episode.....The 86th episode is called "Simpsons Already Did It." 

I'll have to check out some of these episodes again..and also the Simpsons 86th episode and such..

Think about the Fleetwood Mac song "Dreams" too in relation to Freddy Krueger...

Field of DREAMS....I just blogged about the Everly Brothers who I remember most by the song...."All I Have to Do is DREAM." 

Field of on...James Earl Jones born on 1/17. 

I barely ever dream lol, but if I do I feel like it may help me understand this narrative. 

Dreams=86(FB) and 128(FB)

I also almost re-watched the film "What Dreams May Come" earlier because it came up on Netflix. I remember I talked about this film years ago with Robin Williams dying age 63 and this film has a line about dying age 63....."Field of Dreams"=63 too...who knows...

I also know this is important because the Elon Musk story about the Tesla Bot said something like.."Does Elon Musk Dream of Electric Sheep"...which is a play on the book by Philip K. Dick....which is the inspiration for the film "Blade Runner."...Recall that "Blade Runner" is synced to the Charles Manson/Rose/Slipknot theme...and "Blade Runner 2049" came out on the day leaving 86 days in the year.(10/6). 

I should also note that Corey Taylor wore a Star Wars shirt when he called out Kanye in 2015...Think about James Earl Jones and Harrison Ford...Field of Dreams...Blade Runner...


  1. I actually set all my videos to private and changed my name on youtube because of a dream I had about gematria.

    We just entered Virgo yesterday the 22nd. Mercury rules Virgo. Virgo = 846 Jewish. 1st planet hit @8:46am. Dave Chapelle born at 8:46. 8:46 connected to George Floyd too.

  2. But that dream was so intense as soon as I woke up I set all my videos to private. Trying to pinpoint the date.

  3. Virgo in Greek is Parthenos and it makes me think of the Parthenon in Nashville. Joey Jordison died on Sandra Bullock's 57th bday. Funny her height is listed as 5'7" too and they even emphasize that in that movie "Net". Sandra = 57 ordinal. Sandra Bullock = 825 fibonacci. Says she was born in "Arlington Virginia" = 260 reverse. The cross sections of Mercury's magic square sum to 260. You emphasized all the 260s with "Nashville Tennessee" = 260 and bombing being 260 days till 9/11. Venus magic square is formed by the number 7. Nashville bombing on 77 date numerology on a Friday Venus day and Venus magic square sums to 1225 like the date of the bombing. Sandra = 267 satanic (26/7).

  4. Virgo = 515 greek isopsephy
    Mercuralia is celebrated 5/15

  5. Lol searching 515 on your blog I see that 515 is the Des Moines area code.
    Des Moines = 103
    Mercury = 103, 86
    Hermes = 218

  6. Dang also see that Des Moines is at 41°N and 9/11 was on 41 date numerology. Mercury = 41 reverse reduced. I mentioned Arlington VA because of the gematria but in lite of Virgo makes it all the more relevant

  7. Amazon's 2nd headquarters in Arlington as well as the Pentagon. Pentagram associated with Venus.

  8. Ok so that dream I had was on the 14th of August.

  9. Depending on your time of birth August 13th or 14th would've been your 63rd Venus birthday.

  10. Des Moines Iowa = 229 FB just like SEVEn
    Des. Incorporated on 22/9. Partially in Warren County which is the county I live in.

  11. Last one I promise. My daughter's been up on and off with a fever. Just going to say that "Nightmare" = 148 reverse like the date 14/8.

  12. FYI just heard this today…..

    ‘Field of Dreams’ Baseball game takes place in Iowa 8/12/2021
    The Fall of Kabul capital of Afghanistan
    US Embassy evacuated and closed
    Assassination of Haitian President
    SpaceX and space launches by Bezo’s and Bratton
    Earthquake in Haiti

    ‘Field of Dreams’ movie released 5/5/1989
    The Fall of Kabul capital of Afghanistan, as Soviet Union leave after its 9-year war.
    US Embassy evacuated and closed.
    Assassination attempt of Haitian President and failed coup.
    Space Shuttle Columbia takes off in a secret 5 day mission STS-28
    USS Iowa explosion kills 47 sailors
    Earthquake series in Oakland.

    Connections made by Michael Wann of

  13. So those Tennessee floods took place in Waverly. Witches of Waverly place.... there's been an ongoing witch theme all year. CNN ran this story on the 19th about the uptick of people consulting astrologers and studying witchcraft as a result of the pandemic. The psychic I spoke to actually pointed this out during our session. I had no idea it was a thing.

    There's other witch themed stuff that I'm just forgetting right now. I mean Binx in the Surfside rubble was a big one.

  14. Damnit Dan!! It's Wizards of Waverly Place. Same difference.

  15. Dude!! Dude!!
    "Corey Taylor" = 1189 Jewish
    "Donald J Trump" = 1189 Jewish
