Friday, March 26, 2021

Jupiter symbol on new bag of pretzels at work+synchronicity while writing this post


We got these new pretzels at work a few days back...on 3/24 my boss was telling me about them as I hadn't even seen them..she said she thought the zesty Buffalo sound kindve good....As I was looking at the rack I thought it was funny how they stacked them above the 3D chips, so it looks like 543...

As I got closer to the chips I realized it's not a number's actually the symbol for Jupiter's supposedly a 4 because it says recipe number 4 on the bag, but it's totally close to the Jupiter symbol as well.

I have no idea what this means, but I know Rambo has mentioned Jupiter a lot in recent weeks on the Gematria Effect so I felt I should document it.

Zesty Buffalo=218(FB)

Haha, I am writing this post while we are out to eat..we are waiting for our food and someone just walked by and tapped my shoulder...of course it was my boss..I had no idea she was even here as I've been looking at my phone typing this up..


Kayla Bissen=179

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